Journal Articles
Autistic Spectrum Disorder - from puzzling to manageable
Dr Felician Stancioiu
Fundatia Bio-Forum
Much information was accumulated in the past decades about the autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and yet this has not given us a good understanding of this multi-faceted pathology, which can be compared to "mother nature" mixing together the overlapping pieces from a few different puzzles and expecting us to solve the one which correctly applies to each patient. Pharmacological interventions (oxytocin, antipsychotics and stimulants) and intensive psychotherapy have yielded good results, and recently cellular therapies with mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells yielded excellent progress in some children. However, we are faced with a seemingly increasing incidence (about 1 in 50-100 births which may be increased by the pandemic), and we are proposing a collaborative approach for trying to identify the pieces of the puzzles and help put it back together in working order.
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