Journal Articles

Immunohistological Investigation of Tumor-Infiltrating Immune Cells in the Cancer Microenvironment.

Lead Editor:
    Dr Takehiko Yokobori Gunma University Japan

Cancer researchers worldwide are working on methods to efficiently assess immune cell infiltration in tumor tissue immunohistochemically. Although the clinical significance of the expression of immune-related molecules has been studied in detail by database analysis (NGS and microarray), immunohistological staining or spatial transcriptomic analysis is necessary to evaluate the extent of immune cell infiltration in tumors. In this session, we will focus on reports of immunohistological studies of immune cell infiltration in various resected cancer specimens. These reports will reveal new insights into crucial immune cell regulators and assessment methods universally observed across organs and carcinoma-specific immune cell characteristics.

Submission deadline:


Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN: 1792-1082

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