Journal Articles

COVID-19 infection and cancer - multiple impact areas

Lead Editor:
    Dr Constantin Caruntu "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Romania

The COVID-19 pandemic is considered a global health threat of unprecedented magnitude in our times. Through infectious mechanisms, massive inflammation, impaired coagulation pathways, destructive processes with abnormal regeneration that take place at systemic level, it induces an increased risk in patients with chronic diseases. Cancer patients in particular have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19 infection. On the one hand, the underlying malignancy causes a weakening of these patients, and the associated treatment can have a major impact on the functioning of the immune response. On the other hand, the important inflammatory phenomena, the impaired defense system and other cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with the infection could contribute to the increased risk of cancer development and progression. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic affects the health care systems, generating a major overload. This delays the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer patients. It also affects the proper development of cancer screening and prevention programs. Understanding the impact on health systems allows them to adapt quickly to the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, by reorganizing and modifying work strategies, redesigning diagnosis, therapeutic and follow-up protocols, implementing modern techniques such as telemedicine, digital health and artificial intelligence technology. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic could alter the paradigms of cancer research and could have a long-term impact in cancer care. This Special Issue aims to bring together articles on these various possible areas of impact between COVID-19 infection and cancer.

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Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN: 1792-1082

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