Journal Articles

The World Academy of Sciences Journal is affiliated with the World Academy of Sciences and with the Institute of Paediatric Virology.

Natural childbirths: how to promote normality at birth with minimal interventions and unmedicated labour

Lead Editor:
    Professor DIMITRIOS PAPOUTSIS University of Western Macedonia, Greece Greece

This Special Issue encourages researchers to present the most recent studies regarding their findings in the field of natural births, with a focus on how to promote normality at birth with the least interventions and unmedicated labour. In view of the heavy medicalisation of births in both developed and developing countries with high caesarean section rates worldwide, there is recently a demand to revisit our intrapartum practices and re-introduce normality during labour and birth with minimal interventions and non-pharmacological methods of pain relief. Methods that have been investigated so far in the literature involve the change in the model of maternity care provision with the introduction of birth centres, the use of birthing balls, water immersion during labour and birth (waterbirths), ambulation and upright positions in labour, massage, hypnosis etc. The manuscripts may include original research articles and reviews in order to advance the development of novel methods with the objective of promoting normality at childbirth.

Submission deadline:


Print ISSN: 2632-2900
Online ISSN: 2632-2919

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