Beneficial effects of protease preparations derived from Aspergillus on the colonic luminal environment in rats consuming a high-fat diet

  • Authors:
    • Yongshou Yang
    • Novita Vivi Sitanggang
    • Norihisa Kato
    • Junji Inoue
    • Takayuki Murakami
    • Toshiro Watanabe
    • Takafumi Iguchi
    • Yukako Okazaki
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: July 15, 2015
  • Pages: 715-720
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The present study investigated the effects of the dietary addition of the protease preparations derived from Aspergillus on the colonic luminal environment. Rats were fed a 30% beef tallow diet with or without the protease preparations, including Amano protease (protease A ‘Amano SD’, neutral proteases from Aspergillus spp.) or orientase (orientase AY, acid proteases from Aspergillus niger) at the dose of 0.2% for 3 weeks. Cecal Bifidobacterium was significantly elevated in the dietary Amano protease group (194‑fold, P<0.05), but not in the orientase group. Lactobacillus was elevated in the two groups (P<0.05). Cecal n‑butyrate, propionate and lactate were higher in the Amano protease and orientase groups compared with the controls (P<0.05). Fecal immunoglobulin A and mucins were elevated in the Amano protease group (P<0.05). These results suggest the potential effect of the consumption of Aspergillus‑derived protease preparations that are favorable for the colonic luminal environment in rats fed a high-fat diet.
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Volume 3 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 2049-9434
Online ISSN:2049-9442

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Spandidos Publications style
Yang Y, Sitanggang NV, Kato N, Inoue J, Murakami T, Watanabe T, Iguchi T and Okazaki Y: Beneficial effects of protease preparations derived from Aspergillus on the colonic luminal environment in rats consuming a high-fat diet. Biomed Rep 3: 715-720, 2015.
Yang, Y., Sitanggang, N.V., Kato, N., Inoue, J., Murakami, T., Watanabe, T. ... Okazaki, Y. (2015). Beneficial effects of protease preparations derived from Aspergillus on the colonic luminal environment in rats consuming a high-fat diet. Biomedical Reports, 3, 715-720.
Yang, Y., Sitanggang, N. V., Kato, N., Inoue, J., Murakami, T., Watanabe, T., Iguchi, T., Okazaki, Y."Beneficial effects of protease preparations derived from Aspergillus on the colonic luminal environment in rats consuming a high-fat diet". Biomedical Reports 3.5 (2015): 715-720.
Yang, Y., Sitanggang, N. V., Kato, N., Inoue, J., Murakami, T., Watanabe, T., Iguchi, T., Okazaki, Y."Beneficial effects of protease preparations derived from Aspergillus on the colonic luminal environment in rats consuming a high-fat diet". Biomedical Reports 3, no. 5 (2015): 715-720.