Open Access

Efficacy of vonoprazan for 24-week maintenance therapy of patients with healed reflux esophagitis refractory to proton pump inhibitors

  • Authors:
    • Hideki Mizuno
    • Kazutoshi Yamada
    • Keiji Minouchi
    • Shinji Kamiyamamoto
    • Yoshinobu Hinoue
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 28, 2017
  • Pages: 148-155
  • Copyright : © Mizuno et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License [CC BY 4.0].

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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a potassium‑competitive acid blocker (P‑CAB), vonoprazan, for the maintenance therapy of healed reflux esophagitis (RE). A total of 60 patients were enrolled in this open‑label, single‑center, prospective study. All patients were diagnosed with RE with a frequency scale for the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (FSSG) total score ≥8 following treatment with standard proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for a minimum of 8 weeks. Standard PPI treatment was switched to vonoprazan 20 mg once daily for 4 weeks. A total of 52 patients, who had no endoscopic evidence of erosive esophagitis following vonoprazan treatment, received maintenance therapy with vonoprazan 10 mg once daily for 24 weeks. Symptoms were evaluated using the FSSG and Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS). Upper gastrointestinal endoscopies were performed following 24 weeks of maintenance therapy. The primary endpoint was to determine the proportion of patients who exhibited maintenance of healed RE refractory to PPIs following 24 weeks of maintenance therapy with vonoprazan 10 mg once daily. Secondary endpoints included evaluation of the proportion of patients with symptomatic non‑relapse at 24 weeks. Maintenance therapy with vonoprazan 10 mg once daily prevented relapse of esophageal mucosal breaks in 37/43 (86.0%) patients at 24 weeks. However, the number of patients with symptomatic relapse was 1 (1.9%) and 4 (7.7%) at 4 and 8 weeks, respectively. A total of 4 patients were withdrawn due to loss to follow‑up. At the end of the 24‑week maintenance period, the symptomatic non‑relapse rate for acid reflux‑associated and dysmotility symptom FSSG scores were 86.5 and 80.8%, respectively. Furthermore, the symptomatic non‑relapse rate for reflux, abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation GSRS scores at 24 weeks were 86.5, 80.8, 75.0, 71.2 and 76.9%, respectively. No serious adverse events were reported during the study. The mean gastrin level was 1,059 pg/ml. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that vonoprazan 10 mg once daily is effective for 24‑week maintenance therapy of healed RE refractory to PPIs.
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Volume 8 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 2049-9434
Online ISSN:2049-9442

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Spandidos Publications style
Mizuno H, Yamada K, Minouchi K, Kamiyamamoto S and Hinoue Y: Efficacy of vonoprazan for 24-week maintenance therapy of patients with healed reflux esophagitis refractory to proton pump inhibitors. Biomed Rep 8: 148-155, 2018.
Mizuno, H., Yamada, K., Minouchi, K., Kamiyamamoto, S., & Hinoue, Y. (2018). Efficacy of vonoprazan for 24-week maintenance therapy of patients with healed reflux esophagitis refractory to proton pump inhibitors. Biomedical Reports, 8, 148-155.
Mizuno, H., Yamada, K., Minouchi, K., Kamiyamamoto, S., Hinoue, Y."Efficacy of vonoprazan for 24-week maintenance therapy of patients with healed reflux esophagitis refractory to proton pump inhibitors". Biomedical Reports 8.2 (2018): 148-155.
Mizuno, H., Yamada, K., Minouchi, K., Kamiyamamoto, S., Hinoue, Y."Efficacy of vonoprazan for 24-week maintenance therapy of patients with healed reflux esophagitis refractory to proton pump inhibitors". Biomedical Reports 8, no. 2 (2018): 148-155.