Follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP)

  • Authors:
    • Michel Geffard
    • Arturo Mangas
    • Rafael Coveñas
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: February 9, 2017
  • Pages: 307-313
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Endotherapia (GEMSP) is a novel therapeutic approach for multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the efficiency of Endotherapia in the follow‑up of 193 patients with MS. The efficiency coefficient that was evaluated was the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score, which is a functional scale of MS progression. The evaluated score of each patient during follow‑up visits was compared with the theoretical score of the disease progression without GEMSP. The evolution of the EDSS score was evaluated according to the inclusion score. The quantitative global study of the EDSS score highlighted a statistically significant difference between the final average scores of the treatment with GEMSP (M) and worldwide reference (R) groups. The improvement of the M group compared with the R group was 24.5%. According to the final EDSS scores, the study highlighted a difference in favor of the M group with 62.0% for scores ≤3, 7.8% for scores between 3 and 6 and 19.6% for scores ≥6. According to the qualitative evolution of the EDSS scores, the improvements in favor of group M were 49.3% for scores ≤3, 79.1% for scores between 3 and 6 and 19.5% for scores ≥6. The qualitative study of the EDSS score showed a statistically significant success percentage; the success percentages were between 59.1 and 90.0%. In a larger population of MS patients, the data confirm the beneficial effects of GEMSP that were previously reported in pre‑clinical and clinical studies. In addition, 78% of patients showed an improvement or deceleration of the disease.
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Volume 6 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 2049-9434
Online ISSN:2049-9442

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Geffard M, Mangas A and Coveñas R: Follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP). Biomed Rep 6: 307-313, 2017.
Geffard, M., Mangas, A., & Coveñas, R. (2017). Follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP). Biomedical Reports, 6, 307-313.
Geffard, M., Mangas, A., Coveñas, R."Follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP)". Biomedical Reports 6.3 (2017): 307-313.
Geffard, M., Mangas, A., Coveñas, R."Follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Endotherapia (GEMSP)". Biomedical Reports 6, no. 3 (2017): 307-313.