Intake of phytic acid and myo-inositol lowers hepatic lipogenic gene expression and modulates gut microbiota in rats fed a high-sucrose diet

  • Authors:
    • Yukako Okazaki
    • Ayaka Sekita
    • Tetsuyuki Katayama
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: March 16, 2018
  • Pages: 466-474
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Dietary phytic acid (PA) was recently reported by our group to suppress hepatic lipogenic gene expression and modulate gut microbiota in rats fed a high‑sucrose (HSC) diet. The present study aimed to investigate whether the modulatory effects of PA depend on the dietary carbohydrate source and are attributed to the myo‑inositol (MI) ring of PA. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed an HSC or a high‑starch (HSR) diet with or without 1.02% sodium PA for 12 days. Subsequently, the rats were fed the HSC diet, the HSC diet containing 1.02% sodium PA or an HSC diet containing 0.2% MI for 12 days. The HSC diet significantly increased the hepatic triglyceride (TG) concentration as well as the activity and expression of hepatic lipogenic enzymes compared with the HSR diet. The increases were generally suppressed by dietary PA with a concomitant increase in the fecal and cecal ratios of Lactobacillus spp. In rats fed the HSR diet, PA intake did not substantially affect the factors associated with hepatic lipid metabolism or gut microbiota composition. The effects of MI intake were similar to that of PA intake on hepatic lipogenesis and gut microbiota in rats fed the HSC diet. These results suggest that dietary PA downregulates hepatic lipogenic gene expression and modulates gut microbiota composition in rats fed an HSC diet but not in rats fed an HSR diet. The MI ring of PA may be responsible for the effects of PA intake on hepatic lipogenic gene expression and gut microbiota.
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Volume 8 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 2049-9434
Online ISSN:2049-9442

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Spandidos Publications style
Okazaki Y, Sekita A and Katayama T: Intake of phytic acid and myo-inositol lowers hepatic lipogenic gene expression and modulates gut microbiota in rats fed a high-sucrose diet. Biomed Rep 8: 466-474, 2018.
Okazaki, Y., Sekita, A., & Katayama, T. (2018). Intake of phytic acid and myo-inositol lowers hepatic lipogenic gene expression and modulates gut microbiota in rats fed a high-sucrose diet. Biomedical Reports, 8, 466-474.
Okazaki, Y., Sekita, A., Katayama, T."Intake of phytic acid and myo-inositol lowers hepatic lipogenic gene expression and modulates gut microbiota in rats fed a high-sucrose diet". Biomedical Reports 8.5 (2018): 466-474.
Okazaki, Y., Sekita, A., Katayama, T."Intake of phytic acid and myo-inositol lowers hepatic lipogenic gene expression and modulates gut microbiota in rats fed a high-sucrose diet". Biomedical Reports 8, no. 5 (2018): 466-474.