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Decrease of glutathione peroxidase in arrhythmic cardiac pathology in young individuals and its therapeutic implications

  • Authors:
    • Maria Cristina Bezna
    • Cătălina Pisoschi
    • Marinela Bezna
    • Suzana Danoiu
    • Iulia-Robertina Tudorascu
    • Cristina-Elena Negroiu
    • Petru Razvan Melinte
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: October 7, 2022
  • Article Number: 93
  • Copyright: © Bezna et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Glutathione peroxidase (GPx), as an antioxidant enzyme, is involved in the regulation of processes that cause cellular oxidative stress, with implications in various pathologies. The aim of the present study was to evaluate GPx variations in patients with arrhythmic, non‑structural cardiac disorders. The research was performed on 120 patients, with a mean age of 33 years old, divided into 3 equal groups, of which 2 groups included patients with cardiac arrhythmias, the first group, associated with dyslipidemia and the second one, without dyslipidemia, and a control group consisting of healthy individuals. The method for determining GPx was based on the GPx enzyme catalysis reaction of the reduced glutathione (GSH) oxidation reaction by cumene hydroperoxide. The results revealed that GPx variation was decreased in patients with cardiac arrhythmias, with or without dyslipidemia, up to 66 and 74% of mean control values, respectively, the differences being statistically significant, showing the existence of an oxidative stress imbalance, that may be involved in triggering arrhythmogenic electrochemical mechanisms. The GPx deficiency determined in relation to cardiac arrhythmias was in dyslipidemic and non‑lipidemic patients as follows: 29‑35% in sinus bradycardia, 31‑35% in associated cardiac arrhythmias, 30‑33% in sinus tachycardia, 27‑33% in atrial fibrillation, 32‑33% in atrial flutter, 27‑32% in atrial extrasystolic arrhythmia, 28‑30% in ventricular extrasystolic arrhythmia and 18‑26% in paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Collectively, the results revealed that GPx, an antioxidant enzyme, is a specific biomarker, whose decrease indicated the existence of oxidative stress in young individuals with cardiac arrhythmias and its involvement in arrhythmogenic electrochemical processes. In addition, GPx deficiencies were between 18‑35% in all types of cardiac arrhythmias, the highest being recorded in sinus bradycardia and the lowest in paroxysmal supraventircular tachycardia. Furthermore, the oxidative stress favored by the decrease of GPx induced lipid oxidation, regardless of the presence or absence of dyslipidemia, which triggered the formation of anti‑lipid antibodies and a subclinical endothelial aggression, with early atherosclerotic potential. GPx evaluation may argue for the existence of oxidative stress in non‑structural cardiac arrhythmias, and by its proper correction (antioxidants), prophylaxis of atherogenic dysfunction.
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Volume 17 Issue 6

Print ISSN: 2049-9434
Online ISSN:2049-9442

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Spandidos Publications style
Bezna MC, Pisoschi C, Bezna M, Danoiu S, Tudorascu I, Negroiu C and Melinte PR: Decrease of glutathione peroxidase in arrhythmic cardiac pathology in young individuals and its therapeutic implications. Biomed Rep 17: 93, 2022.
Bezna, M.C., Pisoschi, C., Bezna, M., Danoiu, S., Tudorascu, I., Negroiu, C., & Melinte, P.R. (2022). Decrease of glutathione peroxidase in arrhythmic cardiac pathology in young individuals and its therapeutic implications. Biomedical Reports, 17, 93.
Bezna, M. C., Pisoschi, C., Bezna, M., Danoiu, S., Tudorascu, I., Negroiu, C., Melinte, P. R."Decrease of glutathione peroxidase in arrhythmic cardiac pathology in young individuals and its therapeutic implications". Biomedical Reports 17.6 (2022): 93.
Bezna, M. C., Pisoschi, C., Bezna, M., Danoiu, S., Tudorascu, I., Negroiu, C., Melinte, P. R."Decrease of glutathione peroxidase in arrhythmic cardiac pathology in young individuals and its therapeutic implications". Biomedical Reports 17, no. 6 (2022): 93.