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Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA variants, mitochondrial DNA copy number and oxidative damage in psoriatic arthritis

  • Authors:
    • Materah Salem Alwehaidah
    • Manhel Alsabbagh
    • Ghada Al-Kafaji
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: September 26, 2023
  • Article Number: 85
  • Copyright: © Alwehaidah et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Growing evidence suggests that abnormalities in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are involved in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory and immuno‑mediated diseases. The present study analysed the entire mitochondrial genome by next‑generation sequencing (NGS) in 23 patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and 20 healthy controls to identify PsA‑related variants. Changes in mtDNA copy number (mtDNAcn) were also evaluated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and mtDNA oxidative damage was measured using an 8‑hydroxy‑2'‑deoxyguanosine assay. NGS analysis revealed a total of 435 variants including 187 in patients with PsA only and 122 in controls only. Additionally, 126 common variants were found, of which 2 variants differed significantly in their frequencies among patients and controls (P<0.05), and may be associated with susceptibility to PsA. A total of 33 missense variants in mtDNA‑encoded genes for complexes I, III, IV and V were identified only in patients with PsA. Of them, 25 variants were predicted to be deleterious by affecting the functions and structures of encoded proteins, and 13 variants were predicted to affect protein's stability. mtDNAcn analysis revealed decreased mtDNA content in patients with PsA compared with controls (P=0.0001) but the decrease in mtDNAcn was not correlated with patients' age or inflammatory biomarkers (P>0.05). Moreover, a higher level of oxidative damage was observed in patients with PsA compared with controls (P=0.03). The results of the present comprehensive analysis of mtDNA in PsA revealed that certain mtDNA variants may be implicated in the predisposition/pathogenesis of PsA, highlighting the importance of NGS in the identification of mtDNA variants in PsA. The current results also demonstrated that decreased mtDNAcn in PsA may be a consequence of increased oxidative stress. These data provide valuable insights into the contribution of mtDNA defects to the pathogenesis of PsA. Additional studies in larger cohorts are needed to elucidate the role of mtDNA defects in PsA.
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Volume 19 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 2049-9434
Online ISSN:2049-9442

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Alwehaidah MS, Alsabbagh M and Al-Kafaji G: Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA variants, mitochondrial DNA copy number and oxidative damage in psoriatic arthritis. Biomed Rep 19: 85, 2023.
Alwehaidah, M.S., Alsabbagh, M., & Al-Kafaji, G. (2023). Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA variants, mitochondrial DNA copy number and oxidative damage in psoriatic arthritis. Biomedical Reports, 19, 85.
Alwehaidah, M. S., Alsabbagh, M., Al-Kafaji, G."Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA variants, mitochondrial DNA copy number and oxidative damage in psoriatic arthritis". Biomedical Reports 19.5 (2023): 85.
Alwehaidah, M. S., Alsabbagh, M., Al-Kafaji, G."Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA variants, mitochondrial DNA copy number and oxidative damage in psoriatic arthritis". Biomedical Reports 19, no. 5 (2023): 85.