Human colorectal CD24+ cancer stem cells are susceptible to epithelial-mesenchymal transition

  • Authors:
    • Miho Okano
    • Masamitsu Konno
    • Yoshihiro Kano
    • Hirotoshi Kim
    • Koichi Kawamoto
    • Masahisa Ohkuma
    • Naotsugu Haraguchi
    • Takehiko Yokobori
    • Koshi Mimori
    • Hirofumi Yamamoto
    • Mitsugu Sekimoto
    • Yuichiro Doki
    • Masaki Mori
    • Hideshi Ishii
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: May 23, 2014
  • Pages: 575-580
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Conventional cancer chemotherapy preferentially destroys non-stem cancer cells within a tumor, and a subpopulation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) is more resistant and survives, leading to relapses and metastasis. Howeve, recent studies suggest that CD24 and susceptibility to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) can serve as markers of CSCs. We report that CD24+ cells are susceptible to induction of EMT, a phenotype important for cancer metastasis. We studied the responsiveness of CSC markers to TGF-?, an effective EMT inducer. The data on CD24 demonstrated that CD24+ cells are susceptible to EMT, a phenotype important for cancer metastasis in two colorectal cancer cell lines, the CaR-1 and CCK81. CD24+ cells expressed Notch 1 in response to exposure to TGF-? in culture and showed higher tumorigenic activity compared to controls. This evidence shows that CD24+ cells are susceptible to EMT induction and to cancer progression and is indicative of the candidacy of CD24 as a therapeutic target in CSC.
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Volume 45 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Spandidos Publications style
Okano M, Konno M, Kano Y, Kim H, Kawamoto K, Ohkuma M, Haraguchi N, Yokobori T, Mimori K, Yamamoto H, Yamamoto H, et al: Human colorectal CD24+ cancer stem cells are susceptible to epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Int J Oncol 45: 575-580, 2014.
Okano, M., Konno, M., Kano, Y., Kim, H., Kawamoto, K., Ohkuma, M. ... Ishii, H. (2014). Human colorectal CD24+ cancer stem cells are susceptible to epithelial-mesenchymal transition. International Journal of Oncology, 45, 575-580.
Okano, M., Konno, M., Kano, Y., Kim, H., Kawamoto, K., Ohkuma, M., Haraguchi, N., Yokobori, T., Mimori, K., Yamamoto, H., Sekimoto, M., Doki, Y., Mori, M., Ishii, H."Human colorectal CD24+ cancer stem cells are susceptible to epithelial-mesenchymal transition". International Journal of Oncology 45.2 (2014): 575-580.
Okano, M., Konno, M., Kano, Y., Kim, H., Kawamoto, K., Ohkuma, M., Haraguchi, N., Yokobori, T., Mimori, K., Yamamoto, H., Sekimoto, M., Doki, Y., Mori, M., Ishii, H."Human colorectal CD24+ cancer stem cells are susceptible to epithelial-mesenchymal transition". International Journal of Oncology 45, no. 2 (2014): 575-580.