Correlation between positron emission tomography findings and glucose transporter 1, 3 and L‑type amino acid transporter 1 mRNA expression in primary central nervous system lymphomas

  • Authors:
    • Yoshinobu Takahashi
    • Toshiaki Akahane
    • Daisuke Yamamoto
    • Hideo Nakamura
    • Hiroki Sawa
    • Kazumi Nitta
    • Wataru Ide
    • Ikuo Hashimoto
    • Hajime Kamada
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: May 5, 2014
  • Pages: 525-529
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Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is an aggressive form of non‑Hodgkin lymphoma with a poor prognosis. [18F] 2‑fluoro‑2‑deoxy‑d‑glucose (FDG) and l‑(methyl‑11C)‑methionine (MET) are the most widely used tracers in oncological positron emission tomography studies for PCNSL and commonly identify hypermetabolic lesions through increased uptake of FDG and MET. However, the mechanisms underlying the uptake of FDG and MET in PCNSL have not been clearly determined. The present study aimed to investigate the mRNA expression levels of glucose transporter (GLUT)1, GLUT3 and L‑type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) in resected PCNSL specimens, in order to identify whether these transporters are associated with the increased uptake of FDG and MET. A total of 7 patients diagnosed with PCNSL were investigated. The uptake of FDG and MET by the tumors was evaluated based on the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax). The quantity of GLUT1, GLUT3 and LAT1 mRNA in the PCNSL specimens was measured to determine whether GLUT1, GLUT3 and̸or LAT1 are involved in the increased uptake of FDG and MET in PCNSL. Furthermore, microvessel density (MVD) and cell density (CD) were measured in all the cases. Our results indicated that the expression of GLUT3, but not GLUT1, was significantly correlated with FDG SUVmax and the expression of LAT1 was significantly correlated with MET SUVmax. However, neither MVD nor CD were found to be significantly associated with the uptake of FDG and MET. GLUT3 was identified as a key determinant of FDG accumulation, whereas LAT1 was a key determinant of MET accumulation in PCNSL. Therefore, GLUT3 and LAT1 may represent potential targets for the future development of novel therapeutic agents for PCNSL.
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July-August 2014
Volume 2 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 2049-9450
Online ISSN:2049-9469

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Spandidos Publications style
Takahashi Y, Akahane T, Yamamoto D, Nakamura H, Sawa H, Nitta K, Ide W, Hashimoto I and Kamada H: Correlation between positron emission tomography findings and glucose transporter 1, 3 and L‑type amino acid transporter 1 mRNA expression in primary central nervous system lymphomas. Mol Clin Oncol 2: 525-529, 2014.
Takahashi, Y., Akahane, T., Yamamoto, D., Nakamura, H., Sawa, H., Nitta, K. ... Kamada, H. (2014). Correlation between positron emission tomography findings and glucose transporter 1, 3 and L‑type amino acid transporter 1 mRNA expression in primary central nervous system lymphomas. Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 2, 525-529.
Takahashi, Y., Akahane, T., Yamamoto, D., Nakamura, H., Sawa, H., Nitta, K., Ide, W., Hashimoto, I., Kamada, H."Correlation between positron emission tomography findings and glucose transporter 1, 3 and L‑type amino acid transporter 1 mRNA expression in primary central nervous system lymphomas". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 2.4 (2014): 525-529.
Takahashi, Y., Akahane, T., Yamamoto, D., Nakamura, H., Sawa, H., Nitta, K., Ide, W., Hashimoto, I., Kamada, H."Correlation between positron emission tomography findings and glucose transporter 1, 3 and L‑type amino acid transporter 1 mRNA expression in primary central nervous system lymphomas". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 2, no. 4 (2014): 525-529.