A phase I multicenter study of antroquinonol in patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer who have received at least two prior systemic treatment regimens, including one platinum-based chemotherapy regimen
- Authors:
- Yu-Chin Lee
- Ching-Liang Ho
- Woei-Yau Kao
- Yuh-Min Chen
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Affiliations: Sijhih Cathay General Hospital, New Taipei 221, Taiwan, R.O.C., Tri‑Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C., Taipei Tzu Chi General Hospital, Taipei 231, Taiwan, R.O.C., School of Medicine, National Yang‑Ming University, Taipei 112, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Published online on: September 15, 2015 https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2015.642
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Antroquinonol is isolated from Antrodia camphorata, a camphor tree mushroom, and is a valuable traditional Chinese herbal medicine that exhibits pharmacological activities against several diseases, including cancer. this first‑in-human phase I study of antroquinonol included patients with metastatic non-small‑cell lung cancer who had received at least two prior systemic treatment regimens. An open-label, dose escalation, pharmacokinetic (PK) study was conducted to determine the maximum tolerable dose (MTD), dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs), and safety/tolerability and preliminary efficacy profiles of antroquinonol. The patients received escalating doses of once-daily antroquinonol in 4-week cycles (up to 3 cycles). The escalated doses were 50‑600 mg. PKs were evaluated on day 1 and 28 of cycle 1. Between January, 2011 and October, 2012, 13 patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma were enrolled. No DLTs occurred in any patient at any dose level. Tmax was observed between 1.00 and 3.70 h under single‑dose conditions, and at 1.92‑4.05 h under multiple‑dose conditions. The mean elimination half‑life ranged between 1.30 and 4.33 h, independent of the treatment dose. Antroquinonol at all dose levels had a mild toxicity profile, with no reported treatment-related mortality. The most common treatment-related adverse events were diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. The best tumor response was stable disease in 3 patients. In conclusion, antroquinonol at all dose levels, administered daily for 4 weeks, was generally safe and well tolerated, without DLTs. The recommended dose level for a phase II study is ≥600 mg daily.
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