Role of p53β in the inhibition of proliferation of gastric cancer cells expressing wild-type or mutated p53

  • Authors:
    • Wansheng Ji
    • Jingrong Ma
    • Hongmei Zhang
    • Hua Zhong
    • Lei Li
    • Na Ding
    • Jianxin Jiao
    • Zhixing Gao
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: February 18, 2015
  • Pages: 691-695
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p53 is a tumor suppressor gene whose mutation is highly associated with tumorigenesis. The present study investigated the role of p53β in the inhibition of proliferation of gastric cancer cell lines expressing wild‑type or mutated p53. Wild‑type p53 is expressed in MKN45 cells, but deleted in KATOIII cells, whereas mutated p53 is expressed in SGC7901 cells. The mRNA expression levels of p53β and Δ133p53 were detected in MKN45, SGC‑7901 and KATOIII gastric cancer cell lines using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The mRNA expression levels of p53, p53β and B‑cell lymphoma 2‑associated X protein (Bax) were detected in the MKN45 and SGC‑7901 cells following treatment with cisplatin by reverse transcription‑PCR. The inhibition of cellular proliferation following treatment with cisplatin was measured by MTT assay. The results of the present study demonstrated that both p53β and Δ133p53 mRNA were expressed in the MKN45 cells, whereas only p53β mRNA was expressed in the SGC7901 cells. No expression of p53β or Δ133p53 mRNA was detected in the KATOIII cells. Following treatment with cisplatin, the number of both MKN45 and SGC‑7901 cells was significantly reduced (P<0.001). In the MKN45 cells, p53β, p53 and Bax mRNA expression levels gradually increased with the dose of cisplatin, and the expression of p53β was positively correlated with the expression of p53 (tr=6.358, P<0.05) and Bax (tr=8.023, P<0.05). In the SGC‑7901 cells, the expression levels of p53β, p53 and Bax mRNA did not alter with the dose of cisplatin, and the expression of p53β was positively correlated to the expression of p53 (tr=26.41, P<0.01) but not that of Bax. The present study identified the different roles of the p53β isoform in gastric cancer cells with different p53 backgrounds. Enhanced knowledge regarding the p53 status is required for the development of specific biological therapies against gastric cancer.
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Volume 12 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1791-2997
Online ISSN:1791-3004

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Spandidos Publications style
Ji W, Ma J, Zhang H, Zhong H, Li L, Ding N, Jiao J and Gao Z: Role of p53β in the inhibition of proliferation of gastric cancer cells expressing wild-type or mutated p53. Mol Med Rep 12: 691-695, 2015.
Ji, W., Ma, J., Zhang, H., Zhong, H., Li, L., Ding, N. ... Gao, Z. (2015). Role of p53β in the inhibition of proliferation of gastric cancer cells expressing wild-type or mutated p53. Molecular Medicine Reports, 12, 691-695.
Ji, W., Ma, J., Zhang, H., Zhong, H., Li, L., Ding, N., Jiao, J., Gao, Z."Role of p53β in the inhibition of proliferation of gastric cancer cells expressing wild-type or mutated p53". Molecular Medicine Reports 12.1 (2015): 691-695.
Ji, W., Ma, J., Zhang, H., Zhong, H., Li, L., Ding, N., Jiao, J., Gao, Z."Role of p53β in the inhibition of proliferation of gastric cancer cells expressing wild-type or mutated p53". Molecular Medicine Reports 12, no. 1 (2015): 691-695.