Transcriptional co-regulator RIP140: An important mediator of the inflammatory response and its associated diseases (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Zhu‑Jun Yi
    • Jian‑Ping Gong
    • Wei Zhang
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 2, 2017
  • Pages: 994-1000
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The inflammatory response is a physiological process that is essential for maintaining homeostasis of the immune system. Inflammation is classified into acute inflammation and chronic inflammation, both of which pose a risk to human health. However, specific regulatory mechanisms of the inflammatory response remain to be elucidated. Receptor interacting protein (RIP) 140 is a nuclear receptor that affects an extensive array of biological and pathological processes in the body, including energy metabolism, inflammation and tumorigenesis. RIP140‑mediated macrophage polarization is important in regulating the inflammatory response. Overexpression of RIP140 in macrophages results in M1‑like polarization and expansion during the inflammatory response. Conversely, decreased expression of RIP140 in macrophages reduces the number of M1‑like macrophages and increases the number of alternatively polarized cells, which collectively promote endotoxin tolerance (ET) and relieve inflammation. This review summarizes the role of RIP140 in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, with a focus on insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, sepsis and ET.
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Volume 16 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1791-2997
Online ISSN:1791-3004

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Yi ZJ, Gong JP and Zhang W: Transcriptional co-regulator RIP140: An important mediator of the inflammatory response and its associated diseases (Review). Mol Med Rep 16: 994-1000, 2017.
Yi, Z., Gong, J., & Zhang, W. (2017). Transcriptional co-regulator RIP140: An important mediator of the inflammatory response and its associated diseases (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports, 16, 994-1000.
Yi, Z., Gong, J., Zhang, W."Transcriptional co-regulator RIP140: An important mediator of the inflammatory response and its associated diseases (Review)". Molecular Medicine Reports 16.2 (2017): 994-1000.
Yi, Z., Gong, J., Zhang, W."Transcriptional co-regulator RIP140: An important mediator of the inflammatory response and its associated diseases (Review)". Molecular Medicine Reports 16, no. 2 (2017): 994-1000.