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Protective effect of troxerutin and cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection on cerebral ischemia through inhibition of oxidative stress and promotion of angiogenesis in rats

  • Authors:
    • Wenbing Ma
    • Shixiang Wang
    • Xuanlin Liu
    • Fengru Tang
    • Peipei Zhao
    • Kai Cheng
    • Qiaowei Zheng
    • Yingchen Zhuo
    • Xue Zhao
    • Xueqian Li
    • Weiyi Feng
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: February 15, 2019
  • Pages: 3148-3158
  • Copyright: © Ma et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Brain ischemia, including cerebral ischemia and cerebrovascular ischemia, leads to poor oxygen supply or cerebral hypoxia, and causes brain tissue death or cerebral infarction/ischemic stroke. The troxerutin and cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection (TCHI), is widely applied in China to improve blood supply in ischemic brain tissues and to enhance neuroprotective effects in clinical practice. However, the benefits and detailed underlying mechanism elaborating the effectiveness of TCHI in cerebrovascular diseases require further investigation. Therefore, in the present study, experimental in vivo and in vitro models were employed to investigate the potential mechanisms of TCHI on cerebral ischemic injury. The results demonstrated that TCHI increased the lactate dehydrogenase levels in the brain homogenate and conversely decreased lactic acid levels. TCHI was further observed to significantly increase superoxide dismutase activity and decrease malondialdehyde levels in ischemic brain tissues. In addition, TCHI significantly induced vascular maturation processes, including proliferation, adhesion, migration and tube formation in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Additionally, TCHI significantly stimulated microvessel formation in the rat aortic ring and chick chorioallantoic membrane assays. Taken together, these results provided strong evidence that TCHI stimulated angiogenesis at multiple steps, and indicated that TCHI attenuated cerebral ischemic damage through the amelioration of oxidative stress and promotion of angiogenesis.
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Volume 19 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1791-2997
Online ISSN:1791-3004

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Spandidos Publications style
Ma W, Wang S, Liu X, Tang F, Zhao P, Cheng K, Zheng Q, Zhuo Y, Zhao X, Li X, Li X, et al: Protective effect of troxerutin and cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection on cerebral ischemia through inhibition of oxidative stress and promotion of angiogenesis in rats. Mol Med Rep 19: 3148-3158, 2019.
Ma, W., Wang, S., Liu, X., Tang, F., Zhao, P., Cheng, K. ... Feng, W. (2019). Protective effect of troxerutin and cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection on cerebral ischemia through inhibition of oxidative stress and promotion of angiogenesis in rats. Molecular Medicine Reports, 19, 3148-3158.
Ma, W., Wang, S., Liu, X., Tang, F., Zhao, P., Cheng, K., Zheng, Q., Zhuo, Y., Zhao, X., Li, X., Feng, W."Protective effect of troxerutin and cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection on cerebral ischemia through inhibition of oxidative stress and promotion of angiogenesis in rats". Molecular Medicine Reports 19.4 (2019): 3148-3158.
Ma, W., Wang, S., Liu, X., Tang, F., Zhao, P., Cheng, K., Zheng, Q., Zhuo, Y., Zhao, X., Li, X., Feng, W."Protective effect of troxerutin and cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection on cerebral ischemia through inhibition of oxidative stress and promotion of angiogenesis in rats". Molecular Medicine Reports 19, no. 4 (2019): 3148-3158.