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Protective role of taurine against oxidative stress (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Stella Baliou
    • Maria Adamaki
    • Petros Ioannou
    • Aglaia Pappa
    • Mihalis I. Panayiotidis
    • Demetrios A. Spandidos
    • Ioannis Christodoulou
    • Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos
    • Vassilis Zoumpourlis
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 24, 2021
  • Article Number: 605
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Taurine is a fundamental mediator of homeostasis that exerts multiple roles to confer protection against oxidant stress. The development of hypertension, muscle/neuro‑​associated disorders, hepatic cirrhosis, cardiac dysfunction and ischemia/reperfusion are examples of some injuries that are linked with oxidative stress. The present review gives a comprehensive description of all the underlying mechanisms of taurine, with the aim to explain its anti‑oxidant actions. Taurine is regarded as a cytoprotective molecule due to its ability to sustain normal electron transport chain, maintain glutathione stores, upregulate anti‑oxidant responses, increase membrane stability, eliminate inflammation and prevent calcium accumulation. In parallel, the synergistic effect of taurine with other potential therapeutic modalities in multiple disorders are highlighted. Apart from the results derived from research findings, the current review bridges the gap between bench and bedside, providing mechanistic insights into the biological activity of taurine that supports its potential therapeutic efficacy in clinic. In the future, further clinical studies are required to support the ameliorative effect of taurine against oxidative stress.
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Volume 24 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1791-2997
Online ISSN:1791-3004

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Baliou S, Adamaki M, Ioannou P, Pappa A, Panayiotidis MI, Spandidos DA, Christodoulou I, Kyriakopoulos AM and Zoumpourlis V: Protective role of taurine against oxidative stress (Review). Mol Med Rep 24: 605, 2021.
Baliou, S., Adamaki, M., Ioannou, P., Pappa, A., Panayiotidis, M.I., Spandidos, D.A. ... Zoumpourlis, V. (2021). Protective role of taurine against oxidative stress (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports, 24, 605.
Baliou, S., Adamaki, M., Ioannou, P., Pappa, A., Panayiotidis, M. I., Spandidos, D. A., Christodoulou, I., Kyriakopoulos, A. M., Zoumpourlis, V."Protective role of taurine against oxidative stress (Review)". Molecular Medicine Reports 24.2 (2021): 605.
Baliou, S., Adamaki, M., Ioannou, P., Pappa, A., Panayiotidis, M. I., Spandidos, D. A., Christodoulou, I., Kyriakopoulos, A. M., Zoumpourlis, V."Protective role of taurine against oxidative stress (Review)". Molecular Medicine Reports 24, no. 2 (2021): 605.