Journal Articles

Breast Cancer: Global Perspectives and Local Solutions

Lead Editor:
    Professor Zacharoula Sidiropoulou West Lisbon Local Health Unit Portugal

Breast Cancer: Global Perspectives and Local Solutions Breast cancer remains the most diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer mortality among women worldwide. Despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment, significant disparities persist in breast cancer outcomes across different regions and socioeconomic groups. High-income countries have seen substantial improvements in survival rates due to better access to early detection and comprehensive treatment options. However, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) continue to face challenges, including limited access to healthcare resources, late-stage diagnoses, and higher mortality rates. Addressing these disparities requires a multifaceted approach. The World Health Organization's Global Breast Cancer Initiative (GBCI) aims to reduce breast cancer mortality by focusing on three key pillars: health promotion and early detection, timely access to diagnosis and treatment, and comprehensive breast cancer care, including palliative and survivorship support. By increasing the proportion of early-stage diagnoses, ensuring timely diagnostic work-ups, and providing multimodal treatments, the GBCI seeks to improve outcomes and reduce inequities. Local solutions are equally important. Tailoring strategies to the specific needs and resources of each region can enhance the effectiveness of breast cancer control efforts. This includes community-based education programs, strengthening primary healthcare systems, and fostering collaborations between governments, non-profits, and private sectors. Ultimately, bridging the gap between global perspectives and local solutions is essential for advancing breast cancer care and ensuring that all women, regardless of where they live, have access to the best possible outcomes. This issue aims to explore the multifaceted challenges and innovative solutions in breast cancer care across different regions and socioeconomic contexts. Authors are invited to give their insight comparing local realities with global standards Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Strategies of early detection and screening methods Treatment strategies and technologies Disparities in breast cancer outcomes and access to care Community-based education and prevention programs Integrative and personalized medicine approaches Survivorship and palliative care Policy and healthcare system interventions Collaborative efforts between global and local stakeholders

Submission deadline:


Print ISSN: 2049-9450
Online ISSN: 2049-9469

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