Open Access

S100A1 transgenic treatment of acute heart failure causes proteomic changes in rats

  • Authors:
    • Yichen Guo
    • Lianqun Cui
    • Shiliang Jiang
    • Dongmei Wang
    • Shu Jiang
    • Chen Xie
    • Yanping Jia
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 23, 2016
  • Pages: 1538-1552
  • Copyright: © Guo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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S100 Ca2+-binding protein A1 (S100A1) is an important regulator of myocardial contractility. The aim of the present study was to identify the underlying mechanisms of S100A1 activity via profiling the protein expression in rats administered with an S100A1 adenovirus (Ad‑S100A1‑EGFP) following acute myocardial infarction (AMI). LTQ OrbiTrap mass spectrometry was used to profile the protein expression in the Ad‑S100A1‑EGFP and control groups post‑AMI. Using Protein Analysis Through Evolutionary Relationships (PANTHER) analysis, 134 energy metabolism‑associated proteins, which comprised 20 carbohydrate metabolism‑associated and 27 lipid metabolism associated proteins, were identified as differentially expressed in the Ad‑S100A1‑EGFP hearts compared with controls. The majority of the differentially expressed proteins identified were important enzymes involved in energy metabolism. The present study identified 12 Ca2+‑binding proteins and 22 cytoskeletal proteins. The majority of the proteins expressed in the Ad‑S100A1‑EGFP group were upregulated compared with the control group. These results were further validated using western blot analysis. Following AMI, Ca2+ is crucial for the recovery of myocardial function in S100A1 transgenic rats as indicated by the upregulation of proteins associated with energy metabolism and Ca2+‑binding. Thus, the current study ascertained that energy production and contractile ability were enhanced after AMI in the ventricular myocardium of the Ad‑S100A1‑EGFP group.


Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of mortality worldwide and has markedly increased in prevalence. It is characterized by high disability and mortality rates. In a previous study, rats that received an acute isoproterenol overdose (ISO-OV) suffered cardiac apex ischemia-reperfusion damage and arrhythmia, and subsequently underwent cardiac remodeling and dysfunction. At two weeks, myocytes exhibited systolic and diastolic Ca2+ mishandling, thus, post-ISO-OV mitochondrial dysfunction may underlie decreased cardiac contractility, ATP depletion and exacerbated oxidative stress (1). S100 Ca2+-binding protein A1 (S100A1) is an important regulator of cardiac function and vascular biology. S100A1 is a Ca2+ sensor protein involved in Ca2+ signal transduction pathways, and is important for gene expression, secretion, apoptosis, cell differentiation and muscle contraction. S100A1 interacts with the sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase (SERCA2a) and ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2), which primarily results in improved Ca2+ handling and contractile function (25). S100A1 may enhance transient Ca2+ amplitudes and decrease diastolic Ca2+ overload via increased Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and decreased diastolic SR Ca2+ leak to improve cardiomyocyte function (28). Previously, a mouse model demonstrated that a stable increase in the expression level of Sl00A1 protein significantly enhanced myocardial contractility (9). S100A1 gene knockout mice exhibit acute contractile dysfunction, myocardial apoptosis, early myocardial remodeling, a severely damaged adrenergic signaling system and rapid heart failure (4). In other animal studies, S100A1 gene-targeted therapy reversed experimental heart failure and improved cardiac performance (9,10). However, the understanding how S100A1 effects modifications to cardiac energy metabolism, Ca2+-binding proteins and cytoskeletal proteins following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remains relatively limited. LTQ OrbiTrap mass spectrometry is a protein quantification strategy that provides relative and absolute measurements of proteins in complex mixtures (11). The present study used LTQ OrbiTrap mass spectrometry to analyze the expression profiles of energy metabolism-associated proteins, Ca2+-binding proteins and cytoskeletal proteins when S100A1 was overexpressed by an adenovirus following AMI. The current study aims to identify the target proteins that are associated with Ad-S100A1-EGFP following AMI, and finding alternative therapies to reconstitute the energetic state.

Materials and methods

Ethics statement

The current study was conducted with approval from the Ethics Committee of Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University (Jinan, Shandong, China).

Adenovirus constructs

The construction of recombinant adenoviruses that carry S100A1 and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP; Ad-S100A1-EGFP), and only EGFP (Ad-EGFP) was performed by Shanghai Jikai Gene Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China)

Acute heart failure model

All animal procedures and experiments were performed in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the US National Institutes of Health (12). A total of 20 male Wistar rats (12–14 weeks old; 250–300 g) were provided by the Experimental Animal Center of Shandong University (Shan-dong, China). The rats were housed at a constant temperature of 22°C and a 12-h dark:light cycle. Rats were fed standard laboratory chow and watered ad libitum. The animals were randomly divided into 4 groups (3 rats used/time-point) as follows: i) Ad-S100A1-EGFP group, following ligation of the coronary artery for 20 min, 1×1010 plaque-forming units (pfu) of Ad-S100A1-EGFP in 20 µl were injected into the anterolateral wall of the left ventricle (LV) using a 30-gauge needle; ii) control group, only the coronary artery was ligated without any treatment; iii) Ad-EGFP group, following ligation of the coronary artery for 20 min, 1×1010 pfu of Ad-EGFP in 20 µl were injected into the anterolateral wall of the LV; and iv) physiological saline group, following ligation of the coronary artery for 20 min, 20 µl physiological saline was injected into the anterolateral wall of the LV.

The rats were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of 30 mg/100 g chloral hydrate and endotracheal intubation was performed. A breathing machine was used to facilitate breathing. The animals were ventilated using an SAR-830/AP small animal ventilator (CWE, Inc., Ardmore, PA, USA) at a rate of 70 breaths per minute. A left thoracotomy was performed between the third-fourth intercostal space and the pericardium was opened. The proximal left anterior descending coronary artery, which is in the left atrium, and the pulmonary arterial cone boundary, 2–3 mm below the left auricle, were encircled and ligated using a 6-0 silk suture. The chest was subsequently closed. A left anterior descending artery ligation in a rat model produces a large area of lateral wall infarction, which may induce acute heart failure.

The rats were euthanized on postoperative days 1, 7 and 14 with an intraperitoneal injection of 40 mg/100 g chloral hydrate. On day 14, acquired echocardiography was performed to obtain the LV end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD), LV end-systolic diameter (LVESD), LV systolic and diastolic posterior (LVPWs and LVPWd, respectively), LV ejection fraction (LVEF) and fractional shortening (FS).

Protein extraction

LV samples (50 mg) were obtained then immediately snap-frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. The samples were pulverized under liquid nitrogen into a fine powder, which was homogenized in a lysate buffer containing 8 mol/l urea, 1 mol/l dithiothreitol (13) (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany), leupeptinand, aprotinin, pepstatin (all 1 mg/ml), radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer and 0.1% phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (w/v; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and then lysed on ice for 30 min. The samples were lysed further by sonication for 2 min. The total lysate was centrifuged for 15 min at 4°C and 10,000–14,000 × g, and the final supernatant was collected.

Sample processing

The protein concentrations of the cleared lysates were then determined using sample processing. Protein extracts (30 µl) were mixed with 200 µl 8 M urea in 0.1 mol/l Tris/HCl (pH 8.5) in a filter unit and centrifuged at 14,000 × g for 15 min, following which the flow-through was discarded from the collection tube. Iodoacetamide solution (0.05 mol/l in urea) was added, then mixed at 600 rpm in a thermo-mixer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) for 1 min and incubated without mixing for 20 min. The filter units were centrifuged at 14,000 × g for 10 min. Urea (100 µl) was added to the filter unit and centrifuged at 14,000 × g for 15 min. This step was repeated twice. NH4HCO3 (100 µl 0.05 M in water) was added to the filter unit and centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 10 min. This step was repeated twice. The filter units were transferred to new centrifuge tubes. NH4HCO3 (40 µl) and trypsin were added (enzyme-to-protein ratio, 1:100) and mixed at 600 rpm in a thermo-mixer for 1 min. The units were incubated in a wet chamber at 37°C for 20 h to achieve complete digestion. Subsequently, the filter units were centrifuged again at 14,000 × g for 10 min, and NH4HCO3 (40 µl) was added and centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 10 min. The final solution was dried in a vacuum and the samples were stored at −80°C.

Samples were purified with a C18 column (ReproSil-Pur, Dr. Maisch GmbH, Entringen, Germany). The samples were mixed with 40 µl 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) to achieve a pH<4. Acetonitrile (100%, 200 µl) was added to a wet ZipTip and centrifuged at 800 × g for 2 min. This step was repeated twice. A total of 200 µl 0.1% TFA was added to the wet ZipTip and centrifuged at 800 x g for 2 min. This step was repeated twice. The samples were repeatedly drawn 8 times through the ZipTip. The ZipTip was washed twice with 0.1% TFA and centrifuged at 800 x g for 2 min. The peptides were eluted with 40 µl formic acid, dried under a vacuum and stored at −80°C.

LTQ OrbiTrap

Four injections were made into a NanoLC 1000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) interfaced to the LTQ OrbiTrap elite mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) via a nanosource. The samples were loaded onto a 150 µm × 2 cm peptrap 300 A C18 pre-column (ReproSil-Pur, Dr. Maisch GmbH) in solvent A (99.9% water/0.1% formic acid) and desalted for 10 min. The peptides were eluted into a 75 µm × 25 cm 100 A C18 analytical column (self-packed; ReproSil-Pur, Dr. Maisch GmbH) and separated with a linear gradient of 5-30% solvent B (99.9% acetonitrile/0.1% formic acid) in 5 min, and then 69% solvent B for 115 min. The flow rate used was 500 nl/min. The survey scans were acquired in the OrbiTrap with a resolving power of 60,000 m/z 400 and an automated gain control target level of 1×106. The 25 most abundant ions were selected for fragmentation using collision-induced dissociation in the linear ion trap. The precursor ions were fragmented with He gas for 30 ms with a normalized collision energy of 35. The dynamic exclusion parameters were set to exclude ions previously selected for fragmentation for 1 min. All data were acquired in reduced profile mode to accommodate further downstream processing.

Protein identification and quantification

Protein identification was accomplished via Proteome Discoverer version 1.4 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) and Mascot Server version 2.4 ( The Mascot search engine was used to identify consolidated data in the Uniprot rat protein database (, with carbamidomethylation + 57,005 selected as the fixed modification and oxidation of methionine + 15,995, light-marked dimethylation + 28,0313 (C- and N-terminal) and heavy-marked dimethylation + 32,0564 (C- and N-terminal) set as the variable modifications. The mass tolerance was set to 10 ppm, and the MS/MS tolerance was set to 0.8 Da (14). The trypsin enzymolysis maximum leakage cut-off value was set to 2, and the important threshold value was set to 0.01 to ensure a false discovery rate of <1%. The protein quantification was obtained via unique peptides. P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference for protein quantification. To designate significant changes in protein expression, fold changes <2.0 were set as the cut-offs. The analysis was performed twice.

Bioinformatic analyses

Database analyses were performed with Protein Analysis Through Evolutionary Relationships (PANTHERU; tools. The PANTHER Classification System was designed to classify proteins (and their genes) to facilitate high-throughput analysis.

Western blot analysis

The LTQ OrbiTrap protein expression results were validated using western blot analysis. The total protein extracts used for western blotting were obtained from the described experiments. Protein concentrations were quantified using a BCA Protein Assay kit (Beyotime Institute of Biotechnology, Haimen, China). The samples of 50 µg total proteins were separated using 12% and 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (ZSGB-Bio, Beijing, China) and transferred onto polyvinylidene fluoride membranes (Merck Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany) via electro-blotting. The membranes were incubated in TBST containing 5% non-fat dried milk for 1 h at 25°C. The membranes were then probed with primary mouse monoclonal anti-myosin light chain 3 (MLC3; ab680; Abcam, Cambridge, UK), rabbit polyclonal anti-cardiac troponin I (cTnI; ab47003; Abcam) and rabbit polyclonal anti-heat shock protein 70 (HSP70; 4872S; Cell Signaling Technology, Inc., Danvers, MA, USA) antibodies at 1:1,000 dilution overnight at 4°C. Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse and anti-rabbit antibodies (cat no. SA00001-2; Proteintech Group, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) were used as the secondary antibodies at a dilution of 1:2,000. Results were visualized with an enhanced chemiluminescence assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.). The bands were evaluated by Image J software (version 2.0; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). Experiments were repeated 3 times)

Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining

The myocardial tissue was fixed in formalin, embedded in conventional paraffin, sectioned (5 µm thickness) and stained using an SP-9001 IHC staining kit (ZSGB-Bio) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The anti-MLC 3 (1:200) and anti-cTnI (1:100) antibodies were incubated with the sections overnight at 4°C, then incubated at 37°C for 30 min with biotin-labeled IgG and streptavidin-biotin complex solution. The specimens were stained with 3,3′-diaminobenzidine and counter-stained with hematoxylin. Phosphate-buffered saline was used for the negative control specimens. The specimens were observed and images were captured using a light microscope (Leica DM4000B, Leica Microsystems, Germany, magnification, x400). Brown reaction granules observed in the cells indicated positive staining.

Statistical analysis

One-way analysis of variance was used to determine significant differences between Ad-S100A1-EGFP group and control group, followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test. P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference.


Proteomic results

The data from the LTQ OrbiTrap demonstrated that cardiac tissue samples from the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group (day 14) contained 1,507 different proteins. These proteins included well-known markers associated with the cytoskeleton, energy metabolism and actin. In the day 14 control group cardiac tissues, 1,711 proteins were detected, and 1,573 proteins were differentially expressed when the two groups were compared. A 2.0-fold difference in expression was used as the cut-off. Of the differentially expressed proteins, 208 were associated with high-level processes and their biological functions were identified. Metabolism-associated and Ca2+-binding proteins were present in the LV tissue of the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. Furthermore, searching the protein database revealed that 134 differentially expressed proteins were closely associated with energy metabolism. The majority of proteins were important enzymes involved in energy metabolism. The present study focused on the proteins that were differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group tissue.

Energy metabolism-associated proteins

Between the Ad-S100A1-EGFP and control groups, 20 distinct carbohydrate metabolism-associated proteins were differentially expressed in the myocardial tissues. There were 6 proteins significantly downregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group, whereas 14 proteins were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. The majority of the upregulated proteins were enzymes involved in glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, including citrate synthase, succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) iron-sulfur subunit, fumarate hydratase and malate dehydrogenase. These important enzymes limit the catabolism of carbohydrate and energy support (Table I).

Table I

Carbohydrate metabolism-associated proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

Table I

Carbohydrate metabolism-associated proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

AccessionUnique peptide no.P-valueFoldDescriptionAverage normalized abundance
Panther protein class
MDHM_RAT22.00e-002178.94Malate dehydrogenase4.09e+0052.29e+003Dehydrogenase
CISY_RAT29.52e-0044.62Citrate synthase1.28e+0052.77e+004Transferase lyase
DHSB_RAT13.00e-0022.58Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit6.30e+0042.44e+004Dehydrogenase
HXK1_RAT31.38e-0042.22Hexokinase-15.97e+0052.68e+005Carbohydrate kinase
KPB1_RAT21.00e-0022.02Phosphorylase b kinase regulatory subunit alpha, skeletal muscle isoform4.99e+0042.46e+004Kinase activator
MCCA_RAT23.07e-0032.55Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase subunit alpha3.23e+0061.26e+006Ligase
HCDH_RAT22.00e-00220.50 Hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase,2.88e+0051.40e+004Dehydrogenase hydratase epimerase/racemase
PYC_RAT22.00e-0022.04Pyruvate carboxylase6.61e+0043.24e+004Ligase
FUMH_RAT43.66e-0035.18Fumarate hydratase6.42e+0041.24e+004Hydratase
UD2B2_RAT16.18e-0042.69UDP-glucuronos yltransferase 2B22.82e+0041.05e+004 Glycosyltransferase
G3P_RAT51.02e-006−4.80 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase3.10e+0051.49e+006Dehydrogenase
PCCA_RAT55.17e-0032.20Propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain5.43e+0052.46e+005Ligase
K6PF_RAT32.81e-0043.01 6-phosphofructokinase, muscle type1.48e+0054.92e+004Carbohydrate kinase
PCKGC_RAT42.78e-0033.09Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, cytosolic1.49e+0064.83e+005Decarboxylase
HCDH_RAT22.00e-00220.50 Hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase2.88e+0051.40e+004Dehydrogenase
DO2_RAT21.16e-003−5.27 Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase component of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex5.42e+0032.86e+004 Acetyltransferase
ECHM_RAT13.08e-004−20.17Enoyl-CoA hydratase,3971.928.01e+004 Acetyltransferase
NSDHL_RAT25.65e-005−41.27 Sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3- dehydrogenase, decarboxylating2306.099.52e+004Oxidoreductase
SCOT1_RAT36.50e-004−2.41 Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-coenzyme A transferase 12.42e+0055.83e+005Epimerase/racemase transferase
ECHA_RAT33.67e-004−4.18Trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha2.97e+0041.24e+005Dehydrogenase

Regarding the 27 proteins involved in lipid metabolism, 16 distinct proteins in the myocardial tissue were significantly upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. The upregulated proteins were associated with the following PANTHER classes: reductase, synthesis, transferase, ligase and lyase ribosomal protein (Table II).

Table II

Lipid metabolism-associated proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

Table II

Lipid metabolism-associated proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

AccessionUnique peptidesP-valueFoldDescriptionAverage normalized abundance
Panther protein class
DHRS4_RAT39.90e-0042.42 Dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 44.64e+0051.92e+005Dehydrogenase
ACSL5_RAT32.00e-0022.04 Long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase 57.54e+0053.71e+005Ligase
HMCS1_RAT22.00e-0024.60 Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase7.58e+0051.65e+005Transferase
ACADM_RAT21.64e-0032.93Medium-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase1.20e+0054.10e+004Transferase
MCCA_RAT23.07e-0032.55Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase subunit alpha3.23e+0061.26e+006Ligase
CAV3_RAT12.34e-0043.44Caveolin-37.31e+0052.13e+005Transmembrane receptor regulatory/adaptor protein
HCDH_RAT22.00e-00220.50 Hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase,2.88e+0051.40e+004Dehydrogenase hydratase epimerase/racemase
MCAT_RAT26.06e-0032.05Mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier protein2.61e+0051.28e+005Amino acid transporter
ACSF2_RAT44.81e-0042.84Acyl-CoA synthetase family member22.69e+0059.47e+004Dehydrogenase
CAV1_RAT22.00e-0022.12Caveolin-12.96e+0051.39e+005Transmembrane receptor regulatory/adaptor protein
ECHP_RAT34.82e-0042.35Peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme2.25e+0059.55e+004Dehydrogenase
RL8_RAT18.22e-0033.0760S ribosomal protein L89.43e+0043.07e+004Ribosomal protein
PYC_RAT22.00e-0022.04Pyruvate carboxylase, mitochondrial6.61e+0043.24e+004Ligase
UD2B2_RAT16.18e-0042.69UDP-glucuronos yltransferase 2B22.82e+0041.05e+004 glycosyltransferase
PCCA_RAT15.17e-0032.20Propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain, mitochondrial5.43e+0052.46e+005Ligase
DECR_RAT73.29e-0042.922,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase1.16e+0063.98e+005Dehydrogenase
LBR_RAT12.80e-003−468.97Lamin-B receptor4.452.09e+003Receptor
ADT1_RAT19.97e-006−11.39ADP/ATP translocase 16.63e+0047.55e+005Amino acid transporter
ECHM_RAT13.08e-004−20.17Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial3971.928.01e+004 Acetyltransferase
NSDHL_RAT25.65e-005−41.27 Sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase, decarboxylating2306.099.52e+004Oxidoreductase
ECHA_RAT33.67e-004−4.18Trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha2.97e+0041.24e+005Dehydrogenase
ETFA_RAT32.00e-002−3.17Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit alpha1.14e+0043.63e+004Epimerase/racemase transferase
FAS_RAT13.80e-005−∞Fatty acid synthase0.00602.35 Acyltransferase
SCOT1_RAT36.50e-004−2.41 Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-coenzyme A transferase 12.42e+0055.83e+005Epimerase/racemase transferase
CDS2_RAT17.24e-007−∞Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 20.002749.92 Nucleotidytranferase
ACADL_RAT48.86e-004−2.06Long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase5.98e+0041.23e+005Transferase
MPCP_RAT66.45e-008−2.36Phosphate carrier protein4.93e+0051.17e+006Amino acid transporter

The current study identified 14 stimuli response proteins, and 12 differentially expressed proteins that were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group compared with the control group. The majority of the upregulated proteins were important for ATP binding, ATPase activity, the stress response, the immune response and potassium channel activity. Although downregulated proteins were observed, the number was low compared with the upregulated proteins. There were 2 proteins significantly downregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group, whereas 12 proteins were upregulated (Table III).

Table III

Response to stimulus proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

Table III

Response to stimulus proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

AccessionUnique peptide no.P-valueFoldDescriptionAverage normalized abundance
Panther protein class
CTP5B_RAT12.00e-002367.49 Contactin-associated protein like 5-24.28e+0051.17e+003Transporter
ABCC9_RAT12.64e-0065.97ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 97.53e+0041.26e+004ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter
MSH2_RAT42.68e-0033.62DNA mismatch repair protein Msh22.72e+0057.53e+004DNA binding protein
HRH4_RAT14.85e-0053.51Histamine H4 receptor1.59e+0054.51e+004G-protein coupled receptor
GPR37_RAT32.10e-0032.24Probable G-protein coupled receptor 371.12e+0054.99e+004G-protein coupled receptor
CO1A2_RAT42.33e-0052.27Collagen alpha-2(I) chain6.43e+0052.84e+005Transporter
CO8B_RAT25.12e-0032.13Complement component C8 beta chain2.07e+0059.75e+004Apolipoprotein
COBA1_RAT31.00e-0022.24Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain6.35e+0042.83e+004Transporter
PLAK_RAT25.00e-00210.52Junction plakoglobin8.56e+0048.14e+003Signaling molecule
RBM43_RAT11.00e-0022.27RNA-binding protein 431.24e+0055.46e+004Transcription cofactor
CSF1_RAT11.05e-0033.81Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 12.69e+0047.054e+003Cytokine
HSP74_RAT21.95e-0032.27Heat shock 70 kDa protein 49.09e+0044.01e+004Hsp70 family chaperone
APOH_RAT17.98e-003−15.96Beta-2-glycoprotein 12.38e+0033.80e+004Apolipoprotein
MK13_RAT32.00e-002−4.46Mitogen-activated protein kinase 138.47e+0043.78e+005No-receptor serine/threonine protein kinase

The present study identified 12 Ca2+-binding proteins; 7 were upregulated and 5 downregulated in the Ad-S100A1 EGFP group compared with the control group. The majority of the upregulated proteins were important for cardiac muscle contraction, muscle filament sliding and vascular tone modulation. The present study identified 12 Ca2+ binding proteins; 7 were upregulated and 5 were downregulated in the Ad-S100A1 EGFP group compared with the control group (Table IV). The majority of the upregulated proteins were important for cardiac muscle contraction, muscle filament sliding and vascular tone modulation.

Table IV

Calcium-binding proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

Table IV

Calcium-binding proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

AccessionUnique peptide no.P-valueFoldDescriptionAverage normalized abundance
Panther protein class
EFHD2_RAT15.69e-0032.49EF-hand domain-containing protein D22.68e+0051.07e+005Calcium-binding protein
MCAT_RAT26.06e-0032.05Mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier protein2.61e+0051.28e+005Mitochondrial carrier protein transfer/carrier protein calmodulin
NELL1_RAT15.57e-0033.95Protein kinase C-binding protein NELL16.33e+0051.60e+005Calmodulin
SPT21_RAT22.00e-0022.40 Spermatogenesis-associated protein 213.50e+0051.46e+005Calmodulin
GELS_RAT39.93e-0054.15Gelsolin6.52e+0051.57e+005Calcium-binding protein
EHD1_RAT14.66e-0042.13EH domain-containing protein 12.08e+0049.78e+003Calcium-binding protein
GPAT3_RAT12.00e-0025.12 Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 31.12e+0042.18e+003Calmodulin
CALL3_RAT19.19e-005−4.37Calmodulin-like protein 34.11e+0041.80e+005Calmodulin
MYL3_RAT41.07e-004−4.43Myosin light chain 33.23e+0051.43e+006Calmodulin
CALX_RAT38.97e-003−7.48Calnexin1.11e+0048.31e+004Calcium-binding protein
ADT1_RAT19.97e-006−11.39ADP/ATP translocase 16.63e+0047.55e+005Amino acid transporter
MPCP_RAT66.45e-008−2.36Phosphate caaarrier protein4.93e+0051.17e+006Mitochondrial carrier protein transfer/carrier protein calmodulin

The current study identified 22 cytoskeletal proteins, 16 of which were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group compared with the control group. The majority of the upregulated proteins were involved in electron transport during muscle contraction, cellular Ca2+ ion homeostasis, actin filament capping, actin filament severing and actin filament polymerization. Although downregulated proteins were identified, there were fewer compared with the upregulated proteins. Compared with the control group, 6 proteins were downregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group, whereas 16 proteins were upregulated (Table V).

Table V

Cytoskeletal proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

Table V

Cytoskeletal proteins differentially expressed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

AccessionUnique peptide no.P-valueFoldDescriptionAverage normalized abundance
Panther protein class
MARE3_RAT13.36e-0032.32 Microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 32.97e+0051.28e+005Non-motor microtubule binding protein
TNNI3_RAT21.01e-0032.95Troponin I, cardiac muscle9.94e+0053.37e+005Non-motor actin binding protein
CALD1_RAT46.72e-0042.07Non-muscle caldesmon2.96e+0051.43e+005Non-motor actin binding protein
MYBPH_RAT13.00e-0022.28Myosin-binding protein H1.98e+0058.68e+004Non-reporter serine/threonine protein kinase
MYPC_RAT19.94e-0032.22Myosin-binding protein C, cardiac-type2.73e+0061.23e+006Non-reporter serine/threonine protein kinase
KIF1C_RAT48.37e-0032.14Kinesin-like protein KIF1C1.37e+0056.40e+004Microtubule binding motor protein
KIF22_RAT29.43e-0032.24Kinesin-like protein KIF221.64e+0047287.25Microtubule binding motor protein
TBA1A_RAT19.20e-0042.91Tubulin alpha-1A chain1.98e+0056.81e+004tubulin
ABLM2_RAT26.67e-0033.53Actin-binding LIM protein 26.01e+0041.70e+004Structural protein
MYH3_RAT53.06e-0032.35Myosin-31.93e+0058.21e+004Actin binding motor protein
PLAK_RAT25.00e-00210.52Junction plakoglobin8.56e+0048141.00Cytoskeletal protein
ARP2_RAT23.37e-0032.11Actin-related protein 26.08e+0042.88e+004Actin and actin related protein
CAPZB_RAT11.78e-0043.58F-actin-capping protein subunit beta4.29e+0041.20e+004Non-motor actin binding protein
GELS_RAT39.93e-0054.15Gelsolin6.52e+0051.57e+005Calcium-binding protein
LMNA_RAT34.88e-0032.60Prelamin-A/C1.28e+0054.94e+004Structural protein
MYH11_RAT21.94e-0032.86Myosin-11 (Fragments)5.37e+0051.88e+005Actin binding motor protein
MYL3_RAT41.07e-004−4.43Myosin light chain 33.23e+0051.43e+006calmodulin
TPM1_RAT35.62e-006−3.46Tropomyosin alpha-1 chain7.44e+0052.57e+006Actin binding motor protein
ACTB_RAT29.32e-005−18.34Actin, cytoplasmic 11955.753.59e+004Actin and actin related protein
GFAP_RAT26.29e-003−7.03Glial fibrillary acidic protein2342.241.65e+004Structural protein
MACF1_RAT41.69e-003−2.39Microtubule-actin cross-linking factor 12.28e+0045.45e+004Non-motor actin binding protein
MARK2_RAT18.36e-003−2.77 Serine/threonine-protein kinase MARK21.07e+0052.98e+005No-receptor serine/threonine protein kinase
MLC 3, cTnI and HSP70

The 218 identified proteins were associated with the cytoskeleton, Ca2+-binding, cellular protein modifications, translation, catalytic activity, apoptosis, biological regulation and energy metabolism. The identified proteins included cTnI, MLC 3 and HSP70. Western blot analysis was performed to further validate the distribution of these proteins in the myocardial tissues of the Ad-S100A1-EGFP and control groups. The changes in the protein levels of cTnI (Fig. 1), MLC 3 (Fig. 2) and HSP70 (Fig. 3) were determined using western blot analysis. The western blot results were generally consistent with the changes detected by LTQ OrbiTrap. All proteomic experiments were performed at least twice to validate the reliability of the LTQ OrbiTrap results. Thus, the present proteomics data are reliable.

IHC analysis

Fig. 4 demonstrates positive immunoreactions for the different markers (cTnI, MLC 3 and HSP70) analyzed in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP and control myocardial tissues. The IHC results demonstrated that the proteins were localized to the cytoplasm and nucleus of myocardial cells. Compared with the control group, expression of cTnI and HSP70 was increased in the cytoplasm of the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. By contrast, cytoplasmic MLC 3 expression was higher in the control group compared with the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.


Main finding

The main finding of the current proteomics study is that the majority of the differentially expressed proteins identified were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group compared with the control group. Additionally, the majority of proteins were important enzymes involved in energy metabolism. In the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group, various Ca2+-binding and cytoskeletal proteins were upregulated. These findings suggest that energy production status and cardiac muscle contraction are important for the recovery of cardiac function.

The present study successfully identified and analyzed the protein profile of Ad-S100A1-EGFP group rats. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to analyze the protein profile of rats administered with Ad-S100A1-EGFP adenovirus using LTQ OrbiTrap.

Proteomics and energy metabolism status in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group

According to the PANTHER classification used in the present study, energy metabolism status and cardiac muscle contraction are important factors in during cardiac function recovery following acute heart failure. Furthermore, previous experimental data suggest a close association between LV remodeling, energy metabolism status and acute heart failure (15). Compared with the control group, 14 carbohydrate metabolism-associated proteins were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group, including malate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) iron-sulfur subunit, fumarate hydratase hexokinase-1, 6-phosphofructokinase, phosphorylase b kinase regulatory subunit alpha, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and UDP-glucuronosyl transferase 2B2. Additionally, a number of the significantly upregulated proteins were important enzymes involved in glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. These findings indicate that carbohydrate anabolism was upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. The heart is an absolute aerobic organ, thus the majority of the energy required for its activity is obtained from the aerobic oxidation of fatty acids and competing energy substrates (including glucose, ketones, lactate and amino acids). It is understood that there is a clear decrease in fatty acid oxidation capacity during advanced heart failure and glucose uptake is doubled compared with controls. Given that optimal cardiac function under normal and pathological conditions is dependent on glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation (13), the increase in carbohydrate metabolism-associated proteins may also contribute to the increased ventricular contractility in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. Of the differentially expressed proteins involved in lipid metabolism, 16 proteins were upregulated, which suggests lipid metabolism was increased in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. Furthermore, these upregulated proteins had closely associated functions, particularly long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase 5, which is crucial for the regulation of lipid metabolism. In addition, the functions of these proteins in fatty acid oxidative metabolism may exert an important effect on cardiomyocyte energy supply. Fatty acid β-oxidation involves four enzymes (acyl CoA dehydrogenase, 2,3 enoyl CoA hydratase, 3-OH acyl CoA dehydrogenase and 3-keotacyl CoA thiolase) (15). The proteomic screening in the present study detected the expression of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (medium-chain and long-chain), enoyl CoA hydratase and hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase. Among these proteins, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (medium-chain) and hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase were significantly upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group compared with the control group. 2,4-dienoyl CoA reductase is the auxiliary enzyme for fatty acid β-oxidation and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase catalyzes the initial rate-limiting step in mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation (16). Hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase is essential for the mitochondrial β-oxidation of short chain fatty acids and it exerts its highest activity toward 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA. The upregulation of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase in the ventricular tissue of Ad-S100A1-EGFP group rats may be beneficial for myocardial function. Oxidative phosphorylation is the principal process by which ATP is formed (17). Changes in the expression of enzymes involved in respiratory chain complexes may impair energy production in myocytes. Various modifications to energy metabolism were demonstrated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. The current study demonstrated that many proteins were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. Impaired energy production or consumption during acute heart failure tended to reflect chronic heart failure. The application of quantitative proteomics based on LTQ OrbiTrap technology effectively evaluated the protein expression in myocardial tissues. In addition to carbohydrates and lipids, other metabolites, including certain amino acids and aldehydes, may also influence energy status.

S100A1 proteins and Ca2+

The present study detected the expression of 12 Ca2+-binding proteins in the myocardial tissues. Of these proteins, 7 were upregulated and 5 downregulated in the Ad-S100A1 EGFP group compared with the control group. The majority of the upregulated proteins, including EF hand domain-containing protein and gelsolin, are important for cardiac muscle contraction, muscle filament sliding and vascular tone modulation. The current study also detected 22 cytoskeletal proteins, 16 of which were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1 EGFP group compared with the control group. These cytoskeletal proteins, including myosin binding protein, myosin 11, myosin 3, and troponin I, are closely associated with Ca2+. The majority of the upregulated proteins are important for electron transport in muscle contraction, cellular Ca2+ ion homeostasis, actin filament capping, actin filament severing and actin filament polymerization. Ca2+ acts as a global second messenger involved in numerous cellular processes. Ca2+ is a vital regulator of muscle contraction and energy production, and modulates various other cellular functions, including secretion and transcription coupling, synaptic transmission, hormonal regulation, cell cycle control, fertilization and vision (18). In the heart, Ca2+ is released from the cytoplasmic Ca2+ transients to control important Ca2+-dependent enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and ATP synthase (complex V of the respiratory chain). Many Ca2+-sensor proteins contain a specific Ca2+ binding motif (helix-loop-helix, referred to as the EF hand). Calmodulin (CAM), regarded as the prototypical Ca2+-sensor, has four EF hands, and its associated family members include troponin-C (TnC) and MLCs. The S100 proteins contain two Ca2+-binding motifs, a classical C-terminal EF hand and an S100-specific N-terminal EF hand. S100A1 protein has high tissue and cell specificity, and is preferentially abundant in the heart. It regulates Ca2+ homeostasis, contractile inotropy and energy production. At the molecular level, S100A1 interacts with the cardiac isoforms of RyR2, SERCA2A, phospholamban (PLN), titin and mitochondrial F1-ATP synthase (19,20) in a Ca2+-dependent manner. S100A1 has previously been demonstrated to exert a dual effect via its interaction with RyR2. During systole, the opening of the L-type Ca2+ channel (LTCC) triggers SR Ca2+ release via RyR2 and SR Ca2+ reuptake is conducted by SERCA, whereas the Na+-Ca2+-exchanger (NCX) extrudes Ca2+ from the cardiomyocyte to maintain steady-state conditions. It stimulates RyR2 to increase systolic function via the enhancement of CICR from the SR (21). S100A1 interacts with RyR2 and the SERCA-phospholamban-complex. Increasing S100A1 protein levels increases systolic SR Ca2+ release via RyR2 without an effect on LTCC activity. Furthermore, inducing closure of RyR2 channels during diastole, S100A1 decreases the Ca2+ spark frequency to reduce the leakage of Ca2+ from the SR (22). Thus, S100A1 stimulates Ca2+ uptake into the SR by directly interacting and stimulating the SERCA2A Ca2+-pump. It also interacts with PLN to repress its inhibitory effect on SERCA2A (20). Both effects significantly increase muscle relaxation via the rapid removal of cytoplasmic Ca2+ following contraction.

S100A1 directly interacts with the α- and β-chains of F1-ATPase at the inner mitochondrial membrane to stimulate ATP production in a Ca2+-dependent manner. S100A1 couples cardiac Ca2+ cycling with Ca2+-dependent mitochondrial energy production (20). The S100A1/F1-ATPase interference in the mitochondria enhances the generation of cytoplasmic ATP in cardiomyocytes (5). The current study demonstrated that 14 carbohydrate metabolism-associated proteins were upregulated in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group, including malate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit, hexokinase-1, pyruvatecarboxylase and 6-phosphofructokinase. The increase in carbohydrate metabolism-associated proteins may also contribute to the recovery of ventricular contraction function in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. S100A1 controls contraction and relaxation via interactions at different target sites. S100A1 functions independently of β-adrenergic receptor effects without increasing heart rate, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial fibrosis or other adverse reactions. The effects of S100A1 in the heart involve cAMP, and the protein kinase A and CAM-dependent kinase-II phosphorylation systems (21), which depend on trans-sarcolemmal Ca2+ fluxes. S100A1 does not affect Ca2+ entry via dihydropyridine receptors, or efflux via the NCX in forward or reverse mode (22).


Tn consists of three subunits whose names indicate their roles: Ca2+-binding TnC; inhibitory TnI; and tropomyosin-binding TnT. cTnI is specifically expressed in the myocardium. cTnI is an essential regulator of sarcomere contraction and relaxation. Together with cTnC and cTnT, cTnI binds different tropomyosin sites on the thin actin filament in response to Ca2+ (23). In diastole, when intracellular [Ca2+] is low, cTnI binds at the outer domain of actin to maintain tropomyosin, which blocks myosin-binding sites on the thin filament and prevents force development. In systole, when intracellular [Ca2+] is high, Ca2+ binds to cTnC and induces a conformational change. This change results in cTnI release from actin and moves tropomyosin closer to the groove of the actin filament, thus, enabling actin-myosin interactions and cardiomyocyte force development (24). cTnI may be a potential treatment target for heart failure because of its important role in the regulation of heart contraction and relaxation. A previous study examined cTnI phosphorylation in healthy and diseased hearts via the activation of the β-adrenergic receptor pathway. cTnI is a regulator of the Frank-Starling mechanism, which regulates heart function by increasing stroke volume with increased in ventricular filling (end-diastolic volume) (22).


Essential and regulatory MLCs, which have Ca2+-binding EF hand motifs, bind to the neck region of myosin heavy chains. MLCs modulate the Ca2+ sensitivity of cross-bridge cycling to control concerted cardiac contractility. MLCs are important for cardiac and skeletal muscle function. When phosphorylated at a specific serine at position 19 by MLC kinase, MLCs induce conformational changes, stimulate myosin-actin interactions and improve cardiomyocyte contraction (2527). Furthermore, a unique N-terminal domain of essential MLCs directly binds actin to modulate actin-myosin cross-bridge cycling (2830). Notably, cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of the N-terminus of human essential MLC (ELC) in rats leads to enhanced cardiac contractility (30,31). In hypertropy, human ELC partially replaced expression of the MLC 3. The MLC 3-to-ELC isoform shift induced a positive inotropic effect (32). It was previously identified that ventricular ELC is cleaved by caspase-3 at a noncanonical cleavage site (33).


HSPs comprise a family of intracellular proteins with cytoprotective function. These proteins are induced by stresses and acute conditions, and have previously been demonstrated as essential molecular chaperones involved in cell survival following stress (34,35). Animal models indicate that HSP70 overexpression protects myocardial tissues against ischemia (36). HSP70 has a protective function during acute stress and in patients with chronic stress (36). It has also been previously demonstrated that HSP70 is associated with ischemia and reperfusion following coronary bypass grafting (37). In an acute coronary infarction animal model, Zhang et al (38) transplanted bone marrow cells into the ischemic area. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that following bone marrow transplantation, HSP70 expression was upregulated in cardiomyocytes from the infarction and peri-infarction areas, and acute ischemic cardiac function was improved. Furthermore, in acute myocardial infarction or other stress conditions, the body provides protection to the ischemic myocardium via the increased production of HSP. The level of HSP expression is associated with the degree of myocardial protection following AMI. In the present study, the protein expression of HSP70 was significantly increased in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group.

The majority of the differentially expressed energy metabolism-associated and Ca2+-binding proteins in the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group following AMI were upregulated. This indicates that energy production and contractile ability were enhanced in the ventricular myocardium of the Ad-S100A1-EGFP group. Ca2+ is crucial for the recovery of myocardial function in S100A1 transgenic rats (2). To the best of our knowledge, the current study is the first proteomic analysis of S100A1-adenoviral overexpression using LTQ OrbiTrap, and the results of the study may provide comprehensive insights into the mechanisms of S100A1 in the recovery of heart function following AMI.



S100 calcium binding protein A1 ISO-OV, isoproterenol overdose


acute myocardial infarction


Protein Analysis Through Evolutionary Relationships


sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase


ryanodine receptor 2


enhanced green fluorescent protein


left ventricular end-diastolic diameter


left ventricular end-systolic diameter


LVPWd, left ventricular systolic and diastolic posterior


left ventricular ejection fraction


fractional shortening


cardiac troponin I


myosin light chain


essential myosin light chain


heat shock protein 70


The current study was supported by the Medical Science and Technology Development Program of Shandong Province (grant no. 2014WSA01015).



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Guo Y, Cui L, Jiang S, Wang D, Jiang S, Xie C and Jia Y: S100A1 transgenic treatment of acute heart failure causes proteomic changes in rats. Mol Med Rep 14: 1538-1552, 2016.
Guo, Y., Cui, L., Jiang, S., Wang, D., Jiang, S., Xie, C., & Jia, Y. (2016). S100A1 transgenic treatment of acute heart failure causes proteomic changes in rats. Molecular Medicine Reports, 14, 1538-1552.
Guo, Y., Cui, L., Jiang, S., Wang, D., Jiang, S., Xie, C., Jia, Y."S100A1 transgenic treatment of acute heart failure causes proteomic changes in rats". Molecular Medicine Reports 14.2 (2016): 1538-1552.
Guo, Y., Cui, L., Jiang, S., Wang, D., Jiang, S., Xie, C., Jia, Y."S100A1 transgenic treatment of acute heart failure causes proteomic changes in rats". Molecular Medicine Reports 14, no. 2 (2016): 1538-1552.