website: www.demetriosspandidos.com

(Highlighted titles available for downloading)


Taylor-Papadimitriou J, SPANDIDOS DA and Georgatsos JG: An endonuclease activity associated with preparations of chick interferon. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 43: 149-155, 1971.


SPANDIDOS DA and Graham AF: Complementation of reovirus by its mutants. Journal of Virology 15: 954-963, 1975.


SPANDIDOS DA and Graham AF: Complementation between temperature-sensitive and deletion mutants of reovirus. Journal of Virology 16: 1444-1452, 1975.


SPANDIDOS DA, Krystal G and Graham AF: Regulated transcription of the genomes of defective virions and temperature-sensitive mutants of reovirus. Journal of Virology 18: 7-19, 1976.


SPANDIDOS DA and Graham AF: Recombination between temperature-sensitive and deletion mutants of reovirus. Journal of Virology 18: 117-123, 1976.


SPANDIDOS DA and Graham AF: Infectious center assay for complementation and recombination between mutants of reovirus. Journal of Virology 18: 1151-1154, 1976.


SPANDIDOS DA and Graham AF: Physical and chemical characterization of an avian reovirus. Journal of Virology 19: 968-976, 1976.


SPANDIDOS DA and Graham AF: Non-permissive infection of L cells by avian reovirus: Restricted transcription of the viral genome. Journal of Virology 19: 977-984, 1976.


SPANDIDOS DA and Graham AF: Generation of defective virus after infection of newbons rats with reovirus. Journal of Virology 20: 234-247, 1976.


SPANDIDOS DA and Siminovitch L: Transfer of codominant markers by isolated metaphase chromosomes in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 74: 3480-3484, 1977.


SPANDIDOS DA and Siminovitch L: Linkage of markers controlling consecutive biochemical steps in CHO cells as demonstrated by chromosome transfer. Cell 12: 235-242, 1977.


SPANDIDOS DA and Siminovitch L: Transfer of anchorage independence by isolated metaphase chromosomes in hamster cells. Cell 12: 675-682, 1977.


SPANDIDOS DA and Siminovitch L: Genetic analysis of chromosome transfer in hamster cells. Brookhaven Symposium on Biology 29: 127-134, 1977.


SPANDIDOS DA and Siminovitch L: Transfer of the marker for the morphologically transformed phenotype by isolated chromosomes in hamsters cells. Nature 271: 259-261, 1978.


SPANDIDOS DA and Siminovitch L: The relationship between transformation and somatic mutation in human and Chinese hamster cells. Cell 13: 651-662, 1978.


SPANDIDOS DA, Ramandanis G, Garas J and Kottaridis SD: Serum deoxyribonucleases in patients with breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer 16: 1615-1619, 1980.


SPANDIDOS DA and Stathopoulos G: Serum deoxyribonucleases as a biological marker in cancer patients. In: Human Cancer its Characterization and Treatment. Ed. W Davies, KR Harrap and G Stathopoulos. Excepta Medica 5: 68-73, 1980.


Kalogeropoulou P, Bonikos D and SPANDIDOS DA: Deoxyribonuclease levels in benign and malignant neoplasms of female reproductive system. In: Human Cancer, its Characterization and Treatment. (Ed). W Davies, KR Harrap and G Stathopoulos. Excepta Medica 5: 74-77, 1980.


Agnantis N, Ramandanis G, Garas J and SPANDIDOS DA: Comparison between DNase levels and histological parameters in patients with benign and malignant breast disease. In: Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer: International Aspects. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, USA, pp89-93, 1981.


Scully C, SPANDIDOS DA, Ward-Booth P, McGregor IA and Boyle P: Serum alkaline deoxyribonuclease in oral cancer and premalignant lesions. Biomedicine 35: 179-180, 1981.


SPANDIDOS DA, Harrison PR and Paul J: Transfer and expression of Herpes Simplex virus thymidine kinase and human globin genes in mammalian cells studied by spot hybridization assays. Bioscience Reports 1: 911-920, 1981.


Ramandanis G, Agnantis N, Garas J and SPANDIDOS DA: Correlation between serum and tissue deoxyribonuclease levels in breast cancer patients. Anticancer Research 2: 213-216, 1982.


Rigas A and SPANDIDOS DA: Statistical analysis of acid and alkaline DNAase levels found in the serum and biopsies of breast cancer patients. Anticancer Research 2: 216-218, 1982.


SPANDIDOS DA and Paul J: Transfer of human globin genes to erythroleukaemic mouse cells. EMBO Journal 1: 15-20, 1982.


SPANDIDOS DA, Harrison PR and Paul J: Replication and amplification of recombinant plasmid molecules as extra chromosomal elements in transformed mammalian cells. Experimental Cell Research 141: 149-158, 1982.


Paul J and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of the human epsilon globin gene in mouse erythroleukaemic cells transformed with recombinants between it and a bacterial plasmid vector. In: Stability and Switching in Cellular Differentiation. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol. 158. Ed. by RM Clayton and DES Truman. Plenum Press, New York, pp89-92, 1982.


Paul J, Allan M, Grindlay J and SPANDIDOS DA: The human epsilon globin gene-a paradigm for erythroid differentiation. In: Biochemistry of Differentiation and Morphogenesis. 33 Coloquium Mosbach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg Ed. by L Jaenicke, pp142-153, 1982.


Gilmour RS, Gow JW and SPANDIDOS DA: In vivo assembly of regularly spaced nucleosomes on mouse �Ÿ-maj-globin DNA cloned in an SV40 recombinant. Bioscience Reports 2: 1031-1040, 1982.


Lykourinas M, Constantinidis C, SPANDIDOS DA, Manthopoulos A and Dimopoulos C: The role of acid and alkaline DNases as tumor markers in cancer of the genitourinary tract. Urological Research 10: 67-70, 1982.


SPANDIDOS DA: Cellular oncogenes, mutations and cancer. Anticancer Research 3: 121-125, 1983.


Campo MS and SPANDIDOS DA: Molecularly cloned bovine papilloma-virus DNA transforms mouse fibroblasts in vitro. Journal of General Virology 64: 549-557, 1983.


Campo MS, SPANDIDOS DA, Lang J and Wilkie NM: Transcriptional control signals in the genome of bovine papillomavirus type 1. Nature 303: 77-80, 1983.


SPANDIDOS DA and Wilkie NM: Host-specificities of papillomavirus, Moloney murine sarcoma virus and Simian virus enhancer sequences. EMBO Journal 2: 1193-1199, 1983.


Lang JC, Wilkie NM and SPANDIDOS DA: Characterization of eukaryotic transcriptional control signals by assay of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase. Journal of General Virology 64: 2679-2696, 1983.


SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of the human beta globin gene and 5"-deletion mutants in erythroleukemic mouse cells studied by DNA mediated gene transfer. Anticancer Research 3: 409-416, 1983.


Lang JC, SPANDIDOS DA and Wilkie NM: Regulation of the HSV-1 immediate-early gene is mediated through an enhancer. EMBO Journal 3: 389-395, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA and Wilkie NM: Expression of exogenous DNA in mammalian cells. In: In vitro Transcription and Translation-A Practical Approach. Ed. by B.D. Hames and S.J.Higgins. IRL Press. Oxford, pp1-48, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA and Wilkie NM: Tumorigenic conversion of early passage rodent cells can be achieved with a single activated human oncogene. In: Cancer Cells. Oncogenes and Viral Genes. Ed. by GF Vande Woude, AJ Levine, WC Toppand, JD Watson. Cold Spring Harbor Lab., New York, USA, Vol. 2: 495-500, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA and Kerr IB: Elevated expression of the human ras oncogene family in premalignant and malignant tumours of the colorectum. British Journal of Cancer 49: 681-688, 1984.


Gilmour RS, SPANDIDOS DA, Vass JK, Gow JW and Paul JA: Negative regulatory sequence near the mouse �Ÿ-maj-globin gene associated with a region of potential Z-DNA. EMBO Journal 3: 1263-1272, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA and Wilkie NM: Malignant transformation of early passage rodent cells by a single mutated human oncogene. Nature 310: 469-475, 1984.


Wilkie NM and SPANDIDOS DA: In vitro malignant transformation of primary cells by active oncogenes. In: UCLA Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology, New Series. Genes and Cancer 17: 471-488, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA and Agnantis NJ: Human malignant tumours of the breast, as compared to their respective normal tissue, have elevated expression of the Harvey ras oncogene. Anticancer Research 4: 269-272, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA and Anderson MLM: A tissue-specific transcription enhancer element in the human immunoglobulin �»-chain locus. FEBS Letters 175: 152-158, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA: Transfer of human globin genes to erythroleukaemic human cells. Molecular Biology and Medicine 2: 167-175, 1984.


SPANDIDOS DA, Kam EY and Balfour R: Transformation of mammalian cells by iontophoretic pricking and iontophoretic micro-injection. European Journal of Cell Biology 37: 234-239, 1985.


SPANDIDOS DA, Lammothe A and Field JK: Multiple transcriptional activation of cellular oncogenes in the human head and neck solid tumours. Anticancer Research 5: 221-224, 1985.


Paul J, Allan M, Gilmour S, SPANDIDOS DA, Montague P, Grindlay J, Vass K, Zhu Jing-de and Gow J: Distant sequences which regulate globin genes. In: Experimental Approaches for the study of Hemoglobin Switching. (Ed). G Stamatoyanopoulos, Alan R Liss, Inc. Progress in Clinical Biological Research vol. 191: 29-48, 1985.


Pragnell IB, SPANDIDOS DA and Wilkie NM: Consequences of altered oncogene expression in rodent cells. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, UK. B226: 107-119, 1985.


SPANDIDOS DA, Freshney M and Wilkie NM: Heterogeneity of cell lines derived after transformation of early passage rodent cells by the Ha-ras1 human oncogene. Anticancer Research 5: 387-392, 1985.


Williams ARW, Piris J, SPANDIDOS DA and Wyllie AH: Immunohistochemical detection of the ras oncogene p21 product in an experimental tumour and in human colorectal neoplasms. British Journal of Cancer 52: 687-693, 1985.


SPANDIDOS DA: Mechanisms of carcinogenesis: the role of oncogenes, transcriptional enhancers and growth factors. Anticancer Research 5: 485-498, 1985.


SPANDIDOS DA and Dimitrov T: High expression levels of ras p21 protein in normal mouse heart tissues. Bioscience Reports 5: 1035-1039, 1985.


Agnantis NJ, Parissi P, Anagnostakis D and SPANDIDOS DA: Comparative study of Harvey ras oncogene expression with conventional clinicopathologic parameters of breast cancer. Oncology 43: 366-369, 1986.


Kerr IB, SPANDIDOS DA, Finlay IG, Lee FE and McArdle CS: The relation of ras family oncogene expression to conventional staging criteria and clinical outcome in colorectal carcinoma. British Journal of Cancer 53: 231-235, 1986.


Agnantis NJ and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of the human Harvey ras oncogene in breast cancer. In: Breast Cancer: Origins, Detection and Treatment. MA Rich, JC Hager and J Taylor-Papadimitriou (Eds). Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, Boston, USA, pp190-194, 1986.


SPANDIDOS DA: The human T24 Ha-ras1 oncogene: A study of the effects of overexpression of the mutated ras gene product in rodent cells. Anticancer Research 6: 259-262, 1986.


SPANDIDOS DA, Dimitrov T and Kam EY: A radio-immunocytological method for the rapid detection of ras oncogene p21 protein in mammalian cells. Bioscience Reports 6: 375-379, 1986.


Lang JC and SPANDIDOS DA: The structure and function of eukaryotic enhancer elements and their role in oncogenesis. Anticancer Research 6: 437-450, 1986.


SPANDIDOS DA and Riggio M: Polyoma virus middle T gene can trigger malignant transformation of early passage rodent cells. Journal of General Virology 67: 793-799, 1986.


Anderson MLM, McColl LA and SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of human IgG �» fragments on gene expression in transfected mouse fibroblasts. Anticancer Research 6: 663-666, 1986.


Field JK, Lamothe A and SPANDIDOS DA: Clinical relevance of oncogene expression in head and neck tumours. Anticancer Research 6: 595-600, 1986.


SPANDIDOS DA and Riggio M: Promoter and enhancer-like activity at the 5" end of normal and T24 Ha-ras1 genes. FEBS Letters 203: 169-174, 1986.


Agnantis NJ, Petraki C, Markoulatos P and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical study of the ras oncogene expression in human breast lesions. Anticancer Research 6: 1157-1160, 1986.


Robinson A, Williams ARW, Piris J, SPANDIDOS DA and Wyllie AH: Evaluation of a monoclonal antibody to ras peptide, claimed to bind preferentially to cells of infiltrating carcinomas. British Journal of Cancer 54: 877-883, 1986.


SPANDIDOS DA: Review-Hypothesis. A unified theory for the development of cancer. Bioscience Reports 6: 691-708, 1986.


Gambari R and SPANDIDOS DA: Chinese hamster lung cells transformed with the human HA-RAS-1 oncogene: azacytidine mediated induction of adipogenic conversion. Cell Biology International Reports 10: 173, 1986.


Manolagas SC, Provvedini DM, Murray EJ, Murray SS, Tsonis P and SPANDIDOS DA: Association between the expression of the receptor protein for 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 84: 856-860, 1987.


Agnantis NJ, Pintzas A, Kakkanas A, Markoulatos P and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of the ras oncogene p21 protein in human breast tumors and in several benign conditions using the Y13-259 monoclonal antibody. In: Fundamental Problems in Breast Cancer. AHG Paterson and P Lee (Eds). Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, Boston, USA, pp323-325, 1987.


SPANDIDOS DA and Anderson MLM: A study of mechanisms of carcinogenesis by gene transfer of oncogenes into mammalian cells. Mutation Research 185: 271-291, 1987.


SPANDIDOS DA: Electric field mediated-gene transfer (electroporation) into mouse Friend and human K562 erythroleukemic cells. Gene Analysis Techniques 40: 50-56, 1987.


SPANDIDOS DA and Holmes L: Transcriptional enhancer activity in the variable tandem repeat DNA sequences of the human Ha-ras1 gene. FEBS Letters 218: 41-46, 1987.


Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of oncogenes in human tumors with special reference to the head and neck region. Journal of Oral Pathology 16: 97-107, 1987.


Wyllie AH, Rose KA, Morris RG, Steel CM, Foster E and SPANDIDOS DA: Rodent fibroblast tumours expressing human myc and ras genes: Growth, metastasis and endogenous oncogene expression. British Journal of Cancer 56: 251-259, 1987.


SPANDIDOS DA: Gene transfer protocol. In: Culture of Animal Cells. RI Freshney (Ed). Alan Liss Inc, pp333-334, 1987.


SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogene activation in malignant transformation. A study of H-ras in human breast cancer. Anticancer Research 7: 991-996, 1987.


Yiagnisis M and SPANDIDOS DA: Interleukin 3 like activity secreted from human ras or myc transfected rodent cells. Anticancer Research 7: 1293-1297, 1987.


SPANDIDOS DA, Pintzas A, Kakkanas A, Yiagnisis M, Mahera H, Patra E and Agnantis NJ: Elevated expression of the myc gene in human benign and malignant breast lesions compared to normal tissue. Anticancer Research 7: 1299-1304, 1987.


Williams ARW, Piris J, SPANDIDOS DA and Willie AH: Immunohistochemical detection of the ras oncogene p21 product in an experimental tumour and in human colorectal neoplasms. In: The Year Book of Cancer, Saunders, pp144-146, 1987.


SPANDIDOS DA: Ras oncogenes in cell transformation. ISI Atlas of Science: Immunology 1: 1-6, 1988.


Nastruzzi C, Feriotto G, SPANDIDOS DA, Anzanel D, Ferroni R, Guarneri M, Barbieri R and Gambari R: Effects of benzamidine derivatives on Ha-RAS-1 mRNA accumulation in a Chinese hamster cell line transformed with the activated human T24 Ha-RAS-1 oncogene. Anticancer Research 8: 269-274, 1988.


Agnantis NJ, SPANDIDOS DA, Mahera H, Parissi P, Kakkanas A, Pintzas A and Papacharalampous NX: Immunohistochemical study of ras oncogene expression in endometrial and cervical human lesions. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 9: 360-365, 1988.


SPANDIDOS DA and Pintzas A: Differential potency and trans-activation of normal and mutant T24 human H-ras1 gene promoters. FEBS Letters 232: 269-274, 1988.


SPANDIDOS DA, Pintzas A, Kakkanas A, Yiagnisis M and Agnantis NJ: Quantitative and qualitative changes in oncogene expression during carcinogenesis. In: Breast Cancer: Scientific and Clinical Progress. MA Rich, JC Hager and DM Lopez (Eds). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, pp24-41, 1988.


Anderson MLM and SPANDIDOS DA: Onco-suppressor genes and their involvement in cancer. Anticancer Research 8: 873-880, 1988.


SPANDIDOS DA, Nichols RAB, Wilkie NM and Pintzas A: Phorbol ester responsible H-ras1 gene promoter contains multiple TPA-inducible/AP-1-binding consensus sequence elements. FEBS Letters 240: 191-195, 1988.


Papamichalis G, Francia K, Karahaliou FE, Anastassiades OTh and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of the c-myc oncoprotein in metaplastic epithelial cells of fibrocystic disease. Anticancer Research 8: 1217-1222, 1988.


Papadimitriou K, Yiagnisis M, Tolis G and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical analysis of the ras oncogene protein product in human thyroid neoplasms. Anticancer Research 8: 1223-1227, 1988.


SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes and the molecular basis of breast cancer. In: Mastology "88. L Ioannidou-Muzaka, M Philippakis, PA Angelakis (Eds). Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. pp51-55, 1988.


SPANDIDOS DA and Wilkie NM: The normal human H-ras1 gene can act as onco-suppressor. British Journal of Cancer 58: Suppl.ix, 67-71, 1988.


Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of oncogenes in human tumours with special reference to the head and neck region. In: The Year Book of Dentistry, Saunders, pp378-380, 1988.


SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of exogenous human ras and myc oncogene in morphological differentiation of the rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. International Journal of Developmental Neurosciences 7: 1-4, 1989.


Nastruzzi C, Feriotto G, SPANDIDOS DA, Ferroni R, Guarneri M, Barbieri R and Gambari R: Inhibition of in vitro tumor cell growth by aromatic polyamidines exhibiting antiproteinase activity. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 7: 25-39, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA and Anderson MLM: Oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes: their involvement in cancer. Journal of Pathology 157: 1-10, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA, Yiagnisis M and Pintzas A: Human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat responds to transformation by the mutant T24 H-ras1 oncogene and it contains multiple AP-1 binding/TPA-inducible consensus sequence elements. Anticancer Research 9: 383-386, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional regulatory sequences in the H-ras gene. In: Ras Oncogenes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Publ Corp, pp11-14, 1989.


Yiagnisis M, Papadimitrou K and SPANDIDOS DA: Human thyroid neoplasms express ras p21 protein at high levels. In: Ras Oncogenes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Press, New York and London, pp47-49, 1989.


Wyllie AH, Evans I, Morris RG and SPANDIDOS DA: Regulation of the cell death by ras and myc oncogenes. In: Ras oncogenes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Press, New York and London, pp149-155, 1989.


Tiniakos D, SPANDIDOS DA, Kakkanas A, Pintzas A, Pollice L and Tiniakos G: Expression of ras and myc oncogenes in hepatocellular carcinoma and non-neoplastic liver tissues. Anticancer Research 9: 715-722, 1989.


Efremidis AP, Agnantis NJ, Patra F, Papadopoulou C and SPANDIDOS DA: Clinical significance of elevated p21 ras oncogene expression in breast cancer patients. Cancer Journal 2: 288-291, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA, Field JK, Agnantis NJ, Evan GI and Moore JP: High levels of c-myc protein in breast tumors determined by a sensitive ELISA assay. Anticancer Research 9: 821-826, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA and Lang JC: Immortalization by truncated myc or ras genes and synergism between myc and ras genes on cell transformation. Anticancer Research 9: 1149-1152, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA and Lang JC: In vitro cell transformation by ras oncogenes. CRC Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis 1: 195-209, 1989.


Nastruzzi C, Simoni D, Barbieri R, Feriotto G, Baruldi PG, SPANDIDOS DA, Guarneri M and Gambari R: New synthetic retinoids: Effects on proliferation and differentiation. Anticancer Research 9: 1377-1384, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA, Yiagnisis M, Papadimitriou K and Field JK: Ras, c-myc, and c-erbB-2 oncoprotein expression in human breast carcinomas. Anticancer Research 9: 1385-1394, 1989.


Pintzas A and SPANDIDOS DA: Ras p21 oncoprotein is autoregulated and acts as a potential mediator of insulin action in the H-ras1 promoter. Gene Analysis Techniques 6: 125-130, 1989.


Field JK, SPANDIDOS DA, Stell PM, Vaughan ED, Evan GI and Moore JP: Elevated expression of the c-myc oncoprotein correlates with poor prognosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oncogene 4: 1463-1468, 1989.


Karayiannis M, Yiagnisis M, Papadimitriou K and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of the ras oncoprotein in gastric carcinomas and adjacent mucosa. Anticancer Research 9: 1505-1510, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA and Lang JC: The role of oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes in carcinogenesis. Chinese Journal for Cancer Research 1: 70-74, 1989.


SPANDIDOS DA: The role of the ras p21 product in cell transformation. In: Activation of Hormones and Growth Factor Receptors: MN Alexis and CE Sekeris (Eds). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp63-67, 1990.


Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: The role of ras and myc oncogenes in human solid tumors and their relevance in diagnosis and prognosis. Anticancer Research 10: 1-22, 1990.


Gambari R, Barbieri R, Feriotto G, SPANDIDOS DA and Nastruzzi C: Effects of the proteinase inhibitor tetra-p-amidinophenoxyneopentane on in vitro adhesion and invasiveness of tumor cells. Anticancer Research 10: 259-264, 1990.


Agnantis NJ, Constantinidou A, Poulios C, Pinztas A, Kakkanas A and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical study of the ras oncogene expression in human bladder endoscopy specimens. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 16: 153-160, 1990.


SPANDIDOS DA: Ras oncogenes in multistep carcinogenesis. In: Oncogenesis: Oncogenes in Signal Transduction and Cell Proliferation. TS Papas (Ed). Portofolio Publ Co, pp93-96, 1990.


Agnantis NJ, Mahera H, Maounis N, Papanicolaou A and SPANDIDOS DA: Ras p21 oncoprotein expression in human cervical intraepithelial neoplasias and other benign conditions of the uterine cervix. In: Oncogenesis: Oncogenes in Signal Transduction and Cell Proliferation. TS Papas (Ed). Portofolio Publ Co, pp97-101, 1990.


Koutselini H, Kappatou G, Yiagnisis M, Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunocytochemichal study of RAS oncoprotein in cytologic specimens of primary lung tumors. Anticancer Research 10: 597-604, 1990.


Gosney JR, Field JK, Gosney MA, Lye MDW, SPANDIDOS DA and Butt SA: C-myc oncoprotein in bronchial carcinoma: expression in all major morphological types. Anticancer Research 10: 623-628, 1990.


Giacomini P, Gambari R, Barbieri R, Nastruzzi C,Fraioli R, SPANDIDOS DA, Fisher PB and Natali PG: Recombinant immune interferon down-regulates Ha-ras-1 proto-oncogene products in a human melanoma cell line. Anticancer Research 10: 629-636, 1990.


Kakkanas A and SPANDIDOS DA: In vitro and in vivo onco-suppressor activity of normal cells on cells transformed with the H-ras1 oncogene. In Vivo 4: 109-114, 1990.


Kakkanas A and SPANDIDOS DA: Ras p21 onco-protein in the sera of mice carrying an experimentally induced tumor and in human cancer patients. In Vivo 4: 115-120, 1990.


Kittas C, Korkolopoulou P, Pangalis GA Tsenga A, Boussiotis VA and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of c-myc p62 protein in non-Hodgkin"s lymphomas. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1: 241-247, 1990.


Anderson MLM and SPANDIDOS DA: Onco-suppressor genes. In: Molecular Biology of Cancer Genes. M Sluyser (Ed). Ellis Horwood, pp62-81, 1990.


Agnantis NJ and SPANDIDOS DA: Ras and c-myc oncoprotein expression in human colorectal tumors. In: Hereditary colorectal Cancer. J Utsunomiya and HT Lynch (Eds). Springer-Verlag, pp483-487, 1990.


SPANDIDOS DA and Anderson MLM: A role of ras oncogenes in carcinoncogenesis and differentiation. In: Molecular Aspects of Development and Aging of the Nervous System. JM Lauder, A Privat, E Giacobini, PS Timiras and A Vernadakis (Eds). Plenum Publ Co, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 265: 127-131, 1990.


Nastruzzi C, Barbieri R, Ferroni R, Guarneri M, SPANDIDOS DA and Gambari R: Tetra-amidines exhibiting anti-proteinase activity: effects on oriented migration and in vitro invasiveness of a chinese hamster cell line transfected with the activated human T24 Ha-ras-1 oncogene. Cancer Letters 50: 93-102, 1990.


SPANDIDOS DA, Zakinthinos S, Petraki C, Sotsiou F, Yiagnisis M, Dimopoulos AM, Roussos C and Field JK: Expression of ras p21 and myc p62 oncoproteins in small cell and non small cell carcinoma of the lung. Anticancer Research 10: 1105-1114, 1990.


SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V, Kotsinas A, Tsiriyotis C and Sekeris CE: Response of human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat to growth factors and hormones. Anticancer Research 10: 1241-1246, 1990.


Karayiannis M, Yiagnisis M, Papadimitriou K, Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: Evaluation of the ras and myc oncoprotein in benign gastric lesions. Anticancer Research 10: 1127-1134, 1990.


SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V, Kotsinas A, Maurer HR and Patsilinakos P: Transcriptional activation of the human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequences by cis-platin. Genetic Analysis Techniques and Applications 7: 138-141, 1990.


Zoumpourlis V, Patsilinacos P, Kotsinas A, Maurer HR, Lenas P and SPANDIDOS DA: Cis-platin stimulates the expression from the human immunodeficiency virus long-terminal repeat sequences in human fibroblasts. AntiCancer Drugs 1: 55-58, 1990.


SPANDIDOS DA, Frame M and Wilkie NM: Expression of the normal H-ras1 gene can suppress the transformed and tumorigenic phenotypes induced by mutant ras genes. Anticancer Research 10: 1543-1554, 1990.


SPANDIDOS DA, Kaloterakis A, Yiagnisis M, Varatsos A and Field JK: Ras, c-myc and c-erbB-2 oncoprotein expression in non-AIDS Mediterranean Kaposi"s sarcoma. Anticancer Research 10: 1619-1626, 1990.


Linardopoulos S, Malliri A, Pintzas A, Vassilaros S, Tsikkinis A and SPANDIDOS DA: Elevated expression of AP-1 activity in human breast tumors as compared to normal adjacent tissue. Anticancer Research 10: 1711-1714, 1990.


Kerr DJ, Khan MZ, Plumb J, Freshney RI and SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of oncogene transfection on epithelial cell response to cytotoxic drugs. Biochemical Pharmacology. Life Sciences Advances 9: 375-379, 1990.


Anderson MLM, SPANDIDOS DA and Coggins JR: Electroporation of lymphoid cells: factors affecting the efficiency of transfection. Journal of Biochemical and Biophycical Methods 22: 207-222, 1991.


Agnantis NJ, Apostolikas N, Sficas C, Zolota V and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical detection of ras p21 and c-myc p62 in colonic adenomas and carcinomas. Hepato-Gastroenterology 38: 239-242, 1991.


Zoumpourlis V, Kerr DJ and SPANDIDOS DA: Doxorubicin stimulates transcription from the human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequences. Cancer Letters 56: 181-185, 1991.


Katsanakis CD, Sekeris CE and SPANDIDOS DA: The human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat contains sequences showing partial homology to glucocorticoid responsive elements. Anticancer Research 11: 381-384, 1991.


SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V and Lang JC: Cis-platin responsive sequences in the human c-myc promoter. Anticancer Research 11: 1339-1342, 1991.


Khan MZ, SPANDIDOS DA, Kerr DJ, McNicol AM, Lang JC, DeRidder L and Freshney RI: Oncogene transfection of mink lung cells: effects on growth characteristics in vitro and in vivo. Anticancer Research 11: 1343-1348, 1991.


Kerr DJ, Plumb JA, Freshney RI, Khan MZ and SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of H-ras and c-myc oncogene transfection on response of mink lung epithelial cells to growth factors and cytotoxic drugs. Anticancer Research 11: 1349-1352, 1991.


Koutselini H, Malliri A, Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA:p53 expression in cytologic specimens from benign and malignant breast lesions. Anticancer Research 11: 1415-1420, 1991.


Tosca A, Linardopoulos S, Malliri A, Hatziolou E, Nicolaidou A and SPANDIDOS DA: Implication of the RAS and MYC onco-proteins in the pathogenesis of mycosis fungoides. Anticancer Research 11: 1433-1438, 1991.


SPANDIDOS DA, Malliri A, and Sekeris CE: Onco-suppressor genes. Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics 5: 3-11, 1991.


Arvanitis D, Malliri A, Antoniou D, Linardopoulos S, Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: Ras p21 expression in brain tumors: Elevated expression in malignant astrocytomas and glioblastomas multiforme. In Vivo 5: 317-321, 1991.


Field JK, SPANDIDOS DA, Malliri A, Gosney JR, Yiagnisis M and Stell PM: Elevated p53 expression correlates with a history of heavy smoking in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. British Journal of Cancer 64: 573-577, 1991.


Pintzas A and SPANDIDOS DA: Sp-1 binding sites within the human H-ras promoter: Potential role of the 6 bp insertion sequence in the T24 H-ras1 gene. Anticancer Research 11: 2067-2070, 1991.


Eliopoulos A. Kerr DJ and SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of doxorubicin, daunorubicin and 4"-epidoxorubicin on the exogenous c-myc promoter in mouse erythroleykemia cells. Anticancer Research 11: 2153-2158, 1991.


Skalkeas GrD, SPANDIDOS DA, Kostakis A, Balafouta-Tseleni S, Choremi E, Iliopoulos D and Haliassos A: K-ras oncogene mutations in neoplasias of Kidney transplanted patients: Preliminary results with a new technique. Anticancer Research 11: 2091-2094, 1991.


Chastre E, Empereur S, DiGioia Y, Bex V, VanRoy F, Caillard I, Tome D, SPANDIDOS DA, Emani S and Gespach C: Induction et activation du pouvoir tumoral et des systems effecteurs de la metastase par les oncogenes ras et src. Cahiers d" Oncologie. Special Issue pp39-40, 1991.


SPANDIDOS DA: Ras oncogenes in cell transformation and human cancer. In: ââ?¬Ë?Biotechnology of cell Regulationââ?¬â?¢. R Verna and Y Nishizuka (Eds). Serono Symposia Series.Advances in Experimental Medicine. Series Eds L Frati and SA Aaronson. Raven Press, New York, USA, pp205-209, 1991.


Eliopoulos A, Kerr DJ and SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of cis-platin and carboplatin on c-myc promoter in erythroleukemia cells. AntiCancer Drugs 2: 597-601, 1991.


Wishart GC, Plumb JA, SPANDIDOS DA and Kerr DJ: H-ras transfection in mink lung epithelial cells may induce ââ?¬Ë?atypicalââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬Ë?multidrugââ?¬â?¢ resistance. European Journal of Cancer 27: 673, 1991.


SPANDIDOS DA: Suppression of the phenotype of T24 H-ras1 transformed cells. In: The Super-Family of ras Related Genes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Publishing Co, pp145-150, 1991.


Chomel JC, Grandjouan S, SPANDIDOS DA, Tuilliez M, Bognel C, Kintzis A, Kaplan JC and Haliassos A: Search for correlations between K-ras oncogene activation and pathology, in sporadic and familiar colonic adenomas. In: The Super-Family of ras Related Genes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Publishing Co, pp153-161, 1991.


Nastruzzi C, SPANDIDOS D, Feriotto G, Manfredini S, Simoni D and Gambari R: Ha-RAS-1 transfected cells: Induction to differentiation by natural and synthetic retinoids. In: The super-family of ras Related Genes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Publishing Co, pp173-181, 1991.


Symonds RP, Habeshaw T, Paul J, Kerr DJ, Darling A, Burnett RA, Sotsiou F, Linardopoulos S and SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogene expression and cervical cancer. In: The Super-Family of ras Related Genes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Publishing Co, pp227-283, 1991.


Kerr DJ, Plumb JA, Wishart GC, Khan MZ, Freshney RI and SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of H-ras and c-myc oncogene transfection on the responce of lung epithelial cells to growth factors and cytotoxic drugs. In: The Super-Family of ras Related Genes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Publishing Co, pp285-294, 1991.


Pintzas A, Kotsinas A and SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional regulation of c-Ha-ras1 gene. In: The Super-Family of ras Related Genes. DA Spandidos (Ed). Plenum Publishing Co, pp311-316, 1991.


SPANDIDOS DA, Karayiannis M, Yiagnisis M, Papadimitriou K and Field JK: Immunohistochemical analysis on the expression of the c-myc oncoprotein in human stomach cancers. Digestion 50: 127-134, 1991.


SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogene activation: A prognostic indicator in the development of human tumors. In: Continuing Education Program. Lectures of Invited Guests Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society and the International Symposium on Neuroscience for Neurosurgeons, pp72-77, 1991.


SPANDIDOS DA: Ras oncogene activation in cell transformation and malignancy. Genetics of Hematological Disorders. CS Bartsocas and D Loukopoulos (Eds). Hemisphere Publ Corp, pp137-140, 1992.


Kalmanti M, Kalmantis T, Vassilaki M, Yiagnisis M, Galanopoulos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical analysis of the ras oncoprotein product p21 in the bone marrow of children with acute leukemia. Genetics of Hematological Disorders. CS Bartsocas and D Loukopoulos (Eds). Hemisphere Publ Corp, pp155-161, 1992.


Kalmantis T, Vassilaki M, Kalmanti M, Yiagnisis M, Grenzelias D and SPANDIDOS DA: Elevated expression of the ras p21 oncoprotein in myelodysplastic syndromes as determined by immunohistochemical analysis of bone marrow smears. Genetics of Hematological Disorders. CS Bartsocas and D Loukopoulos (Eds). Hemisphere Publ Corp, pp163-170, 1992.


SPANDIDOS DA, Karaiossifidi H, Malliri A, Linardopoulos S, Vassilaros S, Tsikkinis A and Field JK: Expression, of ras, Rb1 and p53 proteins in human breast cancer. Anticancer Research 12: 81-90, 1992.


Field JK, SPANDIDOS DA and Stell PM: Overexpression of the p53 gene in head and neck cancer-a genetic link with heavy smoking and drinking. Lancet 339: 502-503, 1992.


Zoumpourlis V, Kerr DJ and SPANDIDOS DA: Carboplatin as opposed to cis-platin does not stimulate the expression of the human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequences. Biochemical Pharmacology 43: 650-654, 1992.


Tsatsanis C, Tsiriyotis C and SPANDIDOS DA: Hexametlylene bisacetamide and cis-platin stimulate the expression from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat sequence in human MCF-7 cells. In Vivo 6: 145-150, 1992.


SPANDIDOS DA, Arvanitis D and Field JK: Ras p21 expression in neuroblastomas and gaglio-neuroblastomas: correlation with patients prognosis. International Journal of Oncology 1: 53-58, 1992.


Hassan HT, Tsiryiotis C, Maurer HR and SPANDIDOS DA: Recombinant human interleukin-3 opposes the effects of Vitamin A and D on HL-60 human myeloid leukaemia cells. Anticancer Research 12: 821-826, 1992.


Field JK, Yiagnisis M, SPANDIDOS DA, Gosney JR, Papadimitriou K, Vaughan ED and Stell PM: Low levels of ras p21 oncogene expression correlates with clinical outcome in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 18: 168-176, 1992.


Field JK, SPANDIDOS DA, Yiagnisis M, Gosney JR, Papadimitriou K and Stell PM: c-erbB-2 expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Anticancer Research 12: 613-620, 1992.


Maurer HR, Hassan HT, Tsiriyotis C and SPANDIDOS DA: Recombiant human interferons alpha, beta and gamma reduce the anti-proliferative action of cytarabine in K562 human myeloid leukaemia clonogenic cells. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 118: 329-333, 1992.


Haliassos A, Arvanitis D, Parliaras J and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of hepatitis B virus DNA at high frequency in liver neoplasias using a PCR technique. International Journal of Oncology 1: 125-128, 1992.


Russel J, Khan MZ, Kerr DJ and SPANDIDOS DA: The effect of transfection with the oncogenes H-ras and c-myc on the radio-sensitivity of a mink epithelial cell line. Radiation Research 130: 113-116, 1992.


Gorgoulis V, Aninos D, Priftis Ch, Evagelopoulou C, Karameris A, Kanavaros P and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-�± and epidermal growth factor receptor in thyroid tumors. In Vivo 6: 291-296, 1992.


Gorgoulis V, Aninos D, Mikou P, Kanavaros P, Karameris A, Jordanoglu I, Rasidakis A, Velsemes M, Ozanne B and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of EGF, TGF-�± and EGFR in squamous cell lung carcinomas. Anticancer Research 12: 1183-1188, 1992.


Kyriakou D, Karkavitsas N, Eliopoulos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical analysis of the ras p21 oncoprotein in Hashimoto"s thyroiditis. Anticancer Research 12: 1189-1194, 1992.


Field JK, Malliri A, Jones A and SPANDIDOS DA: Mutations in the p53 gene at codon 249 are rare in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. International Journal of Oncology 1: 253-256, 1992.


Zoumpourlis V and SPANDIDOS DA: Hexamethylene bisacetamide stimulates the expression of human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequences in rat and human fibroblasts. AntiCancer Drugs 3: 163-167, 1992.


Hassan HT, Eliopoulos A, Maurer HR and SPANDIDOS DA: Recombinant human GM-CSF enhances the anti-proliferative activity of vitamin D in MCF-7 human breast cancer clonogenic cells. European Journal of Cancer 28A: 1588-1589, 1992.


Symonds RP, Habeshaw T, Paul T, Kerr DZ, Darling A, Burnett RA, Sotsiou F, Linardopoulos S and SPANDIDOS DA: Ras, c-myc and c-jun proto-oncogene expression in advanced carcinoma of cervix. Correlation with prognostic indices and survival. The European Journal of Cancer 28A: 1615-1617, 1992.


Agnantis NJ, Mahera H, Maounis N and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical study of ras and myc oncoproteins in apocrine lesions with and without papillomatosis. European Journal of Gynecological Oncology 8: 309-315, 1992.


Papadakis E, Malliri A, Linardopoulos S, Karaiossifidi H, Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: Ras and p53 expression in non-small cell lung cancer patients: p53 over-expression correlates with a poor prognosis. International Journal of Oncology 1: 403-413, 1992.


Haliassos A, Eliopoulos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes and onco-suppressor in human leukemias and lymphomas. European School of Oncology. Postgraduate Athens Leukemia Seminar, GA Pangalis (ed), pp63-75, 1992.


Haliassos A, Liloglou T, Likourinas M, Doumas C, Ricci N and SPANDIDOS DA: H-ras oncogene mutations in the urine of patients with bladder tumors: description of a non-invasive method for the detection of neoplasia. International Journal of Oncology 1: 731-734, 1992.


SPANDIDOS DA: The role of oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes in human breast cancer. Breast cancer: Biological and Clinical Progress. L Dogliotti, A Sapino and G Bussolatti (Eds). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp3-10, 1992.


Delakas D, Agnantis NJ, Parliaras J, Cranidis A and SPANDIDOS DA: The role of ras p21 oncoprotein in human bladder cancer. In: Oncogenes and Molecular Genetics of Urological Tumours. CA Olsson (Ed). Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp91-94, 1992.


Zoumpourlis V, Eliopoulos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional activation of the human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequences by tumor necrosis factor. Anticancer Research 12: 2065-2068, 1992.


Kalmanti M, Kalmantis T, Vassilaki M, Galanopoulos A, Grenzelias D and SPANDIDOS DA: The expression of the RAS p21 oncoprotein in the bone marrow smears of children with acute leukemia. Anticancer Research 12: 2177-2180, 1992.


SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes in breast cancer. In: Senology. L Ioannidou-Mouzaka, NJ Agnatnis and I Karydas (Eds). Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp425-429, 1992.


Tiniakos D, SPANDIDOS DA, Yiagnisis M and Tiniakos G: Expression of ras and c-myc oncoproteins and hepatitis B surface antigen in human liver disease. Hepato-Gastroenterology 40: 37-40, 1993.


SPANDIDOS DA, Liloglou T, Arvanitis D and Gourtsoyiannis NC: Ras gene activation in human small intestinal tumors. International Journal of Oncology 2: 513-518, 1993.


SPANDIDOS DA and Anderson MLM: Oncogene activation and human cancer. In: Oncogene and transgenics: Correlates of cancer risk assessments. C Zervos (Ed). Plenum Publishers, New York, pp61-66, 1993.


Haliassos A and SPANDIDOS DA: K-ras oncogene activation in neoplasias of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis or Kidney transplant. In: Oncogenes and transgenics: Correlates of Cancer risk assessments. C Zervos (Ed). Plenum Publishers, New York, pp127-131, 1993.


Haliassos A, Liloglou T, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: The polymerase chain reaction in medical applications. Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics 7: 7-16, 1993.


Zoumpourlis V, Kerr DJ and SPANDIDOS DA: Differential interaction of cis-platin with the HIV-1 LTR in a carcinoma cell line. AntiCancer Drugs 4: 77-83, 1993.


Eliopoulos AG and SPANDIDOS DA: Changes in FOS/JUN binding activity on a negative regulatory element of c-myc during differentiation of mouse erythroleukemic cells. International Journal of Oncology 2: 883-888, 1993.


Linardopoulos S, Papadakis E, Delakas D, Theodosiou V, Cranidis A and SPANDIDOS DA: Human lung and bladder carcinoma tumors as compared to their adjacent normal tissue have elevated AP-1 activity at the retinoblastoma gene promoter. Anticancer Research 13: 257-262, 1993.


SPANDIDOS DA, Liloglou T and Field JK: Prognostic significance of oncogenes and tumour-suppressor genes in human malignancy. Stem Cells 11: 194-198, 1993.


Tsiriyotis C, SPANDIDOS DA and Sekeris CE: Binding of mitochondrial and nuclear proteins from mouse and human cells to GRE-like elements of mouse mitochondrial DNA. International Journal of Oncology 2: 947-952, 1993.


Korkolopoulou P, Patsouris E, Pangalis G, Tsenga A, Elemenoglou J, Thomas-Tsangli E, SPANDIDOS D and Kittas C: A comparative assessment of proliferating cell nuclear antigen, c-myc p62 and nucleotide organizer region staining in non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma: A histochemical and immunohistochemical study of 200 cases. Human Pathology 24: 371-377, 1993.


Field JK, Malliri A, Buff SA, Gosney JR, Phillips D, SPANDIDOS DA and Jones A: p53 expression in end stage squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: correlates with poor survival. International Journal of Oncology 3: 431-435,1993.


Nikolaidou A, Liloglou T, Malliri A, Ergazaki M, Tiniakos G, Tiniakos D and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of hepatitis B virus DNA and mutations in K-ras and p53 genes in human hepatocellular carcinomas. International Journal of Oncology 3: 593-596, 1993.


Gonos ES and SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes in cellular immortalisation and differentiation. Anticancer Research 13: 1117-1122, 1993.


Zoumpourlis V and SPANDIDOS DA: Mitomycin C stimulates the expression of human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequences in rat and human fibroblasts. Biochemical Pharmacology 46: 178-181, 1993.


Kalmantis T, Kalmanti M, Vassilaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Analysis of immunohistochemical results of the ras oncogene product p21 in myelodysplastic syndromes. Anticancer Research 13: 1103-1106, 1993.


Cranidis A, Delakas D, Agnantis NJ and SPANDIDOS DA: Bestimmung des c-MYC onkogenproduktes beim lasenkarzinom. Z Urologie 2: 48, 1993.


Anderson MLM and SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes in lung cancer. Respiratory Medicine 87: 413-420, 1993.


Linardopoulos S, Gonos ES and SPANDIDOS DA: Abnormalities of retinoblastoma gene structure in human lung tumors. Cancer Letters 71: 67-74, 1993.


Kotsinas A, SPANDIDOS DA, Romanowski P and Wyllie AH: Relative expression of wild type and activated Ki-ras2 oncogene in colorectal carcinomas. International Journal of Oncology 3: 841-845, 1993.


Gorgoulis V, Giatromanolaki A, Karameris A, Tsatsanis C, Aninos D, Ozanne B, Veslemes M, Jordanoglou J, Trigidou R, Papastamatiou H and SPANDIDOS DA: Epidermal growth factor receptor expression in squamous cell lung carcinomas: An immunohistochemical and gene analysis in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded material. Virchows Archives A Pathology Anatomy 423: 295-302, 1993.


Field JK, Pavelic ZP, SPANDIDOS DA, Stambrook PJ, Jones AS and Gluckman JL: The role of the p53 tumour suppressor gene in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Archives of Otoraryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 119: 1118-1122, 1993.


SPANDIDOS DA, Eliopoulos A and Zoumpourlis V: Regulation of oncogene and AIDS virus expression by cis-platin compounds. Journal of Chemotherapy 5: 778-779, 1993.


Chastre E, Empereur SD, Gioia Y, Mareel MM, Van Roy F, Bex V, Emani S, SPANDIDOS DA and Gespach C: Differential effects of the Ha-ras and polyoma middle T oncogenes on cancer progression and cellular differentiation after gene transfer in immortalized and transformed human and rat intestinal epithelial cells. Gastroenterology 105: 1776-1789, 1993.


Ergazaki M, Liloglou T, Koffa M, Kostakis A, Haliassos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of the cytomegalovirus by the polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification in a kidney transpanted patient. In Vivo 7: 531-534, 1993.


Tseleni-Balafouta S, Gonos ES and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of ras p21 in benign and malignant thyroid lesions. Oncology Reports 1: 107-110, 1994.


Eliopoulos AG and SPANDIDOS DA: Altered binding of the AP-1 protein on a negative regulatory element of c-myc is correlated with the progression of the malignancy of the lung and may contribute to c-myc expression. Oncology Reports 1: 139-143, 1994.


Kolettas E, Gonos ES and SPANDIDOS DA: Overexpression of Ha-ras oncogene transforms rodent fibloblasts with low frequency but not human diploid fibroblasts. International Journal of Oncology 4: 43-47, 1994.


Gonos ES and SPANDIDOS DA: The retinoblastoma and p53 onco-suppressor genes and their role in human cancer. Cancer Molecular Biology 1: 27-34, 1994.


Koffa M, Malamou-Mitsi V, Agnantis NJ and SPANDIDOS DA: Mutational activation of K-ras oncogene in human breast tumors. International Journal of Oncology 4: 573-576, 1994.


Koutselini H, Malliri A, Papadakis E, Gillespie DAF and SPANDIDOS DA: c-jun oncogene expression in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncology Reports 1: 353-356, 1994.


Zoumpourlis V, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: AP-1 recognizes elements on HIV-1 LTR in human epithelial tumor cell lines. Oncology Reports 1: 397-401, 1994.


Zoumpourlis V, Papadakis E, Delakas D, Cranidis A, Segas J, Papadakis H and SPANDIDOS DA: Human lung, bladder and head and neck tumors as compared to adjacent normal tissues have elevated AP-1 activity and recognize sequence elements of HIV-1 LTR. Oncology Reports 1: 403-409, 1994.


Field JK, Tsiriyotis C, Zoumpourlis V, Howard P, SPANDIDOS DA and Jones AS: Allele loss on chromosome 3 in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and neck correlates with poor clinical prognostic indicators. International Journal of Oncology 4: 543-549, 1994.


Linardopoulos S and SPANDIDOS DA: Regulation of the Rb gene by normal and mutated RAS, TPA and EGF. Oncology Reports 1: 533-536, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA, Kiaris H, Lioudaki E and Manousos O: Activating mutations in the K-ras gene in ulcerative colitis and Chohn"s disease. Oncology Reports 1: 547-549, 1994.


Eliopoulos AG, Kiaris H, Rees RC, Sivridis E, Parsons MA and SPANDIDOS DA: ras gene mutations are a rare event in human melanomas. Oncology Reports 1: 571-575, 1994.


Gorgoulis V, Tsatsanis C, Ozanne B and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of epidermal growth factor receptor and c-erbB-2 gene amplification in transitional cell bladder carcinoma using the differential PCR technique. International Journal of Oncology 4: 1191-1197, 1994.


Field JK, Zoumpourlis V, SPANDIDOS DA and Jones AS: p53 expression and mutations in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: correlates with the patients use of tobacco and alcohol. Cancer Detection and Prevention 18: 197-208, 1994.


Ergazaki M, Xinarianos G, Koffa M, Liloglou T and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of human cytomegalovirus by the polymerase chain reaction in immunosuppressed and immunocompromised patients. Oncology Reports 1: 805-808, 1994.


Liloglou T, Giannoudis A, Ergazaki M, Koffa M and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of Epstein-Barr by the polymerase chain reaction in immunosuppressed and immunocompromised patients. Oncology Reports 1: 809-811, 1994.


Ergazaki M, Xinarianos G, Giannoudis A, Koffa M, Liloglou T, Kattamis Ch and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of human cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus by the polymerase chain reaction in patients with �Ÿ-thalassaemia. Oncology Reports 1: 813-816, 1994.


Koffa M, Koumantakis E, Ergazaki M, Malamou-Mitsi V and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of ras gene mutations and HPV in lesions of the human female reproductive tract. International Journal of Oncology 5: 189-195, 1994.


Kotsinas A, Kiaris H and SPANDIDOS DA: A method to detect and quantitate the expression of normal versus mutant H-ras transcripts at codon 12. International Journal of Oncology 5: 479-483, 1994.


Kiaris H, SPANDIDOS DA, Jones AS and Field JK: Loss of heterozygocity and microsatellite instability of the H-ras gene in cancer of the head and neck. International Journal of Oncology 5: 579-582, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA, Chatzipanagiotou M and Zoumpourlis V: Oncogene and onco-suppressor gene lesions in lung cancer. In: Proceedings of the International Congress for Lung Cancer. G. Antypas (Ed.) Monduzzi Editore S.p.A. Bologna, Italy, pp41-45, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V, Gorgloulis V and Gourtsoyiannis NC: p53 expression in small intestinal tumors. Oncology Reports 1: 885-889, 1994.


Liloglou T, Kotsinas A and SPANDIDOS DA: Inducible H-ras gene expression controlled by an allosterically regulated transactivator. Oncology Reports 1: 889-993, 1994.


Porter MJ, Field JK, Leung SF, Lo D, Lee JCK, SPANDIDOS DA and Van Hasselt CA: The detection of the c-myc and ras oncogenes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma by immunohistochemistry. Acta Otolaryngologica 114: 105-109, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA, Xinarianos G, Ergazaki M, Giannoudis A and Tsamparlakis J: The presence of herpesviruses in pterygium. International Journal of Oncology 5: 749-752, 1994.


Agnantis NJ, Apostolikas N, Zolota V and SPANDIDOS DA: Immunohistochemical detection of ras p21 oncoprotein in breast cancer imprints. Acta Cytologica 38: 335-340, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA and Field JK: Ras oncogenes as prognostic indicators in the development of human tumors. In: GTPase-Controlled Molecular Machines. D. Corda, H. Hamm and A. Luini (Eds). Ares-Serono Symposia Publications 6: 121-127, 1994.


Ergazaki M, Xinarianos G, Giannoudis A, Markomichelakis N, Tsamparlakis J and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of HSV, CMV and EBV by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in patients with inflammatory eye diseases. Oncology Reports 1: 1207-1210, 1994.


Liloglou T, Tegos C and SPANDIDOS DA: T24 H-ras gene expression increases the activity of phosphoglycerate kinase, enolase and pyruvate kinase and decreases the activity of adenosine deaminase in fibroblast cells. Oncology Reports 1: 1193-1197, 1994.


Kiaris H, Jones AS, SPANDIDOS DA, Vaughan ED and Field JK: Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 8 in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. International Journal of Oncology 5: 1243-1248, 1994.


Kotsinas A, Vageli D, Varakliotou A, Anezinis P, Cranidis A and SPANDIDOS DA: Genomic instability and LOH at two polymorphic sites in the H-ras1 gene. International Journal of Oncology 5: 1249-1253, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes as prognostic indicators in breast cancer. Proceedings of the Hellenic Society for Breast Cancer Research First International Congress. News Bulletin p32, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA, Chatzipanagiotou M and Zoumpourlis V: Prognostic significance of oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes in lung cancer. In: Proceedings of Seminar on Lung Cancer. European School of Oncology. pp26-29, 1994.


Tsatsanis C, Fulton R, Nishizaki K, Tsujimoto H, Levy L, Terry A, SPANDIDOS DA, Onions D and Neil JC: Genetic determinats of feline leukemia virus-induced lymphoid tumors: Patterns of proviral insertion and gene rearrangements. Journal of Virology 68: 8296-8303, 1994.


Kolettas E, Gonos ES and SPANDIDOS DA: Retroviral genes - myc. In: Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures. JB Griffiths, A Doyle and DG Newell (Eds). John Wiley and Sons Ltd, UK. 26H: 1.1-1.14, 1994.


Gonos ES, Kolettas E and SPANDIDOS DA: Retroviral genes - ras. In: Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures. JB Griffiths, A Doyle and DG Newell (Eds). John Wiley and Sons Ltd, UK. 26H: 2.1-2.11, 1994.


SPANDIDOS DA and Koffa M: Activation of ras oncogenes in breast cancer. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Congress on Senology. E. Kubista, A. Staffen and C. Zielinski (Eds) Monduzzi Editore S.p.A. Bologna, Italy, pp91-97, 1994.


Zachos G, Zoumpourlis V, Sekeris CE and SPANDIDOS DA: Binding of the glucocorticoid and estrogen receptors to the human H-ras oncogene sequences. International Journal of Oncology 6: 595-600, 1995.


Kiaris H, Eliopoulos AG, Sivridis E, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Activating mutations at ras family genes in prostate cancer. Oncology Reports 2: 427-430, 1995.


Giannoudis A, Ergazaki M, Segas J, Giotakis J, Adamopoulos G, Gorgoulis V and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of Epstein-Barr virus and human papilomavirus in nasopharyngeal carcinoma by the polymerase chain reaction technique. Cancer Letters 89: 177-181, 1995.


Kiaris H and SPANDIDOS DA: Analysis of H-ras, K-ras and N-ras genes for expression, mutation and amplification in laryngeal tumours. International Journal of Oncology 7: 75-80, 1995.


Field JK, Kiaris H, Howard P, Vaughan ED, SPANDIDOS DA and Jones AS: Microsatellite instability in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.British Journal of Cancer 71: 1065-1069, 1995.


Karachristos A, Linardopoulos S, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection and analysis of hepatitis C virus by a combined RT-PCR method. Variation in the 5" non-coding region of the viral genome. The Journal of Medical Microbiology 42: 367-371, 1995.


Kiaris H, SPANDIDOS DA, Jones AS, Vaughan ED and Field JK: Mutations, expression and genomic instability of the H-ras proto-oncogene in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. British Journal of Cancer 72: 123-128, 1995.


Kiaris H and SPANDIDOS DA: Mutations of ras genes in human tumours. International Journal of Oncology 7: 413-421, 1995.


Neville EM, Ellison G, Kiaris H, Stewart M, SPANDIDOS DA, Fox JC and Field JK: Detection of K-ras mutations in non small cell lung carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology 7: 511-514, 1995.


Kiaris H, Ergazaki M, Sakkas S, Athanasiadou E and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of activating mutations in cytological specimens from lung tumours. Oncology Reports 2: 769-772, 1995.


Kiaris H, Koumantakis E, Ergazaki M, Sifakis S and SPANDIDOS DA: Instability at microsatellite sequences in spontaneously aborted human embryos provides evidence for a novel mechanism for recurrent miscarriage. Oncology Reports 2: 805-810, 1995.


Eliopoulos AG, Maurer HR, Kerr DJ, Hilgard P and SPANDIDOS DA: Cis-platin and two novel platinum compounds increase c-myc transcription in cytotoxic concentrations. Biochemical Pharmacology 50: 33-38, 1995.


SPANDIDOS DA, Glarakis IS, Kotsinas A, Ergazaki M and Kiaris H: Ras oncogene activation in benign and malignant colorectal tumors. Tumori. 81 Supplement: 7-11, 1995.


Gorgoulis V, Zoumpourlis V, Rassidakis G, Karameris A, Barbatis C, SPANDIDOS DA and Kittas C: Molecular analysis of p53 gene in laryngeal premalignant and malignant lesions. p53 protein immunohistochemical expression is positively related to proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) labelling index. Virchows Archives A. 426: 339-344, 1995.


Koffa M, Simiakaki H, Ergazaki M, Papaefthimiou M, Karakatsani K, Diakomanolis E and SPANDIDOS DA: HPV detection in fixed cytological cervical specimens and correlation with cytology and histology. Oncology Reports 2: 1085-1088, 1995.


SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V, Zachos G, Toas SH and Halazonetis TD: Specific recognition of a transcriptional element within the human H-ras proto-oncogene by the p53 tumor suppressor. International Journal of Oncology 7: 1029-1034, 1995.


Zoumpourlis V, Zachos G, Halazonetis TD and SPANDIDOS DA: Binding of wild-type and mutant forms of p53 protein from human tumors to a specific DNA sequence of the first intron of the H-ras oncogene. International Journal of Oncology 7: 1035-1041, 1995.


Kiaris H, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Instability at the H-ras minisatellite is associated with the spontaneous abortion of the embryo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 214: 788-792, 1995.


Biziagos E, Stathopoulos G, Bosch A, Crance J-M, Beher S, Vajiona T, Diez JM, Cajardo R, SPANDIDOS DA, Papaevangelou G, Schwartzbrod L and Deloiance R: Development of an extraction - concentration method for hepatitis A virus recovery from laboratory - contaminated oysters and after the natural accumulation of virus in shellfish. In: Shellfish Depuration. Poggi R and Le Gall J-Y (eds). 1 Fremer, France, pp425-426, 1995.


Field JK, Kiaris H, Risk JM, Tsiriyotis C, Adamson R, Zoumpourlis V, Rowley H, Taylor K, Whittaker J, Howard P, Beirne JC, Gosney JR, Woulgar J, Vaughan ED, SPANDIDOS DA and Jones AS: Allelotype of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: fractional allele loss correlates with survival. British Journal of Cancer 72: 1180-1188, 1995.


Koffa M, Koumantakis E, Ergazaki M, Tsatsanis C and SPANDIDOS DA: Association of herpesvirus infection with the development of genital cancer. International Journal of Cancer 63: 58-62, 1995.


SPANDIDOS DA and Kiaris H: Gene therapy. In: Therapeutic Controversies in Oncology. Throuvalas N and Scalliet P (eds). European School of Oncology, pp308-312, 1995.


Gorgoulis V, Sfikakis PP, Karameris A, Papastamatiou H, Trigidou R, Veslemes M, SPANDIDOS DA, Sfikakis P and Jordanoglou J: Molecular and immunohistochemical study of class I growth factor receptors in squamous cell lung carcinomas. Pathology Research and Practice 191: 973-981, 1995.


Kiaris H, Spanakis N, Ergazaki M, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygosity at 9p and 17q (BRCA1) in laryngeal tumours. Cancer Letters 97: 129-134, 1995.


Archer SG, Eliopoulos A, SPANDIDOS DA, Barnes D, Ellis I, Blamey R, Nicholson R and Robertson J: Expression of ras-p21, p53 and c-erb-B2 in advanced breast cancer and response to first line hormonal therapy. British Journal of Cancer 72: 1259-1266, 1995.


Kiaris H, Ergazaki M, Segas J and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of Epstein-Barr virus genome in squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. The International Journal of Biological Markers 10: 211-215, 1995.


Kiaris H, Koumantakis E, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Microsatellite instability in aborted embryos. Molecular Human Reproduction 2: 72-74, 1996.


Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes as prognostic indicators in the development of human tissues. In: Regulation of Proliferation of Neoplastic Cells. L Pusztai, CE Lewis and E Yap (Eds). Oxford University Press. pp82-104, 1996.


Kiaris H, Ergazaki M, Nikolaou I, Papadimitriou K and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of herpes virus-like DNA sequence in Mediterranian Kaposi"s sarcoma. Oncology Reports 3: 355-356, 1996.


SPANDIDOS DA, Ergazaki M, Arvanitis D and Kiaris H: Microsatellite instability in human atherosclerotic plaques. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 220: 137-140, 1996.


SPANDIDOS DA, Ergazaki M, Hatzistamou J, Kiaris H, Bouros D, Tzortzaki EG and Siafakas NM: Microsatellite instability in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Oncology Reports 3: 489-491, 1996.


Noutsou A, Koffa M, Ergazaki M, Siafakas N and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of human papilloma virus (HPV) and K-ras mutations in human lung carcinomas. International Journal of Oncology 8: 1089-1093, 1996.


SPANDIDOS DA and Kiaris H: Molecular biology, growth factors and oncogenesis in bladder carcinoma. Proceedings of the European School of Oncology Postgraduate Course on Urological Cancer pp21-22, 1996.


SPANDIDOS DA, Kiaris H, Sourvinos G, Zachos G and Ergazaki M: The role of ras oncogenes and p53 onco-suppressor gene in human cancer. In: Proceedings of the Balkan Congress of Oncology, G. Antypas (ed). Monduzzi Editore S.P.A Bologna (Italy) pp533-538, 1966.


SPANDIDOS DA, Koffa M, Sourvinos G and Kiaris H: Oncogenes and onco-suppressor genes in the prevention and therapy of breast cancer. In: Breast Cancer, Advances in Biology and Therapeutics. F. Calvo, M. Crepin, H. Magdelenat (eds). John Libbey Eurotext pp27-31, 1996.


Gonos ES and SPANDIDOS DA: The role of cdc2, cdc25 and cyclin A genes in the maintenance of immortalization and growth arrest in a rat embryonic fibroblast conditional cell line. Cell Biology International 20: 159-167, 1996.


Kiaris H and SPANDIDOS DA: Quantitation of the allelic imbalance provides evidence on tumour heterogeneity: A hypothesis. Mutation Research 354: 35-39, 1996.


Kiaris H, Hatzistamou J and SPANDIDOS DA: Instabillity at the H-ras minisatellite in human atherosclerotic plaques. Atherosclerosis 125: 47-51, 1996.


Hatzistamou J, Kiaris H, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability in human atherosclerotic plaques. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 225: 186-190, 1996.


Zachos G, Varras M, Koffa M, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Glucocorticoid and estrogen receptors have elevated activity in human endometrial and ovarian tumors as compared to the adjacent normal tissues and recognize sequence elements of the H-ras proto-oncogene. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research 87: 916-922, 1996.


Cranidis A, Delakas D, Anezinis P, Agnantis N, Haliassos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of the ras and myc oncogenes in bladder tumors and its correlation with staging and grading of the tumours. Acta Urologica Italica 10: 237-242, 1996.


Christeli E, Zoumpourlis V, Kiaris H, Ergazaki M, Vassilaros S and SPANDIDOS DA: TGF-�Ÿ1 overexpression in breast cancer: correlation with clinicopathological data. Oncology Reports 3: 1115-1118, 1996.


Zoumpourlis V, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional activation of the human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequences by retinoic acid in human epithelial and fibroblast tumor cell lines. The International Journal of Biological Markers 11: 153-158, 1996.


Gorgoulis VG, Zoumpourlis V, Rassidakis GZ, Karameris A, Rassidakis AN, SPANDIDOS DA and Kittas C: A molecular and immunohistochemical study of the MDM2 protein isoforms and p53 gene product in bronchogenic carcinoma. Journal of Pathology 180: 129-137, 1996.


Varras MN, Koffa M, Koumantakis E, Ergazaki M, Protopapa E, Miehalas St and SPANDIDOS DA: ras gene mutations in human endometrial carcinoma. Oncology 53: 505-510, 1996.


Vageli D, Kiaris H, Delakas D, Anezinis P, Cranidis A and SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional activation of H-ras, K-ras and N-ras proto-oncogenes in human bladder tumors. Cancer Letters 107: 241-247, 1996.


Gougopoulou DM, Kiaris H, Ergazaki M, Anagnostopoulos NI, Grigoraki V and SPANDIDOS DA: Mutations and expression of the ras family genes in leukemias. Stem Cells 14: 725-729, 1996.


Rowley H, Jones A, SPANDIDOS DA and Field J: Definition of a tumor suppressor gene locus on the short arm of chromosome 3 in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck by means of microsatellite markers. Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 122: 497-501, 1996.


Demonacos CV, Karayani N, Hatzoglou E, Tsiriyiotis C, SPANDIDOS DA and Sekeris CE: Mitochondrial genes as sites of primary action of steroid hormones. Steroids 61: 226-232, 1996.


Zachos G, Varras M, Koffa M, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: The association of the H-ras oncogene and steroid hormone receptors in gynecological cancer. The Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology 1: 335-341, 1996.


SPANDIDOS DA, Sourvinos G and Koffa M: ras genes, p53 and HPV as prognostic indicators in human cancer (Review). Oncology Reports 4: 211-218, 1997.


Liloglou T, Ross H, Prime W, Donnelly RJ, SPANDIDOS DA, Gosney JR and Field JK: p53 gene aberrations in non-small-cell lung carcinomas from a smoking population. British Journal of Cancer 75: 1119-1124, 1997.


Koffa M, Kalmanti M, Sakalidou A, Kanavaros P, Liloglou T and SPANDIDOS DA: N-ras and K-ras genes point mutations in childhood lymphomas. Archive of Oncology 5: 5-7, 1997.


Constantinidou M, Chalevelakis G, Economopoulos T, Koffa M, Liloglou T, Anastassiou C, Yalouris A, SPANDIDOS DA and Raptis S: Codon 12 ras mutations in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome: incidence and prognostic value. Annals of Hematology 74: 11-14, 1997.


Sourvinos G, Kiaris H, Tsikkinis A, Vassilaros S and SPANDIDOS DA:Microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygosity in primary breast tumors. Tumor Biology 18: 157-166, 1997.


Tsopanomichalou M, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Evaluation of Western blot in routine diagnosis of hepatitis C virus. International Journal of Biological Markers 12: 35-41, 1997.


Parissis J, Arvanitis DL, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA: A primary cardiac leiomyosarcoma with mutation at H-ras codon 12. Oncology Reports 4: 807-808, 1997.


SPANDIDOS DA, Sourvinos G, Kiaris H and Tsamparlakis J: Microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygosity in human pterygium. British Journal of Ophthalmology 81: 493-496, 1997.


Varras M, Zachos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Endometrial carcinoma in a breast cancer patient treated with tamoxifen: activation of K-ras proto-oncogene. Oncology Reports 4: 1045-1046, 1997.


Koffa M and SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenes and onco-suppressor genesin female genital cancer. In: Adolescent Gynecology and Endocrinology: Basic and Clinical Aspects. G. Creatsas, G. Mastorakos and G.P. Chrousos (eds). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 816: 347-355, 1997.


Tsiriyotis C, SPANDIDOS DA and Sekeris CE: The mitochondrion as a primary site of action of glucocorticoids: Mitochondrial nucleotide sequences showing similarity to hormone response elements confer dexamethasone inducibility to chimaeric genes transfected in LATK-cells. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 235: 349-354, 1997.


Tsopanomichalou M, Ergazaki M, Linardopoulos S and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of hepatitis C virus in sera and genotyping according to the 5" non-coding region. Oncology Reports 4: 1171-1174, 1997.


Kolettas E, SPANDIDOS DA and Rosenberger RF: SV40 transformation of embryonic human diploid fibroblasts results in multiple molecular changes. International Journal of Oncology 11: 717-725, 1997.


Liloglou T, Scholes AGM, SPANDIDOS DA, Vaughan ED, Jones AS and Field JK: p53 mutations in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck predominate in a subgroup of former and present smokers with a low frequency of genetic instability. Cancer Research 57: 4070-4074, 1997.


Zachos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Expression of ras proto-oncogenes: regulation and implications in the development of human tumors. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 26: 65-75, 1997.


Sifakis S, Koumantakis E, Koffa M, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in aborted material using the polymerase chain reaction technique. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 45: 109-115, 1998.


Sifakis S, Ergazaki M, Sourvinos G, Koffa M, Koumantakis E and SPANDIDOS DA: Evaluation of Parvo B19, CMV and HPV viruses in human aborted material using the polymerase chain reaction technique. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 76: 169-173, 1998.


Zachos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional regulation of the H-ras1 proto-oncogene by DNA binding proteins: mechanisms and implications in human tumorigenesis. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology 1: 629-639, 1998.


Froudarakis ME, Sourvinos G, Fournel P, Court-Fortune I, Bouros D, Vergnon J-M, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM: Microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygocity at chromosomes 9 and 17 in non-small-cell lung cancer. Chest 113: 1091-1094, 1998.


Diakoumis E, Sourvinos G, Kiaris H, Delakas D, Cranidis A and SPANDIDOS DA: Genetic instability in renal cell carcinomas. European Urology 33: 227-232, 1998.


Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Decreased BRCA1 expression levels may arrest the cell cycle through activation of p53 checkpoint in human sporadic breast tumours. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 245: 75-80, 1998.


Zachos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional regulation of the c-H-ras1 gene by the P53 protein is implicated in the development of human endometrial and ovarian tumours. Oncogene 16: 3013-3019, 1998.


Dokianakis DN, Sourvinos G, Sakkas S, Athanasiadou E and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of HPV and ras gene mutations in cervical smears from female genital lesions. Oncology Reports 5: 1195-1198, 1998.


Detorakis E, Miyakis S and SPANDIDOS DA: Molecular genetics of malignant melanoma. Proceedings European School of Oncology. Melanoma - Soft Tissue Sarcomas, pp21-26, 1998.


Glarakis IS, Savva S and SPANDIDOS DA: Activation of the ras genes in malignant and premalignant colorectal tumors. Oncology Reports 5: 1451-1454, 1998.


Miyakis S, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Differential expression and mutation of the ras family genes in human breast cancer. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 251: 609-612, 1998.


Detorakis ET, Sourvinos G, Tsamparlakis J and SPANDIDOS DA: Evaluation of loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability in human pterygium: Clinical correlations. British Journal of Ophthalmology 82: 1324-1328, 1998.


Rizos E, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygocity at 8p, 9p and 17q in laryngeal cytological specimens. Oral Oncology 34: 519-523, 1998.


Detorakis ET and SPANDIDOS DA: p16 alterations in metastatic melanoma (Editorial). Journal of BUON 4: 269-270, 1998.


SPANDIDOS DA, Koumantakis E, Sifakis S and Sourvinos G: Microsatellite mutations in spontaneously aborted embryos. Fertility and Sterility 70: 892-895, 1998.


Zachos G, Koumantakis E, Vareltzidis A and SPANDIDOS DA: Evidence for loss of heterozygocity in human psoriatic lesions. British Journal of Dermatology 139: 974-977, 1998.


Varras MN, Sourvinos G, Diakomanolis E, Koumantakis E, Flouris GA, Lekka-Katsouli J, Michalas S and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection and clinical correlations of ras gene mutations in human ovarian tumors. Oncology 56: 89-96, 1999.


Sourvinos G, Parissis J, Sotsiou F, Arvanitis DL and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of microsatellite instability in sporadic cardiac myxomas. Cardiovascular Research 42: 728-732, 1999.


Kozobolis VP, Detorakis ET, Sourvinos G, Pallikaris IG and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygosity in pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science 40: 1255-1260, 1999.


Sourvinos G, Tsatsanis C and SPANDIDOS DA: Overexpression of the Tpl-2/Cot oncogene in human breast cancer. Oncogene 18: 4968-4973, 1999.


Tsopanomichalou M, Kouroumalis E, Ergazaki M and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability in human hepatic lesions. Liver 19: 305-311, 1999.


Siafakas NM, Tzortzaki EG, Sourvinos G, Bouros D, Tzanakis N, Kafatos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Microsatellite DNA instability in COPD. Chest 116: 47-51, 1999.


Dokianakis DN, Papaefthimiou M, Tsiveleka A and SPANDIDOS DA: High prevalence of HPV 18 in correlation with ras gene mutations and clinicopathological parameters in gynecological malignancies studied from stained cytological smears. Oncology Reports 6: 1327-1331, 1999.


Rizos E, Sourvinos G, Arvanitis DA, Velegrakis G and SPANDIDOS DA: Low incidence of H-, K- and N-ras oncogene mutations in cytological specimens of laryngeal tumors. Oral Oncology 35: 561-563, 1999.


Dokianakis DN, Varras MN, Papaefthimiou M, Apostolopoulou J, Simiakaki H, Diakomanolis E and SPANDIDOS DA: ras gene activation in malignant cells of human ovarian carcinoma peritoneal fluids. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 17: 293-297, 1999.


Vassilakis DA, Sourvinos G, Psathakis K, Markatos M, SPANDIDOS DA, Siafakas NM and Bouros D: Microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygocity in pulmonary sarcoidosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 160: 1729-1733, 1999.


SPANDIDOS DA, Sourvinos G and Miyakis S: Transcriptional activation of the ras oncogenes and implications of BRCA1 in the cell cycle regulation through p53 checkpoint. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology 3: 373-378, 1999.


Karachristos A, Liloglou T, Field JK, Deligiorgi E, Kouskouni E and SPANDIDOS DA: Microsatellite instability and p53 mutations in hepatocellular carcinoma. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications 2: 155-161, 1999.


Dokianakis DN, Koumantaki E, Billiri K and SPANDIDOS DA: P53 codon 72 polymorphism as a risk factor in the development of HPV-associated non-melanoma skin cancers in immunocompetent hosts. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 5: 405-409, 2000.


Katsama A, Sourvinos G, Zachos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Allelic loss at the BRCA1, BRCA2 and TP53 loci in human sporadic breast carcinoma. Cancer Letters 150: 165-170, 2000.


SPANDIDOS DA, Dokianakis DN, Kallergi G and Angelakis E: Molecular basis of gynecological cancer. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 900: 56-64, 2000.


Tsatsanis C and SPANDIDOS DA: The role of oncogenic kinases in human cancer. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 5: 583-590, 2000.


Dokianakis DN and SPANDIDOS DA: P53 codon 72 polymorphism as a risk factor in the development of HPV-associated cervical cancer. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications 3: 111-114, 2000.


Detorakis ET, Drakonaki EE and SPANDIDOS DA: Molecular genetic alterations and viral presence in ophthalmic pterygium. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 6: 35-41, 2000.


SPANDIDOS DA and Sourvinos G: Molecular biology of bladder cancer. Proceedings of the European School of Oncology Postgraduate Course on Urological Cancer, pp188-191, 2000.


Saridaki Z, Koumantaki E, Papadopoulos O, Zoras O and SPANDIDOS DA: High frequency of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome region 9p21-p22 but lack of p16INK4a/p19ARF mutations in Greek patients with cell carcinoma of the skin. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 115: 719-725, 2000.


Vassilakis DA, Sourvinos G, SPANDIDOS D, Siafakas NM and Bouros D: Frequent genetic alterations at the microsatellite level in cytologic sputum samples of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 162: 1115-1119, 2000.


Gaki V, Tsopanomichalou M, Sourvinos G, Tsiftsis D and SPANDIDOS DA: Allelic loss in chromosomal region 1q21-23 in breast cancer is associated with peritumoural angiolymphatic invasion and extensive intraductal component. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 26: 455-460, 2000.


Miyakis S, Sourvinos G, Liloglou TL, Stathopoulos GP, Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: The Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene is not mutated in sporadic human colon adenocarcinomas. International Journal of Cancer 88: 503-505, 2000.


Winter AG, Sourvinos G, Allison SJ, Tosh K, Scott PH, SPANDIDOS DA and White RJ: RNA polymerase III transcription factor TFIIIC2 is overexpressed in ovarian tumours. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97: 12619-12624, 2000.


Papadakis EN, Dokianakis DN and SPANDIDOS DA: P53 codon 72 polymorphism as a risk factor in the development of breast cancer. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications 3: 389-392, 2000.


Sourvinos G, Tsatsanis C and SPANDIDOS DA: Mechanisms of retrovirus-induced oncogenesis. Folia Biologica 46: 226-232, 2000.


Goumenou AG, Arvanitis DA, Matalliotakis IM, Koumantakis EE and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygocity in adenomyosis on hMSH2, hMLH1, p16ink4 and GALT loci. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 6: 667-671, 2000.


Biliris KA, Koumantakis E, Dokianakis DN, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Human papillomavirus infection of non melanoma skin cancers in immunocompetents hosts. Cancer Letters 161: 83-88, 2000.


SPANDIDOS DA, Flouris GA, Kalantzi MV, Parissis JT and Arvanitis DA: Genetic basis of atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the 2nd International Meeting of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center. P. Alivizatos, H. Boudoulas, L.H. Edmunds Jr and G.M. Palatianos (Eds), pp168-172, 2000.


Flouris GA, Arvanitis DA, Parissis JT, Arvanitis DL and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygocity in DNA mismatch repair genes in human atherosclerotic plaques. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications 4: 62-65, 2000.


Tsatsanis ChA and SPANDIDOS DA: Signal transduction pathways in cancer cells: novel targets for therapeutic intervention. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology 5: 111-119, 2000.


SPANDIDOS DA: Editorial. Clarity is the key to success. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 7: 579, 2001.


Sourvinos G, Kazanis I, Delakas D, Cranidis A and SPANDIDOS DA: Genetic detection of bladder cancer by microsatellite analysis of p16, RB1 and p53 tumor suppressor genes. The Journal of Urology 165: 249-252, 2001.


Zafiropoulos A, Baritaki S, Sioumpara M, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E: V3 induces in human normal cell populations an accelerated macrophage-mediated proliferation - apoptosis phenomenon of effector T cells when they respond to their cognate antigen. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 281: 63-70, 2001.


Goumenou AG, Arvanitis DA, Matalliotakis IM, Koumantakis EE and SPANDIDOS DA: Microsatellite DNA assays in endometriosis reveal allelic imbalance in p16ink4, GALT, p53 and APOA2 loci. Fertility and Sterility 75: 160-165, 2001.


Detorakis ET, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of herpes simplex virus and human papilloma virus in ophthalmic pterygium. Cornea 20: 164-167, 2001.


Sourvinos G, Miyakis S, Liloglou TL, Field JK and SPANDIDOS DA: The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene is not involved in sporadic human breast cancer. Tumor Biology 22: 131-136, 2001.


Tsatsanis C and SPANDIDOS DA: From the research lab to diagnosis, prognosis and treatment; the K-ras paradigm. Editorial Journal of B.U.O.N. 6: 5-6, 2001.


Markaki EA, Tsopanomichalou M, Dimitriou H, Stiakaki E, Perdikoyanni Ch, SPANDIDOS D and Kalmanti M: Mutations of retinoblastoma gene (Rb-1) as a prognostic factor in children with acute leukemia and neuroblastoma. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 18: 1-10, 2001.


Dialyna IA, Arvanitis DA and SPANDIDOS DA: Genetic polymorphisms and transcriptional pattern of CYP1A1, AhR, GSTM1, GSTP1 and GSTT1 genes in breast cancer. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 8: 79-87, 2001.


Zafiropoulos A, Baritaki S, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E: Disregulation of effector CD4+ T cell function by the V3 domain of the HIV-1 gp120 during antigen presentation. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communication 284: 875-879, 2001.


Skliros EA, Lionis C, Sotiropoulos A, Foudoulaki L, Kouroumalis E and SPANDIDOS DA: Hepatitis B and C markers in a Kurdish refugees camp in Greece. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 16: 839-840, 2001.


Sourvinos G, Rizos E and SPANDIDOS DA: p53 codon 72 polymorphism is linked to the development and not progression of benign and malignant laryngeal tumours. Oral Oncology 37: 572-578, 2001.


Vassilakis DA, Sourvinos G, Pantelidis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Siafakas NM and Bouros D: Extended genetic alterations in a patient with pulmonary sarcoidosis, a benign disease. Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases 18: 307-310, 2001.


Miniati P, Sourvinos G, Michalodimitrakis M and SPANDIDOS DA: Loss of heterozygocity on chromosomes 1, 2, 8, 9 and 17 in cerebral atherosclerotic plaques. International Journal of Biological Markers 16: 167-171, 2001.


Arvanitis DA, Goumenou AG, Matalliotakis IM, Koumantakis EE and SPANDIDOS DA: Low-penetrance genes are associated with increased susceptibility to endometriosis. Fertility and Sterility 76: 1202-1206, 2001.


Koulentaki ME, Ergazaki M, Moschandrea J, Spanoudakis S, Tzagarakis N, Drandakis PE, SPANDIDOS DA and Kouroumalis EA: Prevalence of hepatitis B and C markers in high-risk hospitalised patients in Crete: a five-year observational study. BioMed Central Public Health 1: 17, 2001 (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/1/17).


Stefanaki IM, Tosca AD, Themelis GC, Vazgiouraki EM, Dokianakis DN, Panayotidis JG, SPANDIDOS DA and Balas CJ: In vivo detection of human papilloma virus-induced lesions of anogenital area after application of acetic acid: A novel and accurate approach to a trivial method. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 65: 115-121, 2001.


Prokopakis P, Sourvinos G, Koumantaki Y, Koumantakis E and SPANDIDOS DA: K-ras mutations and HPV infection in cervicitis and intraepithelial neoplasias of the cervix. Oncology Reports 9: 129-133, 2002.


Manolaraki M, Arvanitis DA, Sourvinos G, Sifakis S, Koumantakis E and SPANDIDOS DA: Frequent loss of heterozygocity in chromosomal region qpter-p13 in tumor biopsies and cytological material of uterine cervical cancer. Cancer Letters 176: 175-181, 2002.


Zetterberg H, Regland B, Palmer M, Ricksten A, Palmqvist L, Rymo L, Arvanitis DA, SPANDIDOS DA and Blennow K: Increased frequency of combined methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T and A1298C mutated alleles in spontaneously aborted embryos. European Journal of Human Genetics 10: 113-118, 2002.


Soulitzis N, Sourvinos G, Dokianakis DN and SPANDIDOS DA: p53 codon 72 polymorphism and its association with bladder cancer. Cancer Letters 179: 175-183, 2002.


Zetterberg H, Palmer M, Ricksten A, Poirier J, Palmqvist L, Rymo L, Zafiropoulos A, Arvanitis DA, SPANDIDOS DA and Blennow K: Influence of the apolipoprotein E e4 allele on human embryonic development. Neuroscience Letters 324: 189-192, 2002.


Arvanitis DA, Angelakis E, Koumantakis EE and SPANDIDOS DA: Allelic imbalance in hMLH1 or BRCA2 loci associated with response of cervical and endometrial cancer to radiotherapy. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 10: 55-63, 2002.


Demopoulos K, Arvanitis DA, Vassilakis DA, Siafakas NM and SPANDIDOS DA: MYCL1, FHIT, SPARC, p16INK4 and TP53 genes associated to lung cancer in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 6: 215-222, 2002.


Arvanitis DA, Goumenou AG, Matalliotakis IM, Koumantakis EE and SPANDIDOS DA: Detecting genetic differences (Letter to the Editor). Fertility and Sterility 78: 442-443, 2002.


SPANDIDOS DA, Sourvinos G, Tsatsanis C and Zafiropoulos A: Normal ras genes: Their onco-suppressor and pro-apoptotic functions. International Journal of Oncology 21: 237-241, 2002.


Xinarianos G, Liloglou T, Prime W, Sourvinos G, Karachristos A, Maloney P, Gosney GR, SPANDIDOS DA and Field JK: Molecular alterations in the cell cycle regulators p53, Rb and p21 in relation to the expression of the DNA mismatch repair proteins MLH1 and MSH2 in non-small cell lung carcinomas. International Journal of Cancer 101: 248-252, 2002.


Zetterberg H, Rymo L, Coppola A, D"Angelo A, SPANDIDOS DA and Blennow K: MTHFR CG77T and A1298C polymorphisms and mutated sequences occurring in CIS. European Journal of Human Genetics 10: 579-582, 2002.


Baritaki S, Zafiropoulos A, Sioumpara M, Politis M, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E: Ionic interaction of the HIV-1 V3 domain with CCR5 and deregulation of T lymphocyte function. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 298: 574-580, 2002.


Papadakis ED, Soulitzis N and SPANDIDOS DA: Association of p53 codon 72 polymorphism with advanced lung cancer: The Arg allele is preferentially retained in tumours arising in Arg/pro germline heterozygotes. British Journal of Cancer 87: 1013-1018, 2002.


Zetterberg H, Regland B, Palmer M, Rymo L, Zafiropoulos A, Arvanitis DA, SPANDIDOS DA and Blennow K: The transcobalamin II codon 259 polymorphism influences the risk of human spontaneous abortion. Human Reproduction 17: 3033-3036, 2002.


Detorakis ET, Kozobolis VP, Pallikaris IG and SPANDIDOS DA: Detection of herpes simplex virus in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and exfoliation glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmologica 80: 612-616, 2002.


Miyakis S and SPANDIDOS DA:Allelic loss in breast cancer. Cancer Detection and Prevention 26: 426-434, 2002.


Demopoulos K, Arvanitis DA, Vassilakis DA, Siafakas NM and SPANDIDOS DA: Genomic instability on hMSH2, hMLH1, CD48 and IRF4 loci in pulmonary sarcoidosis. International Journal of Biological Markers 17: 224-230, 2002.


Saridaki Z, Liloglou T, Zafiropoulos A, Koumantaki E, Zoras O and SPANDIDOS DA: Mutational analysis of CDKN2A genes in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. British Journal of Dermatology 148: 1-11, 2003.


Arvanitis DA, Koumantakis GE, Goumenou AG, Matalliotakis IM, Koumantakis EE and SPANDIDOS DA: CYP1A1, CYP19 and GSTM1 polymorphisms increase the risk of endometriosis. Fertility and Sterility 79: 702-709, 2003.


Miyakis S, Liloglou T, Kearney S, Xinarianos G, SPANDIDOS DA and Field JK: Absence of mutations in the VHL gene but frequent loss of heterozygocity at 3p25-26 in non-small cell lung carcinomas. Lung Cancer 39: 273-277, 2003.


Arvanitis DA, Papadakis E, Zafiropoulos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Fractional allele loss is a valuable marker for human lung cancer detection in sputum. Lung Cancer 40: 55-66, 2003.


Rizos AK, SPANDIDOS DA, Krambovitis E: Light scattering characterization of synthetic MUC-1 peptides and their behavior in dilute solution. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 12: 559-563, 2003.


Zafiropoulos A, Tsentelierou E, Billiri K and SPANDIDOS DA: Human herpes viruses in non-melanoma skin cancers. Cancer Letters 198: 77-81, 2003.


Zetterberg H, Zafiropoulos A, SPANDIDOS DA, Rymo L and Blennow K. Gene-gene interactions between fetal MTHFR 677C>T and transcobalamin 776C>G polymorphisms in human spontaneous abortion. Human Reproduction 18: 1948-1950, 2003.


Dialyna IA, Miyakis S, Georgatou N and SPANDIDOS DA: Genetic polymorphisms of CYP1A1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes and lung cancer risk. Oncology Reports 10: 1829-1835, 2003.


Panutsopulos D, Zafiropoulos A, Krambovitis E, Kochiadakis GE, Igoumenidis NE and SPANDIDOS DA: Peripheral monocytes from diabetic patients with coronary artery disease display increased bFGF and VEGF mRNA expression. Journal of Translational Medicine 1: 6 (pp1-11), 2003.


Tsatsanis C, Zafiropoulos A and SPANDIDOS DA: Oncogenic kinases in cancer. Nature. Encyclopedia of the human genome, pp443-448, 2003.


Papadakis EN, Dokianakis DN and SPANDIDOS DA: Genetic analysis of H-ras intron-1 polymorphic and Variable Tandem Repeat regions in human breast cancer. International Journal of Biological Markers 18: 195-199, 2003.


Paraskakis E, Sourvinos G, Passam F, Tzanakis N, Tzortzaki EG, Zervou M, SPANDIDOS D, Siafakas NM: Microsatellite DNA instability and loss of heterozygosity in bronchial asthma. European Respiratory Journal 22: 951-955, 2003.


Mammas IN, Zafiropoulos A, Koumantakis E, Sifakis S and SPANDIDOS DA: Transcriptional activation of H- and N-ras oncogenes in human cervical cancer. Gynecologic Oncology 92: 941-948, 2004.


Krambovitis E, Zafiropoulos A, Baritaki S and SPANDIDOS DA: Simple electrostatic interaction mechanisms in the service of HIV-1 pathogenesis. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 59: 231-234, 2004.


Dialyna I, Graham D, Razaee R, Blue CE, Stavrianeas N, Neisters HGM, SPANDIDOS DA and Blackbourn DJ. Anti-HHV-8/KSHV antibodies in infected individuals inhibit infection in vitro. AIDS 18: 1263-1270, 2004.


Baritaki S, Rizos E, Zafiropoulos A, Soufla G, Katsafouros K, Gourvas V and SPANDIDOS DA. Association between schizophrenia and DRD3 or HTR2 receptor gene variants. European Journal of Human Genetics 12: 535-541, 2004.


Zafiropoulos A, Crikas N, Passam AM and SPANDIDOS DA. Significant involvement of CCR2-64I and CXCL12-3A in the development of sporadic breast cancer. Journal of Medical Genetics 41: (S)e59, 2004.


Arvanitis DA, Lianos E, Soulitzis N, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Deregulation of p73 isoform equilibrium in benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer. Oncology Reports 12: 1131-1137, 2004.


Tsatsanis C and SPANDIDOS DA. Oncogenic kinase signalling in human neoplasms. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1028: 168-175, 2004.


Carruba G, Cocciadiferro L, Bellavia V, Rizzo S, Tsatsanis C, SPANDIDOS D, Muti P, Smith C, Mehta P and Castagnetta L. Intercellular communication and human hepatocellular carcinoma. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1028: 202-212, 2004.


SPANDIDOS DA. The cancer story. Cancer Biology and Therapy 3: 1184-1186, 2004.


Zafiropoulos A, Tsentelierou E, Linardakis M, Kafatos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Preferential loss of 5S and 28S RDNA genes in human adipose tissue during ageing. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 37: 409-415, 2005.


Daly NL, Arvanitis DA, Fairley JA, Gomez-Roman N, Morton JP, Graham SV, SPANDIDOS DA and White RJ. Deregulation of RNA polymerase III transcription in cervical epithelium in response to high risk human papillomavirus. Oncogene 24: 880-888, 2005.


Arvanitis DA, Flouris GA and SPANDIDOS DA. Genomic rearrangements on VCAM1, SELE, APEG1 and AIF1 loci in atherosclerosis. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 9: 153-159, 2005.


Panutsopulos D, Papalambros E, Sigala F, Zafiropoulos A, Arvanitis DL and SPANDIDOS DA. Protein and mRNA expression levels of VEGF-A and TGF-�Ÿ1 in different types of human coronary atherosclerotic lesions. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 15: 603-610, 2005.


Detorakis ET, Zafiropoulos A, Arvanitis DA and SPANDIDOS DA. Detection of point mutations at codon 12 of Ki-ras in ophthalmic pterygia. EYE 19: 210-214, 2005.


Soufla G, Sifakis S, Baritaki S, Zafiropoulos A, Koumantakis E and SPANDIDOS DA. VEGF, FGF2, TGFB1 and TGFBR1 mRNA expression levels correlate with the malignant transformation of the uterine cervix. Cancer Letters 221: 105-118, 2005.


Mammas LN, Zafiropoulos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Involvement of the ras genes in female genital tract cancer. International Journal of Oncology 26: 1241-1255, 2005.


Lyronis ID, Baritaki S, Bizakis I, Tsardi M and SPANDIDOS DA. Evaluation of human papilloma and Epstein-Barr viruses incidence in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. International Journal of Biological Markers 20: 5-10, 2005.


Soufla G, Baritaki S, Sifakis S, Zafiropoulos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Transcriptional inactivation of p53, Bax, Bcl-2 and mdm2 correlates with the malignant transformation of the uterine cervix. International Journal of Biological Markers 20: 18-27, 2005.


Baritaki S, Dittmar MT, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E. In vitro inhibition of R5 HIV-1 infectivity by X4 V3-derived synthetic peptides. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 16: 333-336, 2005.


Panutsopulos D, Arvanitis DL, Tsatsanis C, Papalambros E, Sigala F and SPANDIDOS DA. Expression of heregulin in human coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Journal of Vascular Research 42: 463-474, 2005.


Krambovitis E, Porichis F and SPANDIDOS DA. HIV-1 cell entry inhibitors; a new generation of antiretroviral drugs. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 26: 1165-1173, 2005.


Passam AM, Zafiropoulos A, Miyakis S, Zagoraios Y, Stavrianeas NG, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. CCR2-64I and CXCL12 3"A alleles confer a favorable prognosis to AIDS patients undergoing HAART therapy. Journal of Clinical Virology 34: 302-309, 2005.


Apostolakis S, Baritaki S, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Distribution of HIV/AIDS protective SDF-1, CCR5 and CCR2 gene variants within Cretan population. Journal of Clinical Virology 34: 310-314, 2005.


Mammas IN, Zafiropoulos A, Sifakis S, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Human papilloma virus (HPV) typing in relation to ras oncogene mRNA expression in HPV-associated human squamous cervical neoplasia. International Journal of Biological Markers 20: 257-263, 2005.


Guan M, Zhou X, Soulitzis N, SPANDIDOS DA and Popescu NC. Aberrant methylation and deacetylation of DLC-1 gene in prostate cancer; potential clinical applications. Clinical Cancer Research 12: 1412-1419, 2006.


Manolakopoulos S, Bethanis S, Elefsiniotis J, Karatapanis S, Triantos C, Sourvinos G, Touloumi G, Economou M, Vlachogiannakos J, SPANDIDOS D, Augerinos A and Tzourmakliotis D. Lamivudine monotherapy in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B: Prediction of response-breakthrough and long-term clinical outcome. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 23: 787-795, 2006.


Apostolakis S, Papadakis E, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Chemokines in vascular pathology. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 17: 691-701, 2006.


Soufla G, Porichis F, Sourvinos G, Vassilaros S and SPANDIDOS DA. Transcriptional deregulation of VEGF, FGF2, TGF-�Ÿ1,� 2, 3 and cognate receptors in breast tumorigenesis. Cancer Letters 235: 100-113, 2006.


Amanatidou V, Sourvinos G, Apostolakis S, Tsilimigaki A and SPANDIDOS DA. T280M variation of the CX3C receptor gene is associated with increased risk for severe respiratory syneytial virus bronchiolitis. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 25: 410-414, 2006.


Markaki E-A, Stiakaki E, Zafiropoulos A, Arvanitis DA, Katzilakis N, Dimitriou H, SPANDIDOS DA and Kalmanti M. Mutational analysis of the cell cycle inhibitor Kip1/p27 in childhood leukemia. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 47: 14-21, 2006.


Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. HIV-1 infection: is it time to reconsider our concepts? International Journal of Molecular Medicine 18: 3-8, 2006.


Soulitzis N, Karyotis I, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Expression analysis of peptide growth factors VEGF, FGF2, TGFB1, EGF and IGF1 in prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. International Journal of Oncology 29: 305-314, 2006.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G, Michael C and SPANDIDOS DA. Human papilloma virus in hyperplastic tonsillar and adenoid tissues in children. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 25: 1158-1162, 2006.


Apostolakis S, Baritaki S, Kochiadakis GE, Igoumenidis NE, Panutsopoulos D and SPANDIDOS DA. Effects of polymorphisms in chemokine ligands and receptors on susceptibility to coronary artery disease. Thrombosis Research 119: 63-71, 2007.


Porichis F, Vlata Z, Hatzidakis G, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E. HIV-1 gp120/V3-derived epitopes promote activation-induced cell death to superantigen-stimulated CD4+/CD45RO+ T cells. Immunology Letters 108: 97-102, 2007.


Morikis D, Rizos AK, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E. Electrostatic modeling of peptides derived from the V3-loop of HIV-1 gp120: implications in the interaction with chemokine receptor CCR5. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 19: 343-351, 2007.


Tsoulogiannis IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Endocrinology in Ancient Sparta. HORMONES 6: 80-82, 2007.


Neonakis I, Gitti Z, Petinaki E, Maraki S and SPANDIDOS D. Evaluation of the GenoType MTBC assay for differentiating 120 clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 26: 151-152, 2007.


Rizos AK, Baritaki S, Tsikalas I, Doetschman DC, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E. Biophysical characterization of V3-lipopeptide liposomes influencing HIV-1 infectivity. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 355: 963-969, 2007.


Panagiotakis SH, Soufla G, Baritaki S, Sourvinos G, Passam A, Zagoreos I, Stavrianeas N and SPANDIDOS DA. Concurrent CMV and EBV DNAemia is significantly correlated with a delay in the response to HAART in treatment naive HIV-1 positive patients. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 23: 10-18, 2007.


Batiraki S, Huerta-Yepez S, Neshan M, Sakai M, SPANDIDOS DA and Bonavida B. Genotoxic agents sensitize tumor prostate cells to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis through induction of DR5 expression resulted by inhibition of YY1/NF-kB pathway. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 6: 1387-1399, 2007.


Baritaki S, Apostolakis S, Kanellou P, Dimanche-Boitel MT, SPANDIDOS DA and Bonavida B. Reservae of tumor resistance to apoptotic stimuli by alteration of membrane fluidity: Therapeutic implications. Advances in Cancer Research 98: 149-190, 2007.


Symvoulakis EK, Zaravinos A, Panutsopulos D, Zoras O, Papalambros E, Sigala F and SPANDIDOS DA. Highly conserved sequence of exon 15 BRAF gene and K-ras codon 12 mutation among Greek patients with colorectal cancer. The Inter-national Journal of Biological Markers 22: 12-18, 2007.


Baritaki S, Sifakis S, Yepez SH, Neonakis IK, Soufla G, Bonavida B and SPANDIDOS DA. Overexpression of VEGF and TGF-beta1 mRNA in Pap smears correlates with progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia to cancer: Implication of YY1 in cervical tumorigenesis and HPV infection. International Journal of Oncology 31: 69-79, 2007.


Tsoulogiannis IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Eclectics and breast cancer. Journal of B.U.ON. 12: 183-188, 2007.


Signorelli SS, Mazzarino MC, SPANDIDOS DA and Malaponte G. Proinflammatory circulating molecules in peripheral arterial disease. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 20: 279-286, 2007.


Neonakis IK, Gitti Z, Baritaki M, Kourbeti IS, Baritaki S, Petinaki E, Maraki S, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Resistance status of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on the island of Crete, Greece. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 26: 607-609, 2007.


Lee JY, Yepez SH, Vega M, Baritaki S, SPANDIDOS DA and Bonavida B. The NO TRAIL to YES TRAIL in cancer therapy. International Journal of Oncology 31: 685-691, 2007.


Sourvinos G, Tavalai N, Berndi A, SPANDIDOS DA and Stamminger T. Recruitment of human cytomegalovirus immediate early 2 protein onto parental viral genomes in association with ND10 in live infected cells. Journal of Virology 81: 10123-10136, 2007.


Passam AM, Sourvinos G, Krambovitis E, Miyakis S, Stavrianeas N, Zagoreos I and SPANDIDOS DA. Polymorphisms of CX3CR1 and CXCR6 receptors in relation to HAART therapy of HIV-1 patients. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 23: 1026-1032, 2007.


SPANDIDOS DA. Oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes as paradigms in oncogenesis. Journal of BUON 12 (Suppl 1): S9-S12, 2007.


Baritaki S, Katsman A, Chatterjee D, Yeung KC, SPANDIDOS DA and Bonavida B. Regulation of tumor cell sensitivity to TRAIL-induced apoptosis by the metastatic suppressor Raf kinase inhibitor protein via Yin Yang 1 inhibition and death receptor 5 up-regulation. Journal of Immunology 179: 5441-5453, 2007.


Zaravinos A, Bizakis J, Soufla G, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Mutations and differential expression of the ras family genes in human nasal polyposis. International Journal of Oncology 31: 1051-1059, 2007.


Neonakis IK, Gitti Z, Kourbeti IS, Michelaki H, Baritaki M, Alevraki G, Papadomanolaki E, Tsafaraki E, Tsouri A, Baritaki S, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Mycobacterial species diversity at a general hospital in the island of Crete: First detection of Mycobacterium lentiflavum in Greece. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 30: 875-879, 2007.


Vageli D, Sourvinos G, Ioannou M, Koukoulis G and SPANDIDOS DA. High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) in parotid lesions. International Journal of Biological Markers 22: 239-244, 2007.


Balis V, Sourvinos G, Soulitzis N, Giannikaki E, Sofras F and SPANDIDOS DA. Detection of BK virus and human papilloma virus in human prostate malignancies. International Journal of Biological Markers 22: 245-251, 2007.


Apostolakis S, Krambovitis E, Vlata C, Kochiadakis GE and SPANDIDOS DA. CX3CR1 receptor is up-regulated in monocytes of coronary artery diseased patients: Impact of pre-inflammatory stimuli and renin-angiotensin system modulators. Thrombosis Research 121: 387-395, 2007.


Zaravinos A, Soufla G, Bizakis J and SPANDIDOS DA. Expression analysis of VEGFA, FGF2, TGFβ1, EGF and IGF1 in human nasal polyposis. Oncology Reports 19: 385-391, 2008.


Porichis F, Morou A, Baritaki S, SPANDIDOS DA and Krambovitis E. Activation-induced cell death signaling in CD4+ T cells by staphylococcal enterotoxin A. Toxicology Letters 176: 77-84, 2008.


Amanatidou V, Sourvinos G, Apostolakis S, Neonaki P, Tsilimigaki A, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. RANTES promoter gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus-induced bronchiolitis. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 27: 38-42, 2008.


Soufla G, Sifakis S and SPANDIDOS DA. FGF-2 transcript levels are positively correlated with EGF and IGF-1 in the malignant endometrium. Cancer Letters 259: 146-155, 2008.


Neonakis IK, Alexandrakis MG, Gitti Z, Tsirakis G, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Miliary tuberculosis with no pulmonary involvement in myelodysplastic syndromes: a curable, yet rarely diagnosed disease. Case report and review of the literature. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 7: 8, 2008.


Kochiadakis GE, Marketou ME, Panutsopoulos D, Arfanakis DA, Skalidis EI, Igoumenidis NE, Hamilos MI, Sourvinos G, Chlouverakis G, SPANDIDOS DA and Vardas PE. Vascular endothelial growth factor protein levels and gene expression in peripheral monocytes after stenting: A randomized comparative study of sirolimus-eluting and bare metal stents. European Heart Journal 29: 733-740, 2008.


Baritaki S, Suzuki E, Umezawa K, SPANDIDOS DA, Berenson J, Daniels TR, Penichet ML, Jazirehi AR, Palladino M and Bonavida B. Inhibition of yinyang I-dependent repressor activity of DR5 transcription and expression by the novel proteasome inhibitor NPI-0052 contributes to its TRAIL-enhanced apoptosis in cancer cells. Journal of Immunology 180: 6199-6210, 2008.


Apostolakis S, Vogiatzi K, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. IL-1 cytokines in cardiovascular disease. Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic implications. Cardiovascular and Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 6: 150-158, 2008.


Kanellou P, Zaravinos A, Zioga M, Stratigos A, Baritaki S, Soufla G, Zoras O and SPANDIDOS DA. Genomic instability, mutations and expression analysis of the tumour suppressor genes p14ARF, p15INK4b, p16INK4a and p53 in actinic keratosis. Cancer Letters 264: 145-161, 2008.


Zaravinos A, Bizakis J and SPANDIDOS DA. RKIP mediates down-regulation of wild-type BRAF in human nasal polyps and their adjacent turbinate mucosae. Cancer Letters 264: 288-298, 2008.


Dalpa E, Gourvas V, Baritaki S, Miyakis S, Samaras V, Barbatis C, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. High prevalence of Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8) in patients with Warthin's tumors of the salivary gland carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Virology 42: 182-185, 2008.


Vogiatzi K, Apostolakis S, Voudris V, Thomopoulou S, Kochiadakis GE and SPANDIDOS DA. Interleukin 8 and susceptibility to coronary artery disease: A population genetics perspective. Journal of Cellular Immunology 28: 329-335, 2008.


Mammas IN, Vageli D and SPANDIDOS DA. Geographic variations of human papilloma virus infection and their possible impact on the effectiveness of the vaccination programme. Oncology Reports 20: 141-145, 2008.


Libra M, Gloghini A, Malaponte G, Gangemi P, De Re V, Cacopardo B, SPANDIDOS DA, Nicoletti F, Stivala F, Zignego AL and Carbone A. In gastrointestinal mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas T(14;18)-(IgH/Bcl-2) translocation clusters in hepatitis C virus infected patients. Journal of Hepatology 49: 170-174, 2008.


Kourbeti IS, Neonakis IK, Gitti Z and SPANDIDOS DA. Isolation of Mycobacterium malmoense in the island of Crete, Greece. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 26: 267-269, 2008.


Neonakis IK, Gitti Z, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Molecular diagnostic tools in mycobacteriology. Journal of Microbiological Methods 75: 1-11, 2008.


Arvanitis DA and SPANDIDOS DA. Deregulation of the G1/S phase transition in cancer and squamous intraepithelial lesions of the uterine cervix: A case control study. Oncology Reports 20: 751-760, 2008.


Bonavida B, Huerta-Yepez S, Vega MI, SPANDIDOS DA and Baritaki S. Nitric oxide-induced immunosensitization to apoptosis by Fas-L and TRAIL. In: Sensitization of Cancer Cells for Chemo/Immuno/Radio-therapy. B. Bonavida (Ed). Humana Press, USA pp203-210, 2008.


Lyronis ID, Baritaki S, Bizakis I, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. K-ras mutation, HPV infection and smoking or alcohol abuse positively correlate with esophageal squamous carcinoma. Pathology Oncology Research 14: 267-273, 2008.


Mammas I, Sourvinos G, Michael C and SPANDIDOS DA. High-risk human papilloma viruses (HPVs) were not detected in the benign skin lesions of a small number of children. Acta Pediatrica 97: 1669-1671, 2008.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G, Giannoudis A and SPANDIDOS DA. Human papilloma virus (HPV) and host cellular interactions. Pathology Oncology Research 14: 345-354, 2008.


Neonakis IK, Baritaki S, Georgiladakis A and SPANDIDOS DA . Analysis of the β-lactam resistance phenotypes of Escherichia coli . An 8-year survey conducted in Greece. Romanian Achieves of Microbiology and Immunology 67: 10-13, 2008.


Amanatidou V, Apostolakis S and SPANDIDOS DA. Genetic diversity of the host and severe respiratory cyncytial virus- induced lower respiratory tract infection. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 28: 135-140, 2009.


Zetterberg H, Alexander DM, SPANDIDOS DA and Blennow K. Additional evidence for antagonistic pleiotropic effects of APOE. Alzheimer's and Dementia 5: 75, 2009.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in children and adolescents. European Journal of Pediatrics 168: 267-273, 2009.


Kimouli M, Gourvas V, Konstantoudaki X, Basta M, Miyakis S, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. The effect of an exon 12 polymorphism of the human thromboxane synthase (CYP5A1) gene in stroke patients. Medical Science Monitor 15: BR30-35, 2009.


Baritaki S, Chatzinikola AM, Vakis AF, Soulitzis N, Karabetsos DA, Neonakis I, Bonavida B and SPANDIDOS DA. Libra M, Scalisi A, Vella N, Clementi S, Sorio R, Stivala F, SPANDIDOS DA and Mazzarino C. YY1 over- expression correlates with human brain gliomas and meningiomas. Association with TGF-β1, IGF-1 and FGF-2 in tumor progression. Cancer Investigation 27: 184-192, 2009.


Libra M, Scalisi A, Vella N, Clementi S, Sorio R, Stivala F, SPANDIDOS DA and Mazzarino C. Uterine cervical carcinoma: Role of matrix metalloproteinases (Review). International Journal of Oncology 34: 897-903, 2009.


Detorakis ET and SPANDIDOS DA. Pathogenetic mechanisms and treatment options for ophthalmic pterygium: Trends and perspectives (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 23: 439-447, 2009.


Katzoli P, Sakellaris G, Ergazaki M, Charissis G, SPANDIDOS DA and Sourvinos G. Detection of herpes viruses in children with appendicitis. Journal of Clinical Virology 44: 282-286, 2009.


Lymbouridou R, Soufla G, Chatzinikola AM, Vakis A and SPANDIDOS DA. Down-regulation of K-ras and H-ras in human brain gliomas. European Journal of Cancer 45: 1294-1303, 2009.


Boulalas I, Zaravinos A, Karyotis I, Delakas and SPANDIDOS DA. Activation of the ras family genes in urothelial carcinoma. The Journal of Urology 181: 2312-2319, 2009.


Vogiatzi K, Voudris V, Apostolakis S, Kochiadakis GE, Thomopoulou S, Zaravinos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Genetic diversity of RANTES gene promoter and susceptibility to coronary artery disease and restenosis after percutanous coronary intervention. Thrombosis Research 124: 84-89, 2009.


Zaravinos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Ying Yang 1 as a prognostic factor. Cell Cycle 8: 1305, 2009.


Zaravinos A, Kanellou P, Baritaki S, Bonavida B and SPANDIDOS DA. BFRF and RKIP aberrations in actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma. Cell Cycle 8: 1402-1408, 2009.


Russo AE, Torrisi E, Bevelacqua Y, Perrotta R, Libra M, McCubrey JA, SPANDIDOS DA, Stivala F and Malaponte G. Melanoma:â??molecular pathogenesis and emerging target therapies. Review. International Journal of Oncology 34: 1481-1489, 2009.


Boulalas I, Zaravinos A, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Mutational analysis of the BRAF gene in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder. International Journal of Biological Markers 24: 17-21, 2009.


Kanellou P, Zaravinos A, Zioga M and SPANDIDOS DA. Deregulation of the tumour suppressor genes p14ARF, p15INK4b, p16INK4a and p53 in basal cell carcinoma.British Journal of Dermatology 160: 1215-1221, 2009.


Neofytou E, Sourvinos G, Asmarianaki M, SPANDIDOS DA and Makrigiannakis A. Prevalence of human herpes virus types 1-7 in the semen of men attending an infertility clinic and correlation with semen parameters. Fertility and Sterility 91: 2487-2494, 2009.


Consolo M, Amoroso A, SPANDIDOS DA and Mazzarino MC. Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors as markers of inflammation and fibrosis in chronic liver disease. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 24: 143-152, 2009.


Neonakis IK, Gitti Z, Kontos F, Baritaki S, Zerva L, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Report of two indigenous cases of leprosy from a European country. Use of PCR-RFLP analysis of hsp65 gene for identification of Mycobacterium leprae directly from a clinical sample . Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 64: 331-333, 2009.


Androutsopoulos VP, Tsatsakis AM and SPANDIDOS DA. Cytochrome P450 CYP1A1: Wider roles in cancer progression and prevention. BMC Cancer 9: 187, 2009.


Neonakis IK, Gitti Z, Kontos F, Baritaki S, Petinaki E, Zerva L and SPANDIDOS DA. Mycobacterium thermoresistibile, a rarely isolated mycobacterium: a case-report from Europe and review of the literature. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 27: 264-267, 2009.


Zaravinos A, Bizakis J and SPANDIDOS DA. Prevalence of HPV and human herpes virus types 1-7 in human nasal polyps. Journal of Medical Virology 81: 1613-1619, 2009.


Neonakis IK, Gitti Z, Baritaki S, Petinaki E, Baritaki M and SPANDIDOS DA. Comparative evaluation of genotype Mycobacteria. Direct assay with Gen-probe Mycobacterium tuberculosis amplified direct test and genotype MTBOR plus for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in clinical samples. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 47: 2601-2603, 2009.


Xenaki E, Hassoulas J, Apostolakis S, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Detection of cytomegalovirus in atherosclerotic plaques and non-atherosclerotic arteries. Angiology 60: 504-508, 2009.


Baritaki B, Chapman A, Yeung K, SPANDIDOS DA. Palladino M and Bonavida B. Inhibition of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in metastatic prostate cancer cells by the novel proteasome inhibitor, NPI-0052: Pivotal roles of Snail repression and RKIP induction. Oncogene 28: 3573-3585, 2009.


Androutsopoulos V, Ruparelia K, Arroo RR, Tsatsakis AM and SPANDIDOS DA. CYP1-mediated antiproliferative activity of dietary flavonoids in MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells. Toxicology 264: 162-170, 2009.


Kimouli M, Miyakis S, Georgakopoulos P, Neofytou E, Achimastos AD and SPANDIDOS DA. Polymorphisms of fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 gene in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 16: 604-610, 2009.


Apostolakis S, Amanatidou V, Papadakis EG and SPANDIDOS DA. Genetic diversity of CX3CR1 gene and coronary artery disease: New insights through a meta-analysis. Atherosclerosis 207: 8-15, 2009.


Sifakis S, Zaravinos A, Maiz N, SPANDIDOS DA and Nicolaides KH. First-trimester maternal plasma free fetal DNA and proeclampsia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 201: 472 e1-7, 2009.


Apostolakis S, Vogiatzi K, Amanatidou V and SPANDIDOS DA. Interleukin 8 and cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular Research 84: 353-360, 2009.


Siakallis G, SPANDIDOS DA and Sourvinos G. Herpesviridae and novel inhibitors. Antiviral Therapy 14: 1051-1064, 2009.


Zaravinos A, Mammas I, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Molecular detention methods of human papilloma virus (HPV). International Journal of Biological Markers 24: 215-222, 2009.


Antoniou K, Soufla G, Proklou A, Lymbouridou R, Choulaki C, Samara K, SPANDIDOS DA, Siafakas N and Margaritopoulos G. Different activity of the biological axis VEGF-Flt-1 (fms-like tyrosine kinase 1) and CXC chemokines between granulomatous and fibrotic disorders: a broncho treolar lavage study. Clinical and Developmental Immunology ID 537929, doi: 10.1155/2009/537929, 2009.


Vogiatzi K, Apostolakis S, Voudris V, Thomopoulou S, Kochiadakis GE and SPANDIDOS DA. Interleukin 8 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 29: 134-140, 2010.


Kountouri MP, Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Human papilloma virus (HPV) in lung cancer: Unanswered questions. Lung Cancer 67: 125, 2010.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. No evidence of mother-to-infant transmission of human papilloma virus via human breast milk. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 29: 93, 2010.


Zaravinos A, Kanellou P and SPANDIDOS DA. Viral DNA detection and RAS mutations in actinic keratosis and nonmelanoma skin cancers. British Journal of Dermatology 162: 325-331, 2010.


Sourvinos G, Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Are there implications for HPV vaccination? Journal of Infectious Diseases 200: 478, 2010.


Antoniou KM, Soufla G, Lymbouridou R, Economidou F, Lasithiotaki I, Manousakis M, Drositis I, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM. Expression analysis of angiogenic growth factors and biological axis in idiopathic pulmonary firosis. Connective Tissue Research 51: 71-80, 1010.


Zaravinos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Yin Yang 1 expression in human tumors. Cell Cycle 9: 512-522, 2010


Detorakis ET, Zaravinos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Growth factor expression in ophthalmic pterygia and normal conjuctiva. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 25: 513-516, 2010.


Margaritopoulos G, Antoniou K, Soufla G, Karagiannis K, Proklou A, Lasithiotaki I, Tzanakis N, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM. Up-regulation of stromal cell derived factor-1 (alpha) in collagen vascular diseases-associated interstitial pneumonias (CV¢stPs). Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeuties 23: 115-120, 2010.


Sifakis S, Soufla G, Koukoura O, Soulitzis N, Koutroulakis D, Maiz N, Konstantinidou A, Melissari E and SPANDIDOS DA. Decreased Annexin A5 mRNA placental expression in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction. Thrombosis Research 125: 326-331, 2010.


Kontaratos N, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Examining the discovery of the human retrovirus. Journal of BUON 15: 174-181, 2010.


Cavenari S, Napoli C, Nicoletti F and SPANDIDOS DA. Role of YYI in pathogenesis of cancer. Commentary. Forum on Immunological Diseases and Therapeutics 1: 145-148, 2010.


Androutsopoulos VP, Papakyriakou A, Vourloumis D, Tsatsakis AM and SPANDIDOS DA. Dietary flavonoids in cancer therapy and prevention: substrates and inhibitors of cytochrome PA50 CYPI enzymes. Pharmacology and Therapeuties 126: 9-20, 2010.


Libra M, Polesel J, Russo AE, De Re V, Cina D, Serraino D, Nicoletti F, SPANDIDOS DA, Stivala F and Talamini R. Extrahepatic disorders of HCV infection: A distinct entity of B-cell neoplasia? International Journal of Oncology 36: 1331-1340, 2010.


Neonakis IK, Gitti Z, Kontos F, Baritaki S, Petinaki E, Baritaki M, Liakou V, Zerva L and SPANDIDOS DA. Mycobacterium arupense pulmonary infection: Antibiotic resistance and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 28: 173-176, 2010.


Economidou F, Antoniou K, Soufla G, Lasithiotaki I, Karagiannis K, Lymbouridou R, Proklou A, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM. Role of VEGF-stromal cell derived factor 1?/CXCL12 axis in pleural effusion of lung cancer. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Research 30: 154-160, 2010.


Kuskov AN, Voskresenskaya AA, Goryachaya AV, Shtilman MI, SPANDIDOS DA, Rizos AK and Tsatsakis AM. Amphiphilic poly-N-vinylpy izolidone nanoparticles as carriers for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: characterization and in vitro controlled release of indomethacin. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 26: 85-94, 2010.


Apostolakis S, Vlata Z, Vogiatzi K, Krambovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Angiotensin II up-regulates CX3CRI expression in THP-1 monocytes: impact on vascular inflamation and atherogenesis. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 29: 443-448, 2010.


Filippakis C, SPANDIDOS DA and Sourvinos G. Herpesviruses: Hijacking the ras signaling pathway. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research 1803: 777-785, 2010.


Marconi A, Candido S, Talamini R, Libra M, Nicoletti F, SPANDIDOS DA, Stivala F and Proietti L. Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among health-care workers: A 10-year survey. Molecular Medicine Reports 3: 561-564, 2010.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G, Vakonaki E, Giamarelou P, Michael C and SPANDIDOS DA. Novel human papillomavirus (HPV)genotypes in children with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. European Journal of Pediatrics 169: 1017-1021, 2010.


Logotheti S, Michalopoulos I, Sideridou M, Daskalos A, Kossida S, SPANDIDOS DA, Field JK, Voltesek S, Liloglou T,Gorgoulis V and Zoumpourlis V. Sp1 binds the external promoter of p73 gene and induces the expression of TAp73γ isoform in lung cancer. FEBS Journal 277: 3014-3027, 2010.


Antoniou KM, Margaritopoulos GA, Soufla G, Symvoulakis E, Vassalou E, Lympouridou R, Samara KD, Kappou D, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM. Expression analysis of Act and MAPK signalling pathways in lung tissues of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (PF). Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Research 30: 262-269, 2010.


Dimitropoulou P, Caswell R, McSharry BP, Greaves RF, SPANDIDOS DA, Wilkinson GWG and Sourvinos G. Differential relocation and stability of PML-body components during productive human cytomegalovirus infection: Detailed characterization by live cell imaging. European Journal of Cell Biology 89: 757-768, 2010.


Antoniou KM, Papadaki HA, Soufla G, Kastrinaki MC, Damianaki A, Koutala H, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM. Investigation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM MSCs) involvement in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Respiratory Medicine 104: 1535-1542, 2010.


Apostolakis S, Amanatidou V and SPANDIDOS DA. Therapeutic implications of chemokine-mediated pathways in atherosclerosis: realistic perspectives and utopies. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 31: 1103-1110, 2010.


Tsapaki A, Zaravinos A, Apostolakis S, Voudris K, Vogiatzi K, Kochiadakis GE and SPANDIDOS DA. Genetic variability of the distal promoter of the ST2 gene is associated with angiographic severity of coronary artery disease. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 30: 365-371, 2010.


Tsarouhas K, Soufla G, Apostolakis S, Zaravinos A, Panagiotou M, Khoury M, Hassoulas JA, Tsatsakis AM and SPANDIDOS DA. Transcriptional regulation of TIMPs in ascending aorta aneurysms. Thrombosis Research 126: 399-405, 2010.


Gourvas V, Sifakis S, Dalpa E, Soulitzis N, Koukoura O and SPANDIDOS DA. Reduced placental propyl hydroxylase 3 mRNA expression in pregnancies affected by fetal growth restriction. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 117: 1635-1642. 2010.


Neonakis IK, Samonis G, Messaritakis H, Baritaki S, Georgiladakis A, Maraki S and SPANDIDOS DA. Resistance status and evolution trends of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in a University Hospital in Greece: Ineffectiveness of carbapenems and increasing resistance to colistin. Chemotherapy 56: 448-452, 2010.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Maternal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and its possible relationship with neonatal prenativity. British Journal of Biomedical Science 67: 222-224, 2010.


Koukoura O, Sifakis S, Zaravinos A, Apostolidou S, Jones A, Hajiioannou J, Widschwendter M and SPANDIDOS DA. Hypomethylation along with increased H19 expression in placentas from pregnancies complicated with fetal growth restriction. Placenta 32: 51-57, 2011.


Neonakis IK,SPANDIDOS DA and Petinaki E. Confronting multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: A review. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 37: 102-109, 2011.


Zaravinos A, Tzoras S, Apostolakis S, Lazarides K and SPANDIDOS DA. Levosimendan reduces plasma cell-free DNA levels in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 31: 180-187, 2011.


Aielo M, Vella N, Cannavo C, Scalisi A, SPANDIDOS DA, Toffoli G, Buonadonna A, Libra M and Stivala F. Role of genetic polymorphisms and mutations in colorectal cancer therapy (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 4: 203-208, 2011.


Mammas IN, Koutsaftiki C, Nika E, Vagia F, Zaravinos A, Priftis KN, Voyatzi A, Theodoridou A, Myriokefalitakis N and SPANDIDOS DA. Detection of human metapneumovirus in infants with acute respiratory tract infection. Molecular Medicine Reports 4: 267-271, 2011.


Tsitsimpikou C, Kouretas D, Tsarouhas K, Fitch K, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Applications and biomonitoring issues of recombinant erythropoietins for doping control. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 33: 3-13, 2011.


Radojiac J, Zaravinos A, Vrekoussis T, Kafousi M, SPANDIDOS DA and Stathopoulos EN. MicroRNA expression analysis in triple-negative CER, PR and Her2/neu] breast cancer. Cell Cycle 10: 507-517, 2011.


Zaravinos A, Mammas I, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). In: Molecular Detection of Human Viral Pathogens. (Ed. D. Liu). CRC Press Boca Raton FL, pp877-889, 2011.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G, Zaravinos A and SPANDIDOS DA.Vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV); epidemiological evidence of HPV in non-genital cancers. Pathology Oncology Research 17: 103-119, 2011.


Koutsaki M, Sifakis S, Zaravinos S, Koutroulakis D, Koukoura O and SPANDIDOS DA.Decreased placental expression of hPGH,IGF-1 and IGFBP-1 in pregnacies complicated by fetal growth restriction. Growth Hormones and IGF Research 21: 31-36, 2011.


Margaritopoulos GA, Antoniou KM, Soufla G, Vassalou E, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM.Yin Yang-1 (YY-1) expression in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction 31: 188-191, 2011.


Zaravinos A, Lambrou GI, Boubalas I, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Identification of common differentially expressed genes in urinary bladder cancer. PLoS ONE 6: 1-28, e18135, 2011.


Zaravinos A, Lambrou GI, Volanis D, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA.Spotlight on differentially expressed genes in urinary bladder cancer. PLoS ONE 6: 1-17, e18255, 2011.


Mammas IN, Zaravinos A, Sourvinos G, Myriokefalitakis N, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS DA.Can â??high-riskâ?? human papillomaviruses (HPVs) be detected in human breast milk? Acta Pediatrica 100: 705-707, 2011.


Baritaki S, Militello L, Malaponte G,SPANDIDOS DA, Salcedo M and Bonavida B. The anti-CD20 mAb LFB-R603 interrupts the dysregulated NF-κB/Snail/RKIP/PTEN resistance loop in B-NHL cells: role in sensitization to TRAIL apoptosis. International Journal of Oncology 38: 1683-1694, 2011.


Mammas IN, Zaravinos A, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Detection of human papilloma virus in bronchoalveolar lavage samples in immunocompetent children. The PediatricInfectious Disease Journal 30: 384-386, 2011.


Tsarouhas A, Soufla G, Katonis P, Pasku D, Vakis A and SPANDIDOS DA.Transcript levels of major MMPs and ADAMTS-4 in relation to the clinicopathological profile of patients with lumbar disk herniation. European Spine Journal 20: 781-790, 2011.


Androutsopoulos VP, Papakyriakou A, Vourloumis D and SPANDIDOS DA.Comparative CYPIAI and CYPIBI substrate and inhibitor profile of dietary flavonoids. Biorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 19: 2842-2849, 2011.


Androutsopoulos VP, Ruparelia K, Papakyriakou A, Filippakis C, Tsatsakis A and SPANDIDOS DA.Anticancer effects of the metabolic products of the Resveratrol analogue, DMU-212: structural requirements for potency. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 19: 2586-2595, 2011.


Zaravinos A, Chatzistamou M, Lambrou GI, Boubalas I, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Implication of Raf and RKip genes in urinary bladder cancer. Pathology Oncology Research 17: 181-190, 2011.


Neonakis IK, SPANDIDOS DA and Petinaki E. Use of loop-mediated amplification of DNA for the rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 30: 937-942, 2011.


Pantazis E, Soulitzis N, Soufla G, Karyotis I, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. mRNA expression of G1-phase cell cycle regulatory molecules in bladder cancer. Journal of BUON 16: 323-330, 2011.


Neonakis IK, SPANDIDOS DA and Petinaki E. Female genita tuberculosis. A Review. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 43: 564-572, 2011.


Vella N, Aiello M, Russo AE, Scalisi A, SPANDIDOS DA, Toffoli G, Sorio R, Libra M and Stivala F.Genetic profiling and ovarian cancer therapy (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 4: 771-777, 2011.


Koukoura O, Sifakis S, Soufla G, Zaravinos A, Apostolidou S, Jones A, Widschwendter M and SPANDIDOS DA. Loss of imprinting and aberrant methylation of IGF2 in placentas from pregnancies complicated with fetal growth restriction. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 28: 481-487, 2011.


Filipakis H, Dimitropoulou P, Eliopoulos AG, SPANDIDOS DA and Sourvinos G. The enhanced host-cell permissiveness of human cytomegalovirus is mediated by the Ras signalling pathway. BBA-Molecular Cell Research 1813: 1872-1882, 2011.


Chartoumpekis DV, Ziros PG, Sykiotis GP, Zaravinos A, Psyrogiannis AI, Kyriazopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA and Habeos IG. Nrf2 activation diminishes during adipocyte differentiation of ST2 cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 28: 823-828, 2011.


Amanatidou V, Zaravinos A, Apostolakis S and SPANDIDOS DA. Chemokines in respiratory viral infections: Focus on their diagnostic and therapeutic potential. Critical Reviews in Immunology 31: 341-356, 2011.


Alpantaki K, Katonis P, Hadjipavlou AG, SPANDIDOS DA and Sourvinos G. Herpevirus infection can cause intervertebral disk degenaration. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 93: 1253-1258, 2011.

584. Pasku D, Soufla G, Katonis P, Tsarouhas A, Vakis A and SPANDIDOS DA. Akt/PKB isoforms expression in the human herniated disk: correlation with clinical and MR1 findings. European Spine Journal 20: 1676-1683, 2011.

Volanis D, Zaravinos A, Kadiyska T, Delakas D, Zoumpourlis V and SPANDIDOS DA. Expression profile of Rho kinases in urinary bladder cancer. Journal of BUON 16: 511-521, 2011.


Morou AK, Porichis F, Krambovitis E, Sourvinos G, SPANDIDOS DA and Zafiropoulos A. The HIV-1 gp120/V3 modifies the response of uninfected CD4 T cells to antigen presentation: Mapping of the specific transcriptional signature. Journal of Translational Medicine 9: 160, 2011.


Tsarouhas K, Tsitsimpikou C, Apostolakis S, Haliassos A, Tzardi M, Panagiotou M, Tsatsakis A and SPANDIDOS DA. Homocysteine and metalloprotease-3 and -9 in patients with ascending aorta aneurysms. Thrombosis Research 128: e95-e99, 2011.


Mammas I, Maher F, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS D. Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination in childhood: challenges and perspectives. Hippokratia 15: 299-303, 2011.


Symvoulakis EK, Zaravinos A, Zoras O and SPANDIDOS DA. KRAS and BRAF mutation status in patients with sporadic colorectal cancer: data from two different Mediterranean countries. International Journal of Biological Markers 26: 276-277, 2011.


Hafsi S, Pezzino FM, Candido S, Ligresti G, SPANDIDOS DA, Soua Z, McCubrey JA, Travali S and Libra M. Gene alterations in the PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathway as a mechanism of drug-resistance (Review). International Journal of Oncology 40: 639-644, 2012.


Koukoura O, Sifakis S and SPANDIDOS DA. DNA methylation in the human placenta and fetal growth. Molecular Medicine Reports 5: 883-889, 2012.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. George N. Papanicolaou (1883-1962): Fifty years after the death of a great doctor, scientist and humanitarian. Journal of BUON 17: 180-184, 2012.


Karatzanis AD, Samara KD, Antoniou KM, Lymbouridou R, Chatzakis N, SPANDIDOS DA, Velegrakis GA and Siafakas NM. Investigation of angiogenetic pathways in nasal polyposis. Molecular Medicine Reports 5: 1158-1162, 2012.


Hafsi S, Pezzino FM, Candido S, Ligresti G, SPANDIDOS DA, Soua Z, McCubrey JA, Travali S and Libra M. Gene alterations in the PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathway as a mechanism of drug-resistance (Review). International Journal of Oncology 40: 639-644, 2012.


Chaveles I, Zaravinos A, Habeos IG, Karavias DD, Maroulis I, SPANDIDOS DA and Karavias D. MicroRNA profiling in murine liver after partial hepatectomy. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 29: 747-755, 2012.


Lambrou GI, Zaravinos A, Adamaki M, SPANDIDOS DA, Tzortzatou-Stathopoulou F and Vlachopoulos S. Pathway simulations in common oncogenic drivers of leukemic and rhabdomyosarcoma cells: A systems biology approach. International Journal of Oncology 40: 1365-1390, 2012.


Radojicic J, Zaravinos A and SPANDIDOS DA. >HPV, K-ras mutations, alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking effects on esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma (ESCC) carcinogenesis. International Journal of Biological Markers 27: 1-12, 2012.


Koutsaki M, Zaravinos A and SPANDIDOS DA. Modern trends into the epidemiology and screening of ovarian cancer. Genetic substrate of the sporadic form. Pathology Oncology Research 18: 135-148, 2012.


Leonardi GC, Candido S, Cervello M, Nicolosi D, Raiti F, Travali S, SPANDIDOS DA and Libra M. To discover the tumor microenvironment in hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology 40: 1733-1747, 2012.


Amoroso A, D'Amico F, Consolo M, Skarmoutsou E, Neri S, Dianzani V, SPANDIDOS DA and Mazzarino MC. Evaluation of circulating CD4+ CD25+ and liver infiltrating Foxp3+ cells in HCV-related hepatitis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 29: 983-988, 2012.


Mammas IN, Koutsaftiki C, Nika E, Vagia F, Voyatzi AD, SPANDIDOS DA, Theodoridou M and Myriokefalitakis N. Prospective study of human norovirus infection in children with acute gastroenteritis in Greece. Minerva Pediatrica 64: 333-339, 2012.


Gourvas V, Dalpa E, Konstantinidou A, Vrachnis N, SPANDIDOS DA and Sifakis S. Angiogenic factors in placentas from pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 6: 23-27, 2012.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G, Giamarelou P, Michael C and SPANDIDOS DA. Human papillomavirus in the oral cavity of children and mode of delivery: a retrospective study. International Journal of STD and AIDS 23: 185-188, 2012.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Vaccination against human papillomavirus in childhood: the next rubella analogue? Journal of BUON 17: 389-390, 2012.


Antoniou KM, Margaritopoulos GA, Proklou A, Karagiannis K, Lasithiotaki I, Soufla G, Kastrinaki MC, SPANDIDOS DA, Papadaki HA and Siafakas NM.Investigation of telomerase/telomeres system in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells derived from IPF and RA-UIP. Journal of Inflammation 9(1): 27, 2012.


Vakonaki E, Soulitzis N, Sifakis S, Papadogianni D, Kontroulakis D and SPANDIDOS DA. Overexpression and ratio disruption of ΤNp63 and TAp63 isoform equilibrium in endometrial adenocarcinoma: correlation with obesity menopause and grade I/II tumors. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 138: 1271-1278, 2012.


Zaravinos A, Radojicic J, Lambrou GI, Volanis D, Delakas D, Stathopoulos EN and SPANDIDOS DA. Expression of miRNAs involved in angiogenesis, tumour cell proliferation, tumour suppressor inhibition, EMT and activation of metastasis in urinary bladder cancer. Journal of Urology 188: 675-683, 2012.


Zaravinos A, Volanis D, Lambrou GI, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Role of the angiogenic components VEGFA, FGF2, OPN and RHOC in urothelial cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Oncology Reports 28: 1159-1166, 2012.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. A 3,000-year-old child's toy. European Journal of Pediatrics 171: 1413, 2012.


Vageli DP, Zaravinos A, Daniil Z, Dahabreh J, Doukas SG, SPANDIDOS DA, Gourgoulianis KI and Koukoulis GK. hMSH2 and hMLH1 gene expression patterns differ between lung adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinoma: correlation with patient survival and response to adjuvant chemotherapy treatment. International Journal of Biological Markers 27: e400-e404, 2012.


Androutsopoulos VP and SPANDIDOS DA. The flavonoids dosmetin and luteolin exert synergistic cytostatic effects in human hepatoma HEPG2 cells via CYPIA-catalyzed metabolism, activation of JNK and ERK and P53/P21 upregulation. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 24: 496-504, 2013


Panagiotakis GI, Papadogianni D, Chatziioannou MN, Lasithiotaki I, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Association of human herpes, papilloma and polyoma virus families with bladder cancer. Tumor Biology 34: 71-79, 2013.


Mamma M and SPANDIDOS DA. Economic evaluation of the vaccination program against seasonal and pandemic A/H3N1 influenza among customs officers in Greece health policy. Health Policy 109: 71-73, 2013.


Soufla G, Sifakis S, Porichis P and SPANDIDOS DA. Prognostic value of TGFB1 protein in endometrioid adeno­carcinoma. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 43: 79-90, 2013.


Derdas SP, Soulitzis N, Balis V, Sakorafas GH and SPANDIDOS DA. Expression analysis of B-Raf oncogene in V600E-negative benign and malignant tumors of the thyroid gland: correlation with late disease onset. Medical Oncology 30: 336, 2013.


Sourvinos G, Mammas IN, Derdas S and SPANDIDOS DA. Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) in lung cancer: A causative trigger or just a coincidence. Lung Cancer 79: 95-96, 2013.


Rapisarda V, Marconi A, Candido S, Nicolosi D, Salmeri M, Gangemi P, Proietti L, SPANDIDOS DA, Bracci M, Fenga C and Libra M. A tailored health surveillance program unveils a case of MALT lymphoma in an HCV-positive health-care worker. Oncology Letters 5: 651-654, 2013.


Vogiatzi K, Apostolakis S, Vlata Z, Krabovitis E and SPANDIDOS DA. Opposite effect of angiotensin receptor blockade on CXCL8 production and CXCR1/2 expression of angiotensin IIâ??treated THPâ??1 monocytes. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 5: 987-991, 2013.


Margaritopoulos GA, Tsitoura E, Tzanakis N, SPANDIDOS DA, Siafakas N, Sourvinos G and Antoniou K. ‘Self-eating’: friend or foe? The emerging role of autophagy in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. BioMed Research International. ID 420497, 2013.


D'Amico F, Skarmoutsou E, Quaderno G, Malaponte G, La Corte C, Scibilia G, D'Agate G, Scollo P, Fraggetta F, SPANDIDOS DA and Mazzarino MC. Expression and localisation of osteopontin and prominin-1 (CD133) in patients with endometriosis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 31: 1011-1016, 2013.


Lasithiotaki I, Antoniou KM, Derdas SP, Sarchianaki E, Symvoulakis EK, Psaraki A, SPANDIDOS DA, Stathopoulos EN, Siafakas NM and Sourvinos G. The presence of merkel cell polyomavirus is associated with deregulated expression of BRAF and Bcl-2 genes in non-small cell lung cancer. International Journal of Cancer 133: 604-612, 2013.


Vakonaki E, Androutsopoulos VP, Liesivuori J, Tsatsakis AM and SPANDIDOS DA. Pesticides and oncogenic modulation. Toxicology 307: 42-45, 2013.


Chalkia AK, SPANDIDOS DA and Detorakis ET. Viral involvement in the pathogenesis and clinical features of ophthalmic pterygium (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 32: 539-543, 2013.


Piva R, SPANDIDOS DA and Gambari R. From microRNA functions to microRNA therapeutics: Novel targets and novel drugs in breast cancer research and treatment (Review). International Journal of Oncology 43: 985-994, 2013.


Lambrou GI, Adamaki M, Delakas D, SPANDIDOS DA, Vlachopoulos S and Zaravinos A. Gene expression is highly correlated on the chromosome level in urinary bladder cancer. Cell Cycle 12: 1544-1559, 2013.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. The ‘Trojan horse’ oncogenic strategy of HPVs in childhood. Future Virology 8: 801-808, 2013.


Prudnikova TY, Soulitzis N, Kutsenko OS, Mostovich LA, Haraldson K, Ernberg I, Kashuba VI, SPANDIDOS DA, Zabarovsky ER and Grigorieva EV. Heterogeneity of D-glucuronyl C5-epimerase expression and epigenetic regulation in prostate cancer. Cancer Medicine 2: 654-661, 2013.


Apostolakis S and SPANDIDOS DA. Chemokines and atherosclerosis: Focus on the CX3CL1/CX3CR1 pathway (Review). Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 34: 1251-1256, 2013.


Antoniou K, Lasithiotaki I, Symvoulakis E, Derdas S, Psaraki A, SPANDIDOS DA, Stathopoulos E, Siafakas N and Sourvinos G. Molecular pathological findings of Merkel cell polyomavirus in lung cancer: A possible etiopathogenetic link? International Journal of Cancer 133: 3016-3017, 2013.


Antoniou KM, Samara KD, Lasithiotaki I, Margaritopoulos GA, Soufla G, Lambiri I, Giannarakis I, Drositis I, SPANDIDOS DA and Siafakas NM. Differential telomerase expression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and non-small cell lung cancer.Oncology Reports 30: 2617-2624, 2013.


Detorakis ET, Halkia A, Tsakalaki V and SPANDIDOS DA. Association between pterygium and plica semilunaris morphology. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 41: 891-892, 2013. 632.


Androutsopoulos VP, Spyrou I, Ploumidis A, Papalambros AE, Kyriakakis M, Delakas D, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Expression profile of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 enzymes in colon and bladder tumors. PLoS One 8: e82487, 2013


Mammas IN, SPANDIDOS DA and Sourvinos G. Genomic diversity οf human papillomavirus (HPV) and clinical implications: an overview in adulthood and childhood. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 21: 220-226, 2014.


Candido S, Rapisarda V, Marconi A, Malaponte G, Bevelacqua V, Gangemi P, Scalisi A, McCubrey JA, Maestro R, SPANDIDOS DA, Fenga C and Libra M. Analysis of the B-RAFV600E mutation in cutaneous melanoma patients with occupational sun exposure. Oncology Reports 31: 1079-1082, 2014.


Voudris K, Apostolakis S, Karyofilis P, Doukas K, Zaravinos A, Androutsopoulos VP, Voudris V and SPANDIDOS DA. Genetic diversity of the KCNE1 gene and susceptibility to post-operative atrial fibrillation. The American Heart Journal 167: 274-280, 2014.


Papadogianni D, Soulitzis N, Delakas D and SPANDIDOS DA. Expression of p53 family genes in urinary bladder cancer: Correlation with disease aggressiveness and recurrence. Tumor Biology 35: 2481-2489, 2014


Sarchianaki E, Derdas SP, Ntaoukakis M, Vakonaki E, Lagoudaki ED, Lasithiotaki I, Sarchianaki A, Stathopoulos EN, Symvoulakis E, SPANDIDOS DA, Antoniou KM and Sourvinos G. Detection and genotype analysis of human papillomavirus in non-small cell lung cancer patients. Tumor Biology 35: 3203-3209, 2014


Gourvas V, Soulitzis N, Konstantinidou A, Dalpa E, Koukoura O, Koutroulakis D, SPANDIDOS DA and Sifakis S. Reduced ANXA5 mRNA and protein expression in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. Thrombosis Research 133: 495-500, 2014.


Neonakis IK, SPANDIDOS DA and Petinaki E. Is minocycline a solution for multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii? Future Microbiology 9: 299-305, 2014.


Zaravinos A, Kanellou P, Lambrou GI and SPANDIDOS DA. Gene set enrichment analysis of the NF-κB/Snail/YY1/RKIP circuitry in multiple myeloma. Tumor Biology 35: 4987-5005, 2014.


Koukoura O, SPANDIDOS DA, Daponte A and Sifakis S. DNA methylation profiles in ovarian cancer: Implication in diagnosis and therapy. Molecular Medicine Reports 10: 3-9, 2014.


Russo A, Ficili B, Candido S, Pezzino FM, Guarneri C, Biondi A, Travali S, McCubrey JA, SPANDIDOS DA and Libra M.Emerging targeted therapies in melanoma. International Journal of Oncology 45: 516-524, 2014.


Ragin C, Obikoya-Malomo M, Kim S, Chen Z, Flores-Obando R, Gibbs D, Koriyama C, Aguayo F, Koshiol J, Caporaso NE, Carpagnano GE, Ciotti M, Dosaka-Akita H, Fukayama M, Goto A, SPANDIDOS DA, Gorgoulis V, Heideman DA, van Boerdonk RA, Hiroshima K, Iwakawa R, Kastrinakis NG, Kinoshita I, Akiba S, Landi MT, Eugene Liu H, Wang JL, Mehra R, Khuri FR, Lim WT, Owonikoko TK, Ramalingam S, Sarchianaki E, Syrjanen K, Tsao MS, Sykes J, Hee SW, Yokota J, Zaravinos A and Taioli E. HPV-associated lung cancers: An international pooled analysis. Carcinogenesis 35: 1267-1275, 2014


Koutsaki M, SPANDIDOS DA and Zaravinos A. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition-associated miRNAs in ovarian carcinoma, with highlight on the miR-200 family: Prognostic value and prospective role in ovarian cancer therapeutics. Cancer Letters 351: 173-181, 2014


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. The paediatric story of human papillomaviruses (Review). Oncology Letters 8: 502-506, 2014.


Kappou D, Sifakis S, Androutsopoulos V, Konstantinidou A, SPANDIDOS DA and Papantoniou N. Placental mRNA expression of angiopoietins (Ang)-1, Ang-2 and their receptor Tie-2 is altered in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. Placenta 35: 718-723, 2014


Spyrou I, Sifakis S, Ploumidis A, Papalampros AE, Felekouras E, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA and Androutsopoulos VP. Expression profile of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 enzymes in endometrial tumors. Tumour Biology 35: 9549-9556, 2014.


Michopoulou V, Derdas SP, Symvoulakis E, Mourmouras N, Nomikos A, Delakas D, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA prevalence and p53 codon 72 (Arg72Pro) polymorphism in prostate cancer in a Greek group of patients. Tumour Biology 35: 12765-12773, 2014.


Pavlopoulou A, SPANDIDOS DA and Michalopoulos I. Human cancer databases (Review). Oncology Reports 33: 3-18, 2015.


Sifakis S, Koukou Z and SPANDIDOS DA. Cell-free fetal DNA and pregnancy-related complications (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 11: 2367-2372, 2015.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Fighting against human papillomavirus: the 25-year old contribution of the University of Crete School of Medicine. Journal of BUON 20: 17-21, 2015.


Kappou D, Sifakis S, Konstantinidou A, Papantoniou N and SPANDIDOS DA. Role of the angiopoietin/Tie system in pregnancy (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 9: 1091-1096, 2015.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. An instructive viewpoint from the Greek mythology. Journal of Paediatric and Child Health 51: 172-173, 2015.


Stamatiou D, Derdas SP, Symvoulakis EK, Sakorafas GH, Zoras O and SPANDIDOS DA. Investigation of BK virus, Epstein-Barr virus and human papillomavirus sequences in postoperative thyroid gland specimens. International Journal of Biological Markers 30(1): e104-10, 2015.


Sourvinos G, Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Merkel cell polyomavirus infection in childhood: Current advances and perspectives. Archives of Virology 160: 887-892, 2015.


Mammas IN, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. High-risk Human Papilloma Viruses in childhood warts. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 34: 549-550, 2015


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Four historic legends in human papillomaviruses research. Journal of B.U.ON. 20: 658-661, 2015


Fragkiadaki P, Soulitzis N, Sifakis S, Koutroulakis D, Gourvas V, Vrachnis N and SPANDIDOS DA. Downregulation of Notch signaling pathway in late preterm and term placentas from pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. PLoS One 10(5): e0126163, 2015.


Goutzourelas N, Stagos D, Housmekeridou A, Karapouliou C, Kerasioti E, Aligiannis N, Skaltsounis AL, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Kouretas D.: Grape pomace extract exerts antioxidant effects through an increase in GCS levels and GST activity in muscle and endothelial cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 36: 433-441, 2015.


Olaru OT, Venables L, van de Venter M, Nitulescu GM, Margina D, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM.: Anticancer potential of selected Fallopia Adans species. Oncology Letters 10: 1323-1332, 2015.


Goulidaki N, Alarifi S, Alkahtani SH, Al-Qahtani A, SPANDIDOS DA, Stournaras C and Sourvinos G. RhoB is a component of the human cytomegalovirus assembly complex and is required for efficient viral production. Cell Cycle 14: 2748-2763, 2015.


Goutzourelas N, Stagos D, Spanidis Y, Liosi M, Apostolou A, Priftis A, Haroutounian S, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Kouretas D. Polyphenolic composition of grape stem extracts affects antioxidant activity in endothelial and muscle cells. Molecular Medicine Reports 12: 5846-5856, 2015.


Neonakis IK, SPANDIDOS DA and Gitti Z. Mycobacterium heraklionense sp. nov.: A case series. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 10: 1401-1403, 2015.


Margină D, Olaru OT, Ilie M, Grădinaru D, Guțu C, Voicu S, Dinischiotu A, Spandidos DA and Tsatsakis AM. Assessment of the potential health benefits of certain total extracts from Vitis vinifera, Aesculus hyppocastanum and Curcuma longa. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 10: 1681-1688, 2015.


Priftis A, Stagos D, Konstantinopoulos K, Tsitsimpikou C, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM, Tzatzarakis MN and Kouretas D. Comparison of antioxidant activity between green and roasted coffee beans using molecular methods. Molecular Medicine Reports 12: 7293-7302, 2015.


Georgakouli K, Manthou E, Fatouros IG, Deli CK, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM, Kouretas D, Koutedakis Y, Theodorakis Y and Jamurtas AZ. Effects of acute exercise on liver function and blood redox status in heavy drinkers. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 10: 2015-2022, 2015.


Mammas IN and Spandidos DA. George N. Papanicolaou (1883-1962): Studying his first published article in Science 100 years on. Journal of B.U.ON. 20: 1643, 2015.


Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M and Spandidos DA. Paediatric Virology: A new paediatric subspecialty? A proposal at the Workshop on Paediatric Virology, Athens, October 10, 2015. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11: 3-5, 2016.


Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M, Kramvis A, Christaki I, Koutsaftiki C, Portaliou DM, Kostagianni G, Panagopoulou P, Sourvinos G and Spandidos DA. Current views and advances on Paediatric Virology: An update for paediatric trainees (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11: 6-14, 2016.


Miozzi E, Rapisarda V, Marconi A, Costa C, Polito I, Spandidos DA, Libra M and Fenga C.Spandidos DA. Fluoro-edenite and carbon nanotubes: The health impact of ‘asbestos-like’ fibres (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11: 21-27, 2016.


Detorakis ET, Kymionis G, Tsatsos M and Spandidos DA. Pterygium concomitant with other ocular surface lesions: Clinical implications and pathogenetic links. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11: 69-72, 2016.


Spanidis Y, Goutzourelas N, Stagos D, Mpesios A, Priftis A, Bar‑Or D, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM, Leon G and Kouretas D. Variations in oxidative stress markers in elite basketball players at the beginning and end of a season. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11: 147-153, 2016.


Pontikaki A, Sifakis S and Spandidos DA. Endometriosis and breast cancer: A survey of the epidemiological studies. Oncology Letters 11: 23-30, 2016.


Nitulescu GM, Margina D, Juzenas P, Peng Q, Olaru OT, Saloustros E, Fenga C, SPANDIDOS DA, Libra M and Tsatsakis AM. Akt inhibitors in cancer treatment: The long journey from drug discovery to clinical use (Review). International Journal of Oncology 48: 869-885, 2016.


Hafsi S, Candido S, Maestro R, Falzone L, Soua Z, Bonavida B, SPANDIDOS DA and Libra M. Correlation between the overexpression of Yin Yang 1 and the expression levels of miRNAs in Burkitt's lymphoma: A computational study. Oncology Letters 11: 1021-1025, 2016.


Memariani T, Hosseini T, Kamali H, Mohammadi A, Ghorbani M, Shakeri A, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Shahsavand S. Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of Cyperus longus extract, fractions and its essential oil on the PC3 and MCF7 cancer cell lines. Oncology Letters 11: 1353-1360, 2016.


Stamatiou DP, Derdas SP, Zoras OL and SPANDIDOS DA. Herpes and polyoma family viruses in thyroid cancer (Review). Oncology Letters 11: 1635-1644, 2016.


Negrei C, Bojinca V, Balanescu A, Bojinca M, Baconi D, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Stan M. Management of rheumatoid arthritis: Impact and risks of various therapeutic approaches (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11: 1177-1183, 2016


Spanidis Y, Mpesios A, Stagos D, Gourtzourelas N, Bar-Or D, Karapetsa M, Zakynthinos E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM, Leon G and Kouretas D. Assessment of the redox status in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes reveals great variations. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11: 895-903, 2016.


Koukoura O, Sifakis S and SPANDIDOS DA. DNA methylation in endometriosis (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 13: 2939-2948, 2016.


Neagu Μ, Caruntu C, Constantin C, Boda D, Zurac S, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Chemically induced skin carcinogenesis: Updates in experimental models (Review). Oncology Reports 35: 2516-2528, 2016.


Galateanu B, Hudita A, Negrei C, Ion RM, Costache M, Stan M, Nikitovic D, Hayes AW, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Ginghina O. Impact of multicellular tumor spheroids as an in vivo‑like tumor model on anticancer drug response. International Journal of Oncology 48: 2295-2302, 2016.


Ghita MA, Caruntu C, Rosca AE, Kaleshi H, Caruntu A, Moraru L, Docea AO, Zurac S, Boda D, Neagu M, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Reflectance confocal microscopy and dermoscopy for in vivo, non-invasive skin imaging of superficial basal cell carcinoma. Oncology Letters 11: 3019-3024, 2016.


Zurac S, Neagu M, Constantin C, Cioplea M, Nedelcu R, Bastian A, Popp C, Nichita L, Andrei R, Tebeica T, Tanase C, Chitu V, Caruntu C, Ghita M, Popescu C, Boda D, Mastalier B, Maru N, Daha C, Andreescu B, Marinescu I, Rebosapca A, Staniceanu F, Negroiu G, Ion DA, Nikitovic D, Tzanakakis GN, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Variations in the expression of TIMP1, TIMP2 and TIMP3 in cutaneous melanoma with regression and their possible function as prognostic predictors. Oncology Letters 11: 3354-3360, 2016.


Gambari R, Brognara E, SPANDIDOS DA and Fabbri E. Targeting oncomiRNAs and mimicking tumor suppressor miRNAs: Νew trends in the development of miRNA therapeutic strategies in oncology (Review). International Journal of Oncology 49: 5-32, 2016.


Fragkiadaki P, Tsoukalas D, Fragkiadoulaki I, Psycharakis C, Nikitovic D, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Telomerase activity in pregnancy complications (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 14: 16-21, 2016.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric Virology in the Hippocratic Corpus. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 12: 541-549, 2016.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Editorial. The subspecialty of Paediatric Virology: A ʻmosaic tileʼ in future Paediatrics. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 12: 539-540, 2016.


Katsarou MS, Latsi R, Papasavva M, Demertzis N, Kalogridis T, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA and Drakoulis N. Population-based analysis of the frequency of HFE gene polymorphisms: Correlation with the susceptibility to develop hereditary hemochromatosis. Molecular Medicine Reports 14: 630-636, 2016.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M, Koutsaftiki C, Berstias G, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Vaccination against Human Papillomavirus in relation to Financial Crisis: The ʻEvaluation and Education of Greek Female Adolescents on Human Papillomaviruses' Prevention Strategiesʼ ELEFTHERIA Study. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 29: 362-366, 2016.


Dehelean CA, Soica C, Pinzaru I, Coricovac D, Danciu C, Pavel I, Borcan F, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Baderca F. Sex differences and pathology status correlated to the toxicity of some common carcinogens in experimental skin carcinoma. Food Chemistry and Toxicology 95: 149-158, 2016.


Boda D, Neagu M, Constantin C, Voinescu RN, Caruntu C, Zurac S, SPANDIDOS DA, Drakoulis N, Tsoukalas D and Tsatsakis AM. HPV strain distribution in patients with genital warts in a female population sample. Oncology Letters 12: 1779-1782, 2016.


Sayapina NV, Sergievich AA, Kuznetsov VL, Chaika VV, Lisitskaya IG, Khoroshikh PP, Batalova TA, Tsarouchas K, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM, Fenga C and Golokhvast KS. Influence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the cognitive abilities of Wistar rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 12: 1311-1318, 2016


Androutsopoulos VP, Fragiadaki I, SPANDIDOS DA and Tosca A. The resveratrol analogue 3,4,5,4'-tetramethoxystilbene inhibits growth of A375 melanoma cells via multiple mechanisms of anticancer action. International Journal of Oncology 49: 1305-1314, 2016.


Nikitovic D, Kavasi R-M, Berdiaki A, Papachristou DJ, Tsiaoussis J, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Tzanakakis GN. Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide regulate osteosarcoma cell functions: Focus on the extracellular matrix (Review). Oncology Reports 36: 1787-1792, 2016.


Gangemi S, Gofita E, Costa C, Teodoro M, Briguglio G, Nikitovic D, Tzanakakis G, Tsatsakis AM, Wilks MF, SPANDIDOS DA and Fenga C. Occupational and environmental exposure to pesticides and cytokine pathways in chronic diseases (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 38: 1012-1020, 2016.


Georgadaki K, Khoury N, SPANDIDOS DA and Zoumpourlis V. The molecular basis of fertilization (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 38: 979-986, 2016.


Voudouri K, Nikitovic D, Berdiaki A, Papachristou DJ, Tsiaousis J, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A and Tzanakakis GN. Heparin regulates B6FS cell motility through a FAK/actin cytoskeleton axis. Oncology Reports 36: 2471-2480, 2016.


Rapisarda V, Salemi R, Marconi A, Loreto C, Graziano AC, Cardile V, Basile MS, Candido S, Falzone L, SPANDIDOS DA, Fenga C and Libra M. Fluoro-edenite induces fibulin-3 overexpression in non-malignant human mesothelial cells. Oncology Letters 12: 3363-3367, 2016.


Falzone L, Marconi A, Loreto C, Franco S, SPANDIDOS DA and Libra M. Occupational exposure to carcinogens: Benzene, pesticides and fibers (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 14: 4467-4474, 2016.


Tsitoura E, Wells A, Karagiannis K, Lasithiotaki I, Vasarmidi E, Bibaki E, Koutoulaki C, Sato H, SPANDIDOS DA, Siafakas N, Sourvinos G and Antoniou K. MiR-185/AKT and miR-29a/Collagen 1a pathways are activated in IPF BAL cells. Oncotarget 7: 74569-74581, 2016.


Tsitsimpikou C, Tsarouhas K, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Detection of stanozolol in the urine of athletes at a pg level: The possibility of passive exposure. Biomedical Reports 5: 665-666, 2016.


Rizos E, Siafakas N, Skourti E, Papageorgiou C, Tsoporis J, Parker TH, Christodoulou DI, SPANDIDOS DA, Katsantoni E and Zoumpourlis V. miRNAs and their role in the correlation between schizophrenia and cancer (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 14: 4942-4946, 2016.


Ianoşi S, Ianoşi G, Neagoe D, Ionescu O, Zlatian O, Docea AO, Badiu C, Sifaki M, Tsoukalas D, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA and Călina D. Age-dependent endocrine disorders involved in the pathogenesis of refractory acne in women. Molecular Medicine Reports 14: 5501-5506, 2016.


Vakonaki E, Tsarouhas K, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Complex interplay of DNA damage, DNA repair genes, and oxidative stress in coronary artery disease. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology 16(12): 939, 2016..


Lasithiotaki I, Tsitoura E, Koutsopoulos A, Lagoudaki E, Koutoulaki C, Pitsidianakis G, SPANDIDOS DA, Siafakas NM, Sourvinos G and Antoniou K. Aberrant expression of miR-21, miR-376c and miR-145 and their target host genes in Merkel cell polyomavirus-positive non-small cell lung cancer. Oncotarget 8: 112371-112383, 2017.


Călina D, Docea AO, Rosu L, Zlatian O, Rosu AF, Anghelina F, Rogoveanu O, Arsene AL, Nicolae AC, Drăgoi CM, Tsiaoussis J, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA, Drakoulis N and Gofita E. Antimicrobial resistance development following surgical site infections. Molecular Medicine Reports 15: 681-688, 2017.


Ungurianu A, Margină D, Grădinaru D, Băcanu C, Ilie M, Tsitsimpikou C, Tsarouhas K, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Lipoprotein redox status evaluation as a marker of cardiovascular disease risk in patients with inflammatory disease. Molecular Medicine Reports 15: 256-262, 2017.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS DA. [Editorial] The development of the Paediatric Virology Study Group: Ten years in the making. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 13: 363, 2017.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M, Kramvis A, Thiagarajan P, Gardner S, Papaioannou G, Melidou A, Koutsaki M, Kostagianni G, Achtsidis V, Koutsaftiki C, Calachanis M, Zaravinos A, Greenough A and SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric Virology: A rapidly increasing educational challenge. Highlights from the ʻ2nd Workshop on Paediatric Virologyʼ, Athens, 8th October, 2016 (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 13: 364-377, 2017.


Kara M, Ozcagli E, Fragkiadaki P, Kotil T, Stivaktakis PD, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Alpertunga B. Determination of DNA damage and telomerase activity in stanozolol-treated rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 13: 614-618, 2017.


Dalpa E, Gourvas V, Soulitzis N and SPANDIDOS DA. K-Ras, H-Ras, N-Ras and B-Raf mutation and expression analysis in Wilms tumors: Association with tumor growth. Medical Oncology 34(1): 6, 2017.


Guarneri C, Bevelacqua V, Polesel J, Falzone L, Cannav‰ PS, SPANDIDOS DA, Malaponte G and Libra M. NF‑κB inhibition is associated with OPN/MMP‑9 downregulation in cutaneous melanoma. Oncology Reports 37: 737-746, 2017.


Priftis A, Papikinos K, Koukoulanaki M, Kerasioti E, Stagos D, Konstantinopoulos K, SPANDIDOS DA, Kermenidou M, Karakitsios S, Sarigiannis D, Tsatsakis AM and Kouretas D. Development of an assay to assess genotoxicity by particulate matter extract. Molecular Medicine Reports 15: 1738-1746, 2017.


Tsarouhas A, Soufla G, Tsarouhas K, Katonis P, Pasku D, Vakis A, Tsatsakis AM and SPANDIDOS DA. Molecular profile of major growth factors in lumbar intervertebral disc herniation: Correlation with patient clinical and epidemio­logical characteristics. Molecular Medicine Reports 15: 2195-2203, 2017.


Spanidis Y, Stagos D, Orfanou M, Goutzourelas N, Bar-Or D, SPANDIDOS D and Kouretas D.Variations in oxidative stress levels in 3 days follow-up in ultramarathon mountain race athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 31: 582-594, 2017.


Sifakis S, Androutsopoulos VP, Tsatsakis AM and SPANDIDOS DA. Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: Effects on the male and female reproductive systems. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 51: 56-70, 2017.


Mioc M, Soica C, Bercean V, Avram S, Balan‑Porcarasu M, Coricovac D, Ghiulai R, Muntean D, Andrica F, Dehelean C, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Kurunczi L. Design, synthesis and pharmaco-toxicological assessment of 5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole derivatives with antibacterial and antiproliferative activity. International Journal of Oncology 50: 1175-1183, 2017.


Garozzo A, Falzone L, Rapisarda V, Marconi A, Cinà D, Fenga C, SPANDIDOS DA and Libra M. The risk of HCV infection among health-care workers and its association with extrahepatic manifestations (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 15: 3336-3339, 2017.


Cioboată R, Găman A, Traşcă D, Ungureanu A, Docea AO, Tomescu P, Gherghina F, Arsene AL, Badiu C, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA, Drakoulis N and Călina D. Pharmacological management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Atorvastatin versus pentoxifylline. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 13: 2375-2381, 2017.


Spanidis Y, Priftis A, Stagos D, Stravodimos GA, Leonidas DD, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Kouretas D. Oxidation of human serum albumin exhibits inter-individual variability after an ultra-marathon mountain race. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 13: 2382-2390, 2017.


Engin AB, Engin ED, Golokhvast K, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis AM. Glutamate‑mediated effects of caffeine and interferon‑γ on mercury-induced toxicity. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 39: 1215-1223, 2017.


Tsoukalas D, Alegakis A, Fragkiadaki P, Papakonstantinou E, Nikitovic D, Karataraki A, Nosyrev AE, Papadakis EG, SPANDIDOS DA, Drakoulis N and Tsatsakis AM. Application of metabolomics: Focus on the quantification of organic acids in healthy adults. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 40: 112-120, 2017.


Mamoulakis C, Avgenakis G, Gkatzoudi C, Duyker G, Zisis IE, Heretis I, Antypas S, Sofikitis N, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Tzonou A. Seasonal trends in the prevalence of hypospadias: Aetiological implications. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 13: 2960-2968, 2017.


Avram S, Coricovac DE, Pavel IZ, Pinzaru I, Ghiulai R, Baderca F, Soica C, Muntean D, Branisteanu DE, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Dehelean CA. Standardization of A375 human melanoma models on chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane and Balb/c nude mice. Oncology Reports 38: 89-99, 2017.


Hashemzaei M, Delarami Far A, Yari A, Heravi RE, Tabrizian K, Taghdisi SM, Sadegh SE, Tsarouhas K, Kouretas D, Tzanakakis G, Nikitovic D, Anisimov NY, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Rezaee R. Anticancer and apoptosis ‑ inducing effects of quercetin in vitro and in vivo. Oncology Reports 38: 819-828, 2017.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM and Rezaee R. Athens-based meeting to discuss the paediatric virology crossroad in October 2017. Acta Paediatrica DOI: 10.1111/apa.13962.


Koutsaki M, Libra M, SPANDIDOS DA and Zaravinos A. The miR-200 family in ovarian cancer. Oncotarget DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.18343.


Mamoulakis C, Tsarouhas K, Fragkiadoulaki I, Heretis I, Wilks MF, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsitsimpikou C and Tsatsakis A. Contrast-induced nephropathy: Basic concepts, pathophysiological implications and prevention strategies. Pharmacology and Therapeutics DOI: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2017.06.009.


Lupu M, Caruntu A, Caruntu C, Papagheorghe LML, Ilie MA, Voiculescu V, Boda D, Constantin C, Tanase C, Sifaki M, Drakoulis N, Mamoulakis C, Tzanakakis G, Neagu M, SPANDIDOS DA, Izotov BN and Tsatsakis AM. Neuroendocrine factors: The missing link in non‑melanoma skin cancer (Review). Oncology Reports 38: 1327-1340, 2017.


Kouka P, Priftis A, Stagos D, Angelis A, Stathopoulos P, Xinos N, Skaltsounis A-L, Mamoulakis C, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA and Kouretas D. Assessment of the antioxidant activity of an olive oil total polyphenolic fraction and hydroxytyrosol from a Greek Olea europea variety in endothelial cells and myoblasts. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 40: 703-712, 2017.


Zur Hausen H, Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Editorial: HPV vaccination in boys: Determining the clinical relevance of this strategy. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 3327-3328, 2017.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric Virology as a new educational initiative: An interview with Nobelist Professor of Virology Harald zur Hausen. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 3329-3331, 2017.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. The educational challenge of Paediatric Virology: An interview with Professor of Neonatology Anne Greenough. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 3332-3334, 2017.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA.The innovation of the subspecialty of Paediatric Virology: An interview with Research Professor of Molecular Virology Anna Kramvis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 3335-3337, 2017


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA.The proposal of Paediatric Virology and its perspectives: An interview with Professor of Paediatrics Maria Theodoridou. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 3338-3340, 2017.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Viral infections, neonatal mortality and the mystery of the Athenian Agora: An interview with Professor of Anthropology Maria Liston. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 3341-3345, 2017.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. George N. Papanicolaou (1883-1962), an exceptional human, scientist and academic teacher: An interview with Dr Neda Voutsa-Perdiki. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 3346-3349, 2017.


Nitipir C, Niculae D, Orlov C, Barbu MA, Popescu B, Popa AM, Pantea AMS, Stanciu AE, Galateanu B, Ginghina O, Papadakis CZ, Izotov BN, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM and Negrei C. Update on radionuclide therapy in oncology (Review). Oncology Letters 14: 7011-7015, 2017.


Serafim V, Shah A, Puiu M, Andreescu N, Coricovac D, Nosyrev A, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM, Dehelean C and Pinzaru I. Classification of cancer cell lines using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time‑of‑flight mass spectrometry and statistical analysis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 40: 1096-1104, 2017.


Barbu CG, Arsene AL, Florea S, Albu A, Sirbu A, Martin S, Nicolae AC, Burcea-Dragomiroiu GTA, Popa DE, Velescu BS, Dumitrescu IB, Mitrea N, Draganescu D, Lupuliasa D, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM, Dragoi CM and Fica S. Cardio­vascular risk assessment in osteoporotic patients using osteoprotegerin as a reliable predictive biochemical marker. Molecular Medicine Reports 16: 6059-6067, 2017.


Ungureanu A, Zlatian O, Mitroi G, Drocaş A, Ţîrcă T, Călina D, Dehelean C, Docea AO, Izotov BN, Rakitskii VN, Cioboată R, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM and Găman A. Staphylococcus aureus colonisation in patients from a primary regional hospital. Molecular Medicine Reports 16: 8771-8780, 2017.


Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Matalliotaki C, Rahmioglu N, Koumantakis G, Kalogiannidis I, Prapas I, Zondervan K, Spandidos DA, Matalliotakis I and Goulielmos GN. The role of gene polymorphisms in endometriosis. Molecular Medicine Reports 16: 5881-5886, 2017.


Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Matalliotaki C, Arici A, Spandidos DA, Matalliotakis I and Goulielmos GN. Genetic association study in a three-generation family with seven members with endometriosis. Molecular Medicine Reports 16: 6077-6080, 2017.


Zervou MI, Dimopoulou DG, Eliopoulos E, Trachana M, Pratsidou‑Gkertsi P, Andreou A, Sidiropoulos P, Spandidos DA, Garyfallos A and Goulielmos GN. Τhe genetics of juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Searching for new susceptibility loci. Molecular Medicine Reports 16: 8793-8798, 2017.


Moustos E, Staphylaki D, Christidou A, Spandidos DA and Neonakis IK. Major pathogen microorganisms except yeasts can be detected from blood cultures within the first three days of incubation: A two‑year study from a University Hospital. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 14: 6074-6076, 2017.


Androutsopoulos VP and Spandidos DA. Antiproliferative effects of TSA, PXD‑101 and MS‑275 in A2780 and MCF7 cells: Acetylated histone H4 and acetylated tubulin as markers for HDACi potency and selectivity. Oncology Reports 38: 3412-3418, 2017.


Caunii A, Oprean C, Cristea M, Ivan A, Danciu C, Tatu C, Paunescu V, Marti D, Tzanakakis G, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis A, Susan R, Soica C, Avram S and Dehelean C. Effects of ursolic and oleanolic on SK‑MEL‑2 melanoma cells: In vitro and in vivo assays. International Journal of Oncology 51: 1651-1660, 2017


Wilsher NE, Arroo RR, Matsoukas MT, Tsatsakis AM, Spandidos DA and Androutsopoulos VP. Cytochrome P450 CYP1 metabolism of hydroxylated flavones and flavonols: Selective bioactivation of luteolin in breast cancer cells. Food Chemistry and Toxicology 110: 383-394, 2017


Baliou S, Adamaki M, Kyriakopoulos AM, Spandidos DA, Panayiotidis M, Christodoulou I and Zoumpourlis V.Role of the CRISPR system in controlling gene transcription and monitoring cell fate (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 17: 1421-1427, 2018.


Matalliotaki C, Matalliotakis M, Ieromonachou P, Goulielmos GN, Zervou MI, Laliotis A, SPANDIDOS DA, Arici A and Matalliotakis I. Co‑existence of benign gynecological tumors with endometriosis in a group of 1,000 women. Oncology Letters 15: 1529-1532, 2018


Androutsopoulos VP and Spandidos DA. Anticancer pyridines induce G2/M arrest and apoptosis via p53 and JNK upregulation in liver and breast cancer cells. Oncology Reports 39: 519-524, 2018


Papadakis E, Kanakis M, Kataki A and Spandidos DA. The spectrum of myocardial homeostasis mechanisms in the settings of cardiac surgery procedures (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 17: 2089-2099, 2018


Apatsidou M, Konstantopoulou I, Foufa E, Tsarouhas K, Papalexis P, Rezaee R, SPANDIDOS DA, Kouretas D and Tsitsimpikou C. Safe use of chemicals by professional users and health care specialists. Biomedical Reports 8: 160-165, 2018.


Devetzi M, Goulielmaki M, Khoury N, Spandidos DA Sotiropoulou G, Christodoulou I and Zoumpourlis V. Genetically‑modified stem cells in treatment of human diseases: Tissue kallikrein (KLK1)‑based targeted therapy (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 41: 1177-1186, 2018


Vakonaki E, Tsiminikaki K, Plaitis S, Fragkiadaki P, Tsoukalas D, Katsikantami I, Vaki G, Tzatzarakis MN, Spandidos DA and Tsatsakis AM. Common mental disorders and association with telomere length (Review). Biomedical Reports 8: 111-116, 2018.


Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M, Kramvis A, Rusan M, Melidou A, Korovessi P, Papaioannou G, Papatheodoropoulou A, Koutsaftiki C, Liston M, Sourvinos G and SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric Virology and its interaction between basic science and clinical practice (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 41: 1165-1176, 2018


Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Eliopoulos E, Matalliotaki C, Rahmioglu N, Kalogiannidis I, Zondervan K, SPANDIDOS DA, Matalliotakis I and Goulielmos GN. The role of IL‑16 gene polymorphisms in endometriosis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 41: 1469-1476, 2018.


SPANDIDOS DA. Editorial.International Journal of Molecular Medicine 41: 1163-1164, 2018.


Baltzis D, Meimeti E, Grammatikopoulou MG, Roustit M, Mavrogonatou E, Kletsas D, Efraimidou S, Manes C, Nikolouzakis TX, Tsiaoussis J, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA, Trakatelli C-M and Drakoulis N. Assessment of telomerase activity in leukocytes of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients having or not foot ulcer: Possible correlation with other clinical parameters. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 15: 3420-3424, 2018.


Boda D, Docea AO, Calina D, Ilie MA, Caruntu C, Zurac S, Neagu M, Constantin C, Branisteanu DE, Voiculescu V, Mamoulakis C, Tzanakakis G, SPANDIDOS DA, Drakoulis N and Tsatsakis AM. Human papilloma virus: Apprehending the link with carcinogenesis and unveiling new research avenues (Review). International Journal of Oncology 52: 637-655, 2018.


Antoniou KM, Karagiannis K, Tsitoura E, Bibaki E, Lasithiotaki I, Proklou A, SPANDIDOS DA and Tzanakis N. Clinical applications of mesenchymal stem cells in chronic lung diseases (Review). Biomedical Reports 8: 314-318, 2018.


Kerasioti E, Stagos D, Tsatsakis AM, SPANDIDOS DA, Taitzoglou I and Kouretas D. Effects of sheep/goat whey protein dietary supplementation on the redox status of rats. Molecular Medicine Reports 17: 5774-5781, 2018.


Leonardi GC, Falzone L, Salemi R, Zanghì A, SPANDIDOS DA, McCubrey JA, Candido S and Libra M. Cutaneous melanoma: From pathogenesis to therapy (Review). International Journal of Oncology 52: 1071-1080, 2018.


Darras BT, Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. [Editorial] Spinal muscular atrophy, pediatric virology and gene therapy: A challenge of modern weakness and hope. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 15: 3671-3672, 2018.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Spinal muscular atrophy type I and the dual role of viruses: An interview with Professor Basil T. Darras, Professor of Neurology (Pediatrics) at Harvard Medical School. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 15: 3673-3679, 2018.


Tsarouhas K, Tsitsimpikou C, Papantoni X, Lazaridou D, Koutouzis M, Mazzaris S, Rezaee R, Mamoulakis C, Georgoulias P, Nepka C, Rentoukas E, Kyriakides Z, Tsatsakis A, Spandidos DA and Kouretas D. Oxidative stress and kidney injury in trans-radial catheterization. Biomedical Reports 8: 417-425, 2018..


Sifakis S, Androutsopoulos VP, Pontikaki A, Velegrakis A, Papaioannou GI, Koukoura O, Spandidos DA and Papantoniou N. Placental expression of PAPPA, PAPPA-2 and PLAC-1 in pregnacies is associated with FGR. Molecular Medicine Reports 17: 6435-6440, 2018.


Nikolouzakis TK, Vassilopoulou L, Fragkiadaki P, Mariolis Sapsakos T, Papadakis GZ, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM and Tsiaoussis J. Improving diagnosis, prognosis and prediction by using biomarkers in CRC patients (Review). Oncology Reports 39: 2455-2472, 2018.


Matalliotakis M, Matalliotaki C, Goulielmos GN, Patelarou E, Tzardi M, Spandidos DA, Arici A and Matalliotakis I. Association between ovarian cancer and advanced endometriosis. Oncology Letters 15: 7689-7692, 2018


Seremet OC, Olaru OT, Gutu CM, Nitulescu GM, Ilie M, Negres S, Zbarcea CE, Purdel CN, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM, Coleman MD and Margina DM. Toxicity of plant extracts containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids using alternative invertebrate models. Molecular Medicine Reports 17: 7757-7763, 2018.


Skarmoutsou E, Bevelacqua V, D' Amico F, Russo A, Spandidos DA, Scalisi A, Malaponte G and Guarneri C. FOXP3 expression is modulated by TGF‑β1/NOTCH1 pathway in human melanoma. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 42: 392-404, 2018.


Priftis A, Angeli‑Terzidou A-E, Veskoukis AS, Spandidos DA and Kouretas D.Cell‑specific and roasting‑dependent regulation of the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway by coffee extracts. Molecular Medicine Reports 17: 8325-8331, 2018.


Ozcagli E, Kara M, Kotil T, Fragkiadaki P, Tzatzarakis MN, Tsitsimpikou C, Stivaktakis PD, Tsoukalas D, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis AM and Alpertunga B. Stanozolol administration combined with exercise leads to decreased telomerase activity possibly associated with liver aging. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 42: 405-413, 2018.


Bibaki E, Tsitoura E, Vasarmidi E, Margaritopoulos G, Trachalaki A, Koutoulaki C, Georgopoulou T, Spandidos DA, Tzanakis N and Antoniou KM. miR-185 and miR-29a are similarly expressed in the bronchoalveolar lavage cells in IPF and lung cancer but common targets DNMT1 and COL1A1 show disease specific patterns. Molecular Medicine Reports 17: 7105-7112, 2018.


Matalliotakis M, Matalliotaki C, Goulielmos GN, Patelarou E, Tzardi M, Spandidos DA, Arici A and Matalliotakis I. Association between ovarian cancer and advanced endometriosis. Oncology Letters 15: 7689-7692, 2018.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M and Spandidos DA. The 1918 Spanish flu outbreak that devastated a Greek island underlines past lessons that must never be forgotten. Acta Paediatrica doi: 10.1111/apa.14351, 2018 [Epub ahead of print]..


Terzidou C, Trivli A, Dalianis G, Apessou D, Spandidos DA and Goulielmos GN. Advanced choroidal melanoma with a desirable aesthetic outcome after enucleation: A case report. Oncology Letters 16: 511-514, 2018. .


Goutzourelas N, Orfanou M, Charizanis I, Leon G, SPANDIDOS DA and Kouretas D: GSH levels affect weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome and obesity following dietary therapy. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 635-642, 2018.


Baliou S, Adamaki M, Kyriakopoulos AM, SPANDIDOS DA, Panayiotidis M, Christodoulou I and Zoumpourlis V. CRISPR therapeutic tools for complex genetic disorders and cancer (Review). International Journal of Oncology 53: 443-468, 2018.


Vassilopoulou L, Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Matalliotaki C, SPANDIDOS DA, Matalliotakis I and Goulielmos GN. Endometriosis and in vitro fertilisation (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 1043-1051, 2018.


Stagos D, Soulitsiotis N, Tsadila C, Papaeconomou S, Arvanitis C, Ntontos A, Karkanta F, Adamou‑Androulaki S, Petrotos K, SPANDIDOS DA, Kouretas D and Mossialos D. Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different types of honey derived from Mount Olympus in Greece. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 42: 726-734, 2018.


Dardiotis E, Siokas V, Garas A, Paraskevaidis E, Kyrgiou M, Xiromerisiou G, Deligeoroglou E, Galazios G, Kontomanolis EN, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis A and Daponte A. Genetic variations in the SULF1 gene alter the risk of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions. Oncology Letters 16: 3833-3841, 2018


Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M and Spandidos DA. Editorial: Does Europe need paediatric virologists? Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 2783-2784, 2018.


Mammas IN and Spandidos DA. Evaluating the proposal of paediatric virology: An interview with Professor Tina Dalianis, Professor of Tumour Virology at Karolinska Institutet. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 2785-2789, 2018. .


Mammas IN and Spandidos DA. Neonatology, paediatrics and paediatric virology on a British island: An interview with neonatologist Dr Prakash Thiagarajan (Isle of Man). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 2790-2794, 2018.


Mammas IN and Spandidos DA. Paediatric virology as a candidate of paediatric subspecialisation: An interview with Assistant Professor of Molecular Microbiology-Virology Angeliki Melidou. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 2795-2798, 2018..


Mammas IN and Spandidos DA. The philosophy of paediatric teaching: An interview with Dr Nikolaos Myriokefalitakis, former Clinical Director of the ‘Penteli’ Children's Hospital in Athens (Greece). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 2799-2802, 2018.


Mammas IN, Spandidos DA and Weindling AM. Editorial: The future of paediatric education. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 2803-2804, 2018.


Mammas IN and Spandidos DA. The future of medical education in neonatology, paediatrics and paediatric virology: An interview with Professor Alan Michael Weindling, Professor of Perinatal Medicine at the University of Liverpool. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 2805-2808, 2018.


Finotti A, Allegretti M, Gasparello J, Giacomini P, Spandidos DA, Spoto G and Gambari R. Liquid biopsy and PCR-free ultrasensitive detection systems in oncology (Review). International Journal of Oncology 53: 1395-1434, 2018.


Vasarmidi E, Sarantoulaki S, Trachalaki A, Margaritopoulos G, Bibaki E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tzanakis N and Antoniou K. Investigation of key autophagy-and mitophagy-related proteins and gene expression in BALF cells from patients with IPF and RA-ILD. Molecular Medicine Reports 18: 3891-3897, 2018.


Tsitsimpikou C, Tsarouhas K, Vasilaki F, Papalexis P, Dryllis G, Choursalas A, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis A, Charvalos E and Bacopoulou F. Health risk behaviors among high school and university adolescent students. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 3433-3438, 2018.


Zlatian O, Balasoiu AT, Balasoiu M, Cristea O, Docea AO, Mitrut R, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM, Banescu G and Calina D. Antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens among hospitalised patients with severe invasive infections. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 16: 4499-4510, 2018.


Matalliotaki C, Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Trivli A, Matalliotakis I, Mavromatidis G, Spandidos DA, Albertsen HM, Chettier R, Ward K and Goulielmos GN. Co-existence of endometriosis with 13 non-gynecological co-morbidities: Mutation analysis by whole exome sequencing. Molecular Medicine Reports 18: 5053-5057, 2018.


Nitulescu GM, van de Venter M, Nitulescu G, Ungurianu A, Juzenas P, Peng Q, Olaru OT, Grădinaru D, Tsatsakis A, Tsoukalas D, Spandidos DA and Margina D. The Akt pathway in oncology therapy and beyond (Review). International Journal of Oncology 53: 2319-2331, 2018.


Tsatsakis AM, Vassilopoulou L, Kovatsi L, Tsitsimpikou C, Karamanou M, Leon G, Liesivuori J, Hayes AW and Spandidos DA. The dose response principle from philosophy to modern toxicology: The impact of ancient philosophy and medicine in modern toxicology science. Toxicology Reports 5: 1107-1113, 2018.


Tsoukalas D, Alegakis AK, Fragkiadaki P, Papakonstantinou E, Tsilimidos G, Geraci F, Sarandi E, Nikitovic D, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Application of metabolomics part II: Focus on fatty acids and their metabolites in healthy adults. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 43: 233-242, 2019..


Trivli A, Koliarakis I, Terzidou C, Goulielmos GN, Siganos CS, Spandidos DA, Dalianis G and Detorakis ET. Normal‑tension glaucoma: Pathogenesis and genetics (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 563-574, 2019.


Mamma M and Spandidos DA. Customs officers in relation to viral infections, tuberculosis, psittacosis and environmental health risk (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 1149-1153, 2019.


Mavrogeni SI, Tsarouhas K, Spandidos DA, Kanaka‑Gantenbein C and Bacopoulou F. Sudden cardiac death in football players: Towards a new pre‑participation algorithm (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 1143-1148, 2019.


Bagheri G, Rezaee R, Tsarouhas K, Docea AO, Shahraki J, Shahriari M, Wilks MF, Jahantigh H, Tabrizian K, Moghadam AA, Bagheri S, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis A and Hashemzaei M. Magnesium sulfate ameliorates carbon monoxide‑induced cerebral injury in male rats. Molecular Medicine Reports 19: 1032-1039, 2019.


Baliou S, Adamaki M, Spandidos DA, Kyriakopoulos AM, Christodoulou I and Zoumpourlis V. The microbiome, its molecular mechanisms and its potential as a therapeutic strategy against colorectal carcinogenesis (Review). World Academy of Sciences Journal 1: 3-19, 2019.


Dardiotis E, Aloizou A-M, Markoula S, Siokas V, Tsarouhas K, Tzanakakis G, Libra M, Kyritsis AP, Brotis AG, Aschner M, Gozes I, Bogdanos DP, SPANDIDOS DA, Mitsias PD and Tsatsakis A. Cancer-associated stroke: Pathophysiology, detection and management (Review). International Journal of Oncology 54: 779-796, 2019.


Albertsen HM, Matalliotaki C, Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Matalliotakis I, SPANDIDOS DA, Chettier R, Ward K and Goulielmos GN. Whole exome sequencing identifies hemizygous deletions in the UGT2B28 and USP17L2 genes in a three‑generation family with endometriosis. Molecular Medicine Reports 19: 1716-1720, 2019.


Nikolouzakis TK, Stivaktakis PD, Apalaki P, Kalliantasi K, Sapsakos TM, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Souglakos J and Tsiaoussis J. Effect of systemic treatment on the micronuclei frequency in the peripheral blood of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Oncology Letters 17: 2703-2712, 2019.


Siokas V, Kardaras D, Aloizou AM, Asproudis I, Boboridis KG, Papageorgiou E, Spandidos DA, Tsatsakis A, Tsironi EE and Dardiotis E. Lack of association of the rs11655081 ARSG gene with blepharospasm. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 67: 472-476, 2019.


Mitroi M, Albulescu D, Capitanescu A, Docea AO, Musat G, Mitroi G, Zlatian O, Tsatsakis A, Tzanakakis G, SPANDIDOS DA and Calina D.Differences in the distribution of CD20, CD3, CD34 and CD45RO in nasal mucosa and polyps from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Molecular Medicine Reports 19: 2792-2800, 2019.


Lee HJ, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Margina D, Izotov BN and Yang SH.Neuroprotective effects of Scrophularia buergeriana extract against glutamate-induced toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 43: 2144-2152, 2019.


Falzone L, Romano GL, Salemi R, Bucolo C, Tomasello B, Lupo G, Anfuso CD, SPANDIDOS DA, Libra M and Candido S. Prognostic significance of deregulated microRNAs in uveal melanomas. Molecular Medicine Reports 19: 2599-2610, 2019.


Hatziagelaki E, Tsiavou A, Gerasimou C, Vavougios GD, Spathis A, Laskos E, Papageorgiou C, Douzenis A, Christodoulou N, Stefanis N, SPANDIDOS DA, Nikolakakis N, Tsamakis K and Rizos E. Effects of olanzapine on cytokine profile and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in drug-naive subjects with first-episode psychosis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 3071-3076, 2019


Razgonova MP, Veselov VV, Zakharenko AM, Golokhvast KS, Nosyrev AE, Cravotto G, Tsatsakis A and SPANDIDOS DA. Panax ginseng components and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 19: 2975-2998, 2019.


Cristea D, Trandafir M, Bojinca VC, Ciontea AS, Andrei MM, Popa A, Lixandru BE, Militaru CM, Nascutiu AM, Predeteanu D, Ionescu R, Popescu C, Cotar AI, Popa MI, SPANDIDOS DA and Codita I. Usefulness of complex bacterio­logical and serological analysis in patients with spondyloarthritis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 3465-3476, 2019.


Vassilopoulou L, Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Matalliotaki C, Krithinakis K, Matalliotakis I,SPANDIDOS DA and Goulielmos GN. Defining the genetic profile of endometriosis (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 3267-3281, 2019.


Papadakis GZ, Karantanas AH, Tsikankis M, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA and Marias K.Deep learning opens new horizons in personalized medicine (Review). Biomedical Reports 10: 215-217, 2019.


Chalkia AK, Bontzos G, SPANDIDOS DA and Detorakis ET. Human papillomavirus infection and ocular surface disease (Review). International Journal of Oncology 54: 1503-1510, 2019.


Vakonaki E, Tzatzarakis M, Tsiminikaki K, Nathena D, Fragkiadaki P, Kalliantasi K, Kanaki K, Vaki G, Plaitis S, Tsoukalas D, Alegakis A, Spandidos DA and Tsatsakis A. Effect of chronic and heavy drug abuse on biological aging. World Academy of Sciences Journal 1: 67-73, 2019.


Ohkubo S, Mancinelli R, Miglietta S, Cona A, Angelini R, Canettieri G, SPANDIDOS DA, Gaudio E and Agostinelli E. Maize polyamine oxidase in the presence of spermine/spermidine induces the apoptosis of LoVo human colon adeno­carcinoma cells. International Journal of Oncology 54: 2080-2094, 2019


Matalliotakis M, Matalliotaki C, Zervou MI, Krithinakis K, Goulielmos GN, Kalogiannidis I, Arici A, SPANDIDOS DA and Matalliotakis I. Retrospective evaluation of pathological results among women with ovarian endometriomas versus teratomas. Molecular and Clinical Oncology 10: 592-596, 2019.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Editorial. A literature reference on the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 4325-4326, 2019.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M, Thiagarajan P, Melidou A, Papaioannou G, Korovessi P, Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A, Calachanis M, Dalianis T and SPANDIDOS DA. A paediatric influenza update 100 years after the Skyros island Spanish flu outbreak. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 4327-4336, 2019.


Mammas IN, Dalianis T, Doukas SG, Zaravinos A, Achtsidis V, Thiagarajan P, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric virology and human papillomaviruses: An update. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17: 4337-4343, 2019


Olaru OT, Zanfirescu A, Nitulescu GM, Nitulescu G, Dinu‑Pirvu CE, Anuta V, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA, Margina D and Seremet OC. Predictive power of the Triticum root elongation test for the assessment of novel anti‑proliferative therapies. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 44: 16-24, 2019.


Tsoukalas D, Fragkiadaki P, Docea AO, Alegakis AK, Sarandi E, Vakonaki E, Salataj E, Kouvidi E, Nikitovic D, Kovatsi L, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A and Calina D. Association of nutraceutical supplements with longer telomere length. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 44: 218-226, 2019.


Neagu M, Constantin C, Popescu ID, Zipeto D, Tzanakakis G, Nikitovic D, Fenga C, Stratakis CA, Spandidos DA and Tsatsakis AM. Inflammation and metabolism in cancer cell-mitochondria key player.Frontiers in Oncology 9: 348, 2019.


Papanastasiou A, Seliniotaki T, Rizos E, Kampoli K, Ntavatzikos A, Arkadopoulos N, Tsionou C, SPANDIDOS DA and Koumarianou A. Role of stress, age and adjuvant therapy in the cognitive function of patients with breast cancer (Review). Oncology Letters 18: 507-517, 2019.


Matalliotaki C, Matalliotakis M, Rahmioglu N, Mavromatidis G, Matalliotakis I, Koumantakis G, Zondervan K, SPANDIDOS DA, Goulielmos GN and Zervou MI. Role of FN1 and GREB1 gene polymorphisms in endometriosis. Molecular Medicine Reports 20: 111-116, 2019


Wallace DR, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Schweitzer A, Djordjevic V and Djordjevic AB. Potential interaction of cadmium chloride with pancreatic mitochondria: Implications for pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 44: 145-156, 2019.


Vasilopoulos E, Fragkiadaki P, Kalliora C, Fragou D, Docea AO, Vakonaki E, Tsoukalas D, Calina D, Buga AM, Georgiadis G, Mamoulakis C, Makrigiannakis A, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. The association of female and male infertility with telomere length (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 44: 375-389, 2019.


Neonakis IK and SPANDIDOS DA. Detection of carbapenemase producers by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10096-019-03620-0.


Neonakis IK and Spandidos DA. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry-based direct-on-target microdroplet growth assay: A novel assay for susceptibility testing and beyond. Future Microbiology 14: 729-731, 2019.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Medical humility and Greek mythology. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 55: 999, 2019.


Margina D, Niţulescu GM, Ungurianu A, Mesnage R, Goumenou M, Sarigiannis DA, Aschner M, SPANDIDOS DA, Renieri EA, Hernández AF and Tsatsakis A. Overview of the effects of chemical mixtures with endocrine disrupting activity in the context of real‑life risk simulation (RLRS): An integrative approach (Review). World Acad Sci J 1: 157-164, 2019.


Stamati P, Siokas V, Aloizou AM, Karampinis E, Arseniou S, Rakitskii VN, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA, Gozes I, Mitsias PD, Bogdanos DP, Hadjigeorgiou GM and Dardiotis E. Does SCFD1 rs10139154 polymorphism decrease Alzheimer's disease risk? Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 69: 343-350, 2019.


Tsoukalas D, Fragkiadaki P, Docea AO, Alegakis AK, Sarandi E, Thanasoula M, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Razgonova MP and Calina D. Discovery of potent telomerase activators: Unfolding new therapeutic and anti-aging perspectives.Molecular Medicine Reports 20: 3701-3708, 2019.


Trivizakis E, Ioannidis GS, Melissianos VD, Papadakis GZ, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA and Marias K. A novel deep learning architecture outperforming 'off‑the‑shelf' transfer learning and feature‑based methods in the automated assessment of mammographic breast density. Oncology Reports 42: 2009-2015, 2019.


Krasanakis T, Nikolouzakis TK, Sgantzos M, Mariolis-Sapsakos T, Souglakos J, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsitsimpikou C, Tsatsakis A and Tsiaoussis J. Role of anabolic agents in colorectal carcinogenesis: Myths and realities (Review). Oncology Reports 42: 2228-2244, 2019..


Mușat MG, Nițulescu GM, Surleac M, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA and Margină D. HIV‑1 integrase inhibitors targeting various DDE transposases: Retroviral integration versus RAG‑mediated recombination (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 20: 4749-4762, 2019.


Chrousos GP, Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. The role of philosophy in medical practice. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3215-3216, 2019.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS DA. The wisdom and eudaimonia of Paediatrics: An interview with Professor George P. Chrousos, Professor of Paediatrics and Endocrinology at the University of Athens, Greece. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3217-3220, 2019.


Mammas IN. Clinical Virology research and medical education in Greece: An interview with Demetrios A. Spandidos, Professor of Clinical Virology at the University of Crete in Greece. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3221-3225, 2019..


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric Virology and respiratory syncytial virus: An interview with Honorary Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Infectious Diseases Dr Simon B. Drysdale (St. George's, University of London, UK). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3226-3230, 2019.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Advancing challenges in Paediatric Virology: An interview with Professor Barbara A. Rath, Co-founder and Chair of the Vienna Vaccine Safety Initiative. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3231-3237, 2019.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. The perspectives and the challenges of Paediatric Radiology: An interview with Dr Georgia Papaioannou, Head of the Paediatric Radiology Department at the ‘Mitera’ Children's Hospital in Athens, Greece. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3238-3242, 2019.


SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric Virology and innovation in medical education: An interview with Dr Ioannis N. Mammas, Consultant Paediatrician on the island of Euboea (Greece) and Coordinator of the Paediatric Virology Study Group. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3243-3247, 2019.


Mammas IN, Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A and SPANDIDOS DA. Mache Papanicolaou (1890-1982), the dedicated companion of the great benefactor: An interview with Dr Julie Kokkori, one of the only living relatives of Dr George N. Papanicolaou. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3248-3251, 2019.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. The value of scientific patience. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3252-3253, 2019.


Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Practicing humility and medical education: Lessons learnt interviewing experts on Paediatric Virology. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3254-3256, 2019.


Koutsaftiki C, Mammas IN, Papatheodoropoulou A, Koutsounaki E, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS DA. Paediatric Virology and the indisputable value of prevention. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3257-3259, 2019.


Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS DA. Educational pathways in Paediatric Virology: Pros and cons. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18: 3260-3262, 2019.


Candido S, Lupo G, Pennisi M, Basile MS, Anfuso CD, Petralia MC, Gattuso G, Vivarelli S, SPANDIDOS DA, Libra M and Falzone L. The analysis of miRNA expression profiling datasets reveals inverse microRNA patterns in glioblastoma and Alzheimer's disease. Oncology Reports 42: 911-922, 2019.


Amir S, Vakonaki E, Tsiminikaki K, Tzatzarakis MN, Michopoulou V, Flamourakis M, Kalliantasi K, Karzi V, Fragkiadaki P, Renieri EA, Tsoukalas D, Thanasoula M, Sarandi E, Sakellaris G, Makrigiannakis A, Nepka C, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Sperm telomere length: Diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in male infertility (Review). World Acad Sci J 1: 259-263, 2019.


Matalliotaki C, Eliopoulos E, Matalliotakis M, Kalogiannidis I, Matalliotakis I, SPANDIDOS DA, Goulielmos GN and Zervou MI. Implication of VEGFR2 in endometriosis: A structural biological and genetic approach. World Acad Sci J 1: 283-289, 2019.


Potolea IM, Pîrvu OM, Spinu CE, Mihai DP, Olaru OT, Niţulescu GM, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA and Niţulescu G. Effect of ultrasound exposure on the Triticum aestivum root elongation test. World Acad Sci J 1: 290-295, 2019.


Tuaeva NO, Falzone L, Porozov YB, Nosyrev AE, Trukhan VM, Kovatsi L, SPANDIDOS DA, Drakoulis N, Kalogeraki A, Mamoulakis C, Tzanakakis G, Libra M and Tsatsakis A. Translational application of circulating DNA in oncology: Review of the last decades achievements. Cells 8: 1251, doi: 10.3390/cells8101251, 2019


Sifaki M, Calina D, Docea AO, Tsioumas S, Katsarou M-S, Papadogiorgaki S, Fragkiadaki P, Branisteanu DE, Kouskoukis K, Tsiaoussis J and SPANDIDOS DA. A novel approach regarding the anti‑aging of facial skin through collagen reorganization. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 19: 717-721, 2020.


Matalliotaki C, Matalliotakis M, Zervou MI, Patelarou A, Koliarakis I, SPANDIDOS DA, Arici A, Matalliotakis I and Goulielmos GN. Epidemiological aspects of the outcomes from the treatment of endometriosis: Experience from two different geographical areas. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 19: 1079-1083, 2020.


Zervou MI, Goulielmos GN, Matalliotakis M, Matalliotaki C, SPANDIDOS DA and Eliopoulos E. Role of adenosine deaminase 2 gene variants in pediatric deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2: A structural biological approach. Molecular Medicine Reports 21: 876-882, 2020.


Stanciu AE, Zamfir-Chiru-Anton A, Stanciu MM, Stoian AP, Jinga V, Nitipir C, Bucur A, Pituru TS, Arsene AL, Dragoi CM, Hainarosie R, Nicolae AC, Gherghe M, Gheorghe DC, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Papasavva M and Drakoulis N. Clinical significance of serum melatonin in predicting the severity of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oncology Letters 19: 1537-1543, 2020.


Kalemaki MS, Karantanas AH, Exarchos D, Detorakis ET, Zoras O, Marias K, Millo C, Baggi U, Pallikaris I, Stratis A, Karatzanis I, Perisinakis K, Koutentakis P, Kontadakis GA, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A and Papadakis GZ. PET/CT and PET/MRI in ophthalmic oncology (Review). International Journal of Oncology 56: 417-429, 2020.


Musat G, Evsei A, Calina D, Docea AO, Doukas SG, Vageli DP, Nepka C, SPANDIDOS DA and Mihaela M. Rare amyloidoma of the tongue base: A case report and review of the literature. Molecular and Clinical Oncology 12: 258-262, 2020.


Tsamakis K, Mueller C, Tsirigotis P, Tsiptsios D, Tsamakis C, Charakopoulos E, Charalampous C, SPANDIDOS DA, Douzenis A, Papageorgiou C, Liappas I and Rizos E. Depression following graft-versus-host disease in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: A case report. Molecular and Clinical Oncology 12: 208-211, 2020.


Fragkiadaki P, Nikitovic D, Kalliantasi K, Sarandi E, Thanasoula M, Stivaktakis PD, Nepka C, SPANDIDOS DA, Tosounidis T and Tsatsakis A. Telomere length and telomerase activity in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 19: 1626-1632, 2020.


Rezaee R, Jangjoo S, Ekhtiary S, Amir Anani M, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA, Nepka C and Hashemzaei M. Effects of resveratrol on the acquisition and reinstatement of morphine‑induced conditioned place preference in mice. World Acad Sci J 2: 77-82, 2020.


Goumenou M, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Editorial: Possibility of transmission through dogs being a contributing factor to the extreme Covid‑19 outbreak in North Italy. Mol Med Rep 21: 2293-2295, 2020.


Docea AO, Tsatsakis A, Albulescu D, Cristea O, Zlatian O, Vinceti M, Moschos SA, Tsoukalas D, Goumenou M, Drakoulis N, Dumanov JM, Tutelyan VA, Onischenko GG, Aschner M, SPANDIDOS DA and Calina D. A new threat from an old enemy: Re‑emergence of coronavirus (Review). Int J Mol Med 45: 1631-1643, 2020.


Tsamakis K, Rizos E, Manolis AJ, Chaidou S, Kympouropoulos S, Spartalis E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsiptsios D and Triantafyllis AS. Comment: COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals. Exp Ther Med 19: 3451-3453, 2020.


Hashemzaei M, Rezaee R, Nabatzehi M, Tsarouhas K, Nikolouzakis TK, Lazopoulos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A and Shahraki J. Anti‑hypertensive effect of crocin and hesperidin combination in high‑fat diet treated rats. Exp Ther Med 19: 3840-3844, 2020.


Galajda Z, Stancioiu F, SPANDIDOS DA, Lazopoulos G, Cucu M, Qendro E, Floroiu M and Kteniadakis S. Takayasu arteritis in a patient presenting with stroke and improvement of hemiparesis following vascular bypass surgery: A case report. World Acad Sci J 2: 10.3892/wasj.2020.44, 2020.


Skalny AV, Rink L, Ajsuvakova OP, Aschner M, Gritsenko VA, Alekseenko SI, Svistunov AA, Petrakis D, SPANDIDOS DA, Aaseth J, Tsatsakis A and Tinkov AA. Zinc and respiratory tract infections: Perspectives for COVID‑19 (Review). Int J Mol Med 46: 17-26, 2020.


Goumenou M, Sarigiannis D, Tsatsakis A, Anesti O, Docea AO, Petrakis D, Tsoukalas D, Kostoff R, Rakitskii V, SPANDIDOS DA, Aschner M and Calina D. COVID‑19 in Northern Italy: An integrative overview of factors possibly influencing the sharp increase of the outbreak (Review). Mol Med Rep 22: 20-32, 2020.


Kostouros A, Koliarakis I, Natsis K, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A and Tsiaoussis J. Large intestine embryogenesis: Molecular pathways and related disorders (Review). Int J Mol Med 46: 27-57, 2020.


Doukas SG, Vageli DP, Lazopoulos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Sasaki CT and Tsatsakis A. The effect of NNK, a tobacco smoke carcinogen, on the miRNA and mismatch DNA repair expression profiles in lung and head and neck squamous cancer cells. Cells 9: E1031, 2020.


Tsamakis K, Triantafyllis AS, Tsiptsios D, Spartalis E, Mueller C, Tsamakis C, Chaidou S, COVID‑19 related stress exacerbates common physical and mental pathologies and affects treatment (Review). Exp Ther Med 20: 159-162, 2020.


Tsitoura E, Bibaki E, Bolaki M, Vasarmidi E, Trachalaki A, Symvoulakis EK, SPANDIDOS DA and Antoniou KM. Comment: Treatment strategies to fight the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: A challenge for a Rubik's Cube solver. Exp Ther Med 20: 147-150, 2020.


Markousis‑Mavrogenis G, Giannakopoulou A, Andreou N, Papadopoulos G, Vartela V, Kolovou G, Bacopoulou F, Tsarouhas K, Kanaka‑Gantenbein C, SPANDIDOS DA and Mavrogeni SI. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance clarifies arrhythmogenicity in asymptomatic young athletes with ventricular arrhythmias undergoing pre‑participation evaluation. Exp Ther Med 20: 561-571, 2020.


Constantin C, Neagu M, Supeanu TD, Chiurciu V and SPANDIDOS DA.strong>SPANDIDOS DA and Mavrogeni SI. IgY ‑ turning the page toward passive immunization in COVID-19 infection (Review). Exp Ther Med 20: 151-158, 2020.


Petrakis D, Margină D, Tsarouhas K, Tekos F, Stan M, Nikitovic D, Kouretas D, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Obesity ‑ a risk factor for increased COVID‑19 prevalence, severity and lethality (Review). Mol Med Rep 22: 9-19, 2020.


Trivizakis E, Papadakis GZ, Souglakos I, Papanikolaou N, Koumakis L, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Karantanas AH and Marias K. Artificial intelligence radiogenomics for advancing precision and effectiveness in oncologic care (Review). Int J Oncol 57: 43-53, 2020.


Calina D, Docea AO, Petrakis D, Egorov AM, Ishmukhametov AA, Gabibov AG, Shtilman MI, Kostoff R, Carvalho F, Vinceti M, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Towards effective COVID‑19 vaccines: Updates, perspectives and challenges (Review). Int J Mol Med 46: 3-16, 2020.


Tsamakis K, Gavriatopoulou M, Schizas D, Stravodimou A, Mougkou A, Tsiptsios D, Sioulas V, Spartalis E, Sioulas AD, Tsamakis C, Charalampakis N, Mueller C, Arya D, Zarogoulidis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Dimopoulos MA, Papageorgiou C and Rizos E. Oncology during the COVID‑19 pandemic: challenges, dilemmas and the psychosocial impact on cancer patients (Review). Oncol Lett 20: 441-447, 2020.


Nitulescu GM, Paunescu H, Moschos SA, Petrakis D, Nitulescu G, Ion GND, SPANDIDOS DA, Nikolouzakis TK, Drakoulis N and Tsatsakis A. Comprehensive analysis of drugs to treat SARS‑CoV‑2 infection: Mechanistic insights into current COVID‑19 therapies (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 467-488, 2020.


Bolaki M, Tsitoura E, vSPANDIDOS DA, Symvoulakis EK and Antoniou KM. Comment: Respiratory diseases in the era of COVID‑19: Pearls and pitfalls. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 691-693, 2020.


Keramydas D, Bakakos P, Alchanatis M, Papalexis P, Konstantakopoulos I, Tavernaraki K, Dracopoulos V, Papadakis A, Pantazi E, Chelidonis G, Chaidoutis E, Constantinidis TC, Tsitsimpikou C, Kavantzas N, Patsouris E, Tsarouhas K, SPANDIDOS DA and Lazaris ACh. Investigation of the health effects on workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica during outdoor and underground construction projects. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 882-889, 2020.


Katopodis P, Anikin V, Randeva HS, SPANDIDOS DA, Chatha K, Kyrou I and Karteris E. Pan‑cancer analysis of transmembrane protease serine 2 and cathepsin L that mediate cellular SARS‑CoV‑2 infection leading to COVID-19. International Journal of Oncology 57: 533-539, 2020.


Tsiknakis N, Trivizakis E, Vassalou EE, Papadakis GZ, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Sánchez-García J, López-González R, Papanikolaou N, Karantanas AH and Marias K. Interpretable artificial intelligence framework for COVID‑19 screening on chest X‑rays. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 727-735, 2020.


Trivli A, Zervou MI, Goulielmos GN, SPANDIDOS DA and Detorakis ET. Primary open angle glaucoma genetics: The common variants and their clinical associations (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 22: 1103-1110, 2020.


Mammas IN, Drysdale SB, Rath B, Theodoridou M, Papaioannou G, Papatheodoropoulou A, Koutsounaki E, Koutsaftiki C, Kozanidou E, Achtsidis V, Korovessi P, Chrousos GP and SPANDIDOS DA. Update on current views and advances on RSV infection (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 509-520, 2020.


Stancioiu F, Papadakis GZ, Kteniadakis S, Izotov BN, Coleman MD, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. A dissection of SARS‑CoV2 with clinical implications (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 489-508, 2020.


Ion GND, Olaru OT, Nitulescu G, Olaru II, Tsatsakis A, Burykina TI, SPANDIDOS DA and Nitulescu GM. Improving the odds of success in antitumoral drug development using scoring approaches towards heterocyclic scaffolds. Oncology Reports 44: 589-598, 2020.


Kostoff RN, Briggs MB, Porter AL, Aschner M, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Editorial: COVID‑19: Post‑lockdown guidelines. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 463-466, 2020.


Veskoukis AS, Kerasioti E, Skaperda Z, Papapostolou PA, Nepka C, SPANDIDOS DA, Asprodini E, Taitzoglou I and Kouretas D. Whey protein boosts the antioxidant profile of rats by enhancing the activities of crucial antioxidant enzymes in a tissue-specific manner. Food and Chemical Toxicology 142: 111508, 2020.


Papadakis GZ, Kochiadakis G, Lazopoulos G, Marias K, Klapsinos N, Hannah‑Shmouni F, Igoumenaki GG, Nikolouzakis TK, Kteniadakis S, SPANDIDOS DA and Karantanas AH. Targeting vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque via PET‑tracers aiming at cell‑surface overexpression of somatostatin receptors. Biomedical Reports 13: Article No. 9, 2020.


Kerslake R, Hall M, Randeva HS, SPANDIDOS DA, Chatha K, Kyrou I and Karteris E. Co‑expression of peripheral olfactory receptors with SARS‑CoV‑2 infection mediators: Potential implications beyond loss of smell as a COVID‑19 symptom. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 949-956, 2020.


Macaşoi I, Pavel IZ, Moacă AE, Avram Ş, David VL, Coricovac D, Mioc A, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM, Şoica C, Dumitraşcu V and Dehelean C. Mechanistic investigations of the antitumor activity of a Rhodamine B - oleanolic acid derivative bioconjugate. Oncology Reports 44: 1169-1183, 2020.


Tsamakis K, Dimitrakakis G, Stefanadi E, Tsiptsios D, Dimitrakaki IA, Mueller C, SPANDIDOS DA, Stefanadis C and Rizos E. Comment: The challenges of planetary mental health in the COVID‑19 era.Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 1843-1844, 2020.


Neonakis IK, Stafylaki D and SPANDIDOS DA. Reduction in the processing of possible blood culture contaminants by the application of a selection criterion. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 2039-2042, 2020.


Stancioiu F, Papadakis GZ, Lazopoulos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Floroiu M and Badiu C. CD271+ stem cell treatment of patients with chronic stroke. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 2055-2062, 2020.


Leonardi GC, Candido S, Falzone L, SPANDIDOS DA and Libra M. Cutaneous melanoma and the immunotherapy revolution (Review). International Journal of Oncology 57: 609-618, 2020.


Razgonova MP, Zakharenko AM, Golokhvast KS, Thanasoula M, Sarandi E, Nikolouzakis K, Fragkiadaki P, Tsoukalas D, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Telomerase and telomeres in aging theory and chronographic aging theory (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 22: 1679-1694, 2020.


Baliou S, Kyriakopoulos AM, SPANDIDOS DA and Zoumpourlis V. Role of taurine, its haloamines and its lncRNA TUG1 in both inflammation and cancer progression. On the road to therapeutics? (Review). International Journal of Oncology 57: 631-664, 2020.


Neonakis IK and SPANDIDOS DA. Comment: MALDI‑TOF MS‑based direct‑on‑target microdroplet growth assay: Latest developments. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 2555-2556, 2020..


Vasarmidi E, Tsitoura E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tzanakis N and Antoniou KM. Pulmonary fibrosis in the aftermath of the COVID-19 era (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 2557-2560, 2020.


Sperelakis I, Tsitoura E, Koutoulaki C, Mastrodimou S, Tosounidis TH, Dimitriou H, SPANDIDOS DA, Antoniou KM and Kontakis G. Influence of reaming intramedullary nailing on MSC population after surgical treatment of patients with long bone fracture. Molecular Medicine Reports 22: 2521-2527, 2020.


Giannitsi S, Tsinivizov P, Poulimenos LE, Kallistratos MS, Varvarousis D, Manolis AJ, Tsamakis K, Rizos E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsiptsios D and Triantafyllis AS. Case Report: Stress induced (Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy triggered by the COVID‑19 pandemic. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 2812-2814, 2020.


Papoutsidakis A, Giatagana EM, Berdiaki A, Spyridaki I, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Tzanakakis GN and Nikitovic D. Lumican mediates HTB94 chondrosarcoma cell growth via an IGF‑IR/Erk1/2 axis. International Journal of Oncology 57: 791-803, 2020.


Baliou S, Kyriakopoulos AM, Goulielmaki M, Panayiotidis MI, SPANDIDOS DA and Zoumpourlis V. Significance of taurine transporter (TauT) in homeostasis and its layers of regulation (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 22: 2163-2173, 2020.


Georgiadis N, Tsarouhas K, Rezaee R, Nepka H, Kass GEN, Dorne J-LCM, Stagkos D, Toutouzas K, SPANDIDOS DA, Kouretas D and Tsitsimpikou C. What is considered cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines in animal studies. Oncology Reports 44: 798-818, 2020.


Simatou A, Simatos G, Goulielmaki M, SPANDIDOS DA, Baliou S and Zoumpourlis V. Historical retrospective of the SRC oncogene and new perspectives (Review). Molecular and Clinical Oncology 13: Article No. 21, 2020.


Zoumpourlis V, Goulielmaki M, Rizos E, Baliou S, SPANDIDOS DA. [Comment] The COVID‑19 pandemic as a scientific and social challenge in the 21st century. Molecular Medicine Reports 22: 3035-3048, 2020.


Veskoukis AS, Kerasioti E, Skaperda Z, Papapostolou PA, Nepka C, SPANDIDOS DA, Asprodini E, Taitzoglou I, Kouretas D. Whey protein boosts the antioxidant profile of rats by enhancing the activities of crucial antioxidant enzymes in a tissue-specific manner. Food and Chemical Toxicology 142: Article No. 111508, 2020.


Cavalli E, Petralia MC, Basile MS, Bramanti A, Bramanti P, Nicoletti F, SPANDIDOS DA, Shoenfeld Y, Fagone P. Transcriptomic analysis of COVID‑19 lungs and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples reveals predominant B cell activation responses to infection. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 1266-1273, 2020.


Calina D, Hartung T, Docea AO, SPANDIDOS DA, Egorov AM, Shtilman MI, Carvalho F, Tsatsakis A. COVID-19 vaccines: ethical framework concerning human challenge studies. Daru Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s40199-020-00371-8, 2020.


Nikolouzakis TK, Falzone L, Lasithiotakis K, Krüger-Krasagakis S, Kalogeraki A, Sifaki M, SPANDIDOS DA, Chrysos E, Tsatsakis A, Tsiaoussis J. Current and future trends in molecular biomarkers for diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive purposes in non-melanoma skin cancer. Journal of Clinical Medicine Sept 4, 9(9): E2868, https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm9092868, 2020.


Trivizakis E, Tsiknakis N, Vassalou EE, Papadakis GZ, SPANDIDOS DA, Sarigiannis D, Tsatsakis A, Papanikolaou N, Karantanas AH, Marias K. Advancing Covid‑19 differentiation with a robust preprocessing and integration of multi-institutional open-repository computer tomography datasets for deep learning analysis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: Article No. 78, Sept 11, 2020.


Symvoulakis EK, Sourvinos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Lionis C. [Opinion] COVID-19 pandemic: Monitoring space-time data and learning from global experience. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: Article No. 73, Sept 10, 2020.


Davies J, Randeva HS, Chatha K, Hall M, SPANDIDOS DA, Karteris E, Kyrou I. Neuropilin‑1 as a new potential SARS‑CoV‑2 infection mediator implicated in the neurologic features and central nervous system involvement of COVID-19. Molecular Medicine Reports 22: 4221-4226, 2020.


Katsarou M-S, Sidiropoulou P, Ieronymaki D, Mastraftsi S, Sifaki M, Xenos K, Nosyrev A, Kovatsi L, SPANDIDOS DA, Lagiou M, Dagklis C, Gregoriou S, Tagka A, Rigopoulos D, Drakoulis N, Nicolaidou E. Impact of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms on vitiligo susceptibility and clinical features in a Southeastern European Caucasian population. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 1899-1907, 2020.


Kostoff RN, Briggs MB, Porter AL, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. SPANDIDOS DA, Chrysos E, Tsatsakis A, Tsiaoussis J. [Comment] COVID‑19 vaccine safety. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 1599-1602, 2020.


Falzone L, Gattuso G, Lombardo C, Lupo G, Grillo CM, SPANDIDOS DA, Libra M, Salmeri M. Droplet digital PCR for the detection and monitoring of Legionella pneumophila. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46: 1777-1782, 2020.


Zervou MI, Andreou A, Matalliotakis M, SPANDIDOS DA, Goulielmos GN, Eliopoulos EE. Association of the DNASE1L3 rs35677470 polymorphism with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis: Structural biological insights. Molecular Medicine Reports 22: 4492-4498, 2020.


Tsatsakis A, Calina D, Falzone L, Petrakis D, Mitrut R, Siokas V, Pennisi M, Lanza G, Libra M, Doukas SG, Doukas PG, Kavali L, Bukhari A, Gadiparthi C, Vageli DP, Kofteridis DP, SPANDIDOS DA, Paoliello MMB, Aschner M, Docea AO. SPANDIDOS DA, Chrysos E, Tsatsakis A, Tsiaoussis J. SARS-CoV-2 pathophysiology and its clinical implications: An integrative overview of the pharmacotherapeutic management of COVID-19. Food and Chemical Toxicology 146: 111769, 2020.


Kostoff RN, Kanduc D, Porter AL, Shoenfeld Y, Calina D, Briggs MB, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. SPANDIDOS DA, Chrysos E, Tsatsakis A, Tsiaoussis J. Vaccine- and natural infection-induced mechanisms that could modulate vaccine safety. Toxicology Reports 7: 1448-1458, 2020.


SPANDIDOS DA. EDITORIAL. The newly founded Institute of Paediatric Virology and the 1918 flu outbreak: From mnemosyne to scientific truth. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 287, 2020.


Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A, Papaioannou G, Korovessi P, Mammas IN, Theodoridou M, SPANDIDOS DA. COMMENT. COVID‑19 threat and frontline paediatric care professionals. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 291, 2020.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M, SPANDIDOS DA. COMMENT. COVID-19 threat and the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak: The following day. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 292, 2020


Mammas IN, SPANDIDOS DA. OPINION. Retinopathy of prematurity and neonatal gut microbiome: An interview with Professor Dimitra Skondra, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Vitreoretinal Surgeon at The University of Chicago (USA). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 294, 2020.


Mammas IN, SPANDIDOS DA. OPINION. The challenge of paediatric epilepsy nursing: An interview with Mrs. Jenny O'Brien, paediatric epilepsy nursing specialist at the Wirral University Teaching Hospital, UK. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 295, 2020.


Mammas IN, Theodoridou M, SPANDIDOS DA. OPINION. COVID‑19 and paediatric challenges: An interview with Professor of Paediatrics Vana Papaevangelou (University of Athens School of Medicine). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 296, 2020.


Mammas IN, Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A, SPANDIDOS DA. OPINION. Creating the ‘George N. Papanicolaou Medal’ by the Academy of Athens: An interview with Professor of Sculpture Theodoros Papagiannis (Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 297, 2020.


Mammas IN, Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A, SPANDIDOS DA. EDITORIAL. HPV infection in children, astrometry and the end of a Greek legend. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 299, 2020.


Mammas IN, Drysdale SB, Theodoridou M, Greenough A, SPANDIDOS DA. COMMENT. Viruses, vaccinations and RSV: Exploring terminology in paediatric virology. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 300, 2020.


Mammas IN, Drysdale SB, Theodoridou M, Greenough A, SPANDIDOS DA. COMMENT. Paediatric virology and medical terminology. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 301, 2020.


Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M, SPANDIDOS DA.The foundation of the Institute of Paediatric Virology on the island of Euboea, Greece (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 20: 302, 2020.


Aschner M, Paoliello MMB, Domingo JL, SPANDIDOS DA, Mally A, Wallace HW, Rakitskii VN, Hartung T, Tsatsakis A. When the boundaries between science and politics are blurred. Toxicology Reports 7: 1607, 2020.


Kyrou I, Randeva HS, SPANDIDOS DA, Karteris E. Not only ACE2 - the quest for additional host cell mediators of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) as a novel SARS-CoV-2 host cell entry mediator implicated in COVID-19. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 6: 21, 2021..


Sidiropoulou P, Docea AO, Nikolaou V, Katsarou M-S, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Calina D, Drakoulis N. Unraveling the roles of vitamin D status and melanin during Covid‑19 (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 47: 92-100, 2021.


Vivarelli S, Falzone L, Torino F, Scandurra G, Russo G, Bordonaro R, Pappalardo F, SPANDIDOS DA, Raciti G, Libra M. Immune-checkpoint inhibitors from cancer to COVID‑19: A promising avenue for the treatment of patients with COVID‑19 (Review). International Journal of Oncology 58: 145-157, 2021.


Tsamakis K, Tsiptsios D, Ouranidis A, Mueller C, Schizas D, Terniotis C, Nikolakakis N, Tyros G, Kympouropoulos S, Lazaris A, SPANDIDOS DA, Smyrnis N, Rizos E. COVID‑19 and its consequences on mental health (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 21: Article No. 244, 2021.


Gavrielatos M, Kyriakidis K, SPANDIDOS DA, Michalopoulos I. Benchmarking of next and third generation sequencing technologies and their associated algorithms for de novo genome assembly. Molecular Medicine Reports 23: Article No. 251, 2021.


Mavrea K, Efthymiou V, Katsibardi K, Tsarouhas K, Kanaka‑Gantenbein C, SPANDIDOS DA, Chrousos G, Kattamis A, Bacopoulou F. Cognitive function of children and adolescent survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A meta‑analysis. Oncology Letters 21: Article No. 262, 2021.


Baliou S, Sofopoulos M, Goulielmaki M, SPANDIDOS DA, Ioannou P, Kyriakopoulos AM, Zoumpourlis V. Bromamine T, a stable active bromine compound, prevents the LPS‑induced inflammatory response. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 47: Article No. 37, 2021.


Katopodis P, Kerslake R, Davies J, Randeva HS, Chatha K, Hall M, SPANDIDOS DA, Anikin V, Polychronis A, Robertus JL, Kyrou I, Karteris E. COVID‑19 and SARS‑CoV‑2 host cell entry mediators: Expression profiling of TMRSS4 in health and disease. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 47: Article No. 64, 2021.


Drillis G, Goulielmaki M, SPANDIDOS DA, Aggelaki S, Zoumpourlis V. Non‑coding RNAs (miRNAs and lncRNAs) and their roles in lymphogenesis in all types of lymphomas and lymphoid malignancies (Review). Oncology Letters 21: Article No. 393, 2021.


Skalny AV, Mazaletskaya AL, Zaitseva IP, Skalny AA, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Lobanova YN, Skalnaya MG, Aschner M, Tinkov AA. Alterations in serum amino acid profiles in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biomedical Reports 14: Article No. 47, 2021.


Tsamakis K, Mueller C, Hortis I, Kallergi M, Tolos I, Alevyzakis E, Siafakas N, Ouranidis A, Tsiptsios D, Kympouropoulos S, SPANDIDOS DA, Smyrnis N, Rizos E. Association of antipsychotic use with raised eosinophil count. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 21: Article No. 513, 2021.


Neagu M, Calina D, Docea AO, Constantin C, Filippini T, Vinceti M, Drakoulis N, Poulas K, Nikolouzakis TK, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. Back to basics in COVID-19: Antigens and antibodies - Completing the puzzle. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine https://doi.org/10.1111/jcmm.16462, 2021.


Falzone L, Gattuso G, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA, Libra M. Current and innovative methods for the diagnosis of COVID‑19 infection (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 47: Article No. 100, 2021.


Detorakis ET, Bontzos G, Drakonaki EE, SPANDIDOS DA. Changes in peri‑ocular anatomy and physiology in pseudo­exfoliation syndrome (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 21: 650, 2021.


Papageorgiou L, Zervou MI, Vlachakis D, Matalliotakis M, Matalliotakis I, SPANDIDOS DA, Goulielmos GN, Eliopoulos E. Demetra application: An integrated genotype analysis web server for clinical genomics in endometriosis. International Journal of Mοlecular Μedicine 47: 115, 2021.


Franzone F, Nebbioso M, Pergolizzi T, Attanasio G, Musacchio A, Greco A, Limoli PG, Artico M, SPANDIDOS DA, Taurone S, Agostinelli E. Anti‑inflammatory role of curcumin in retinal disorders (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22: 790, 2021.


SPANDIDOS DA. EDITORIAL The International Journal of Oncology: 30 years of progress (1992-2021). International Journal of Oncology 59: 36, 2021.


Baliou S, Adamaki M, Ioannou P, Pappa A, Panayiotidis MI, Christodoulou I, SPANDIDOS DA, Kyriakopoulos AM, Zoumpourlis V. Ameliorative effect of taurine against diabetes and renal‑associated disorders (Review). Medicine International 1: 3, 2021.


Baliou S, Adamaki M, Ioannou P, Pappa A, Panayiotidis MI, SPANDIDOS DA, Christodoulou I, Kyriakopoulos AM, Zoumpourlis V. Protective role of taurine against oxidative stress (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 24: Article No. 605, 2021.


Anyfantakis D, Mantadaki AE, Mastronikolis S, SPANDIDOS DA, Symvoulakis EK. COVID‑19 pandemic and reasons to prioritize the needs of the health care system to ensure its sustainability: Ascoping review from January to October 2020 (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22: Article No. 1039, 2021.


Giannopoulou I, Galinaki S, Kollintza E, Adamaki M, Kympouropoulos S, Alevyzakis E, Tsamakis M, Tsangaris I, SPANDIDOS DA, Siafakas N, Zoumpourlis V, Rizos E. COVID‑19 and post‑traumatic stress disorder: The perfect ‘storm’ for mental health (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22: Article No. 1162, 2021.


Kontopodis EE, Papadaki E, Trivizakis E, Maris TG, Simos P, Papadakis GZ, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DA, Karantanas A, Marias K. Emerging deep learning techniques using magnetic resonance imaging data applied in multiple sclerosis and clinical isolated syndrome patients (Review).Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22: Article No. 1149, 2021.


Antoniou KM, Bolaki M, Karagiannis K, Trachalaki A, Ierodiakonou D, Stamatopoulou V, Chatzinikolaou C, Mastrodimou S, Stamataki E, Pitsidianakis G, Lambiri I, Mitrouska I, SPANDIDOS DA, Tzanakis N. Real‑life Cretan asthma registry focused on severe asthma: On behalf of ‘The Cretan registry of the use of Biologics in Severe Asthma’. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22: Article No. 1239, 2021.


Zogopoulos VL, Spaho K, Ntouka C, Lappas GA, Kyranis I, Bagos PG, SPANDIDOS DA, Michalopoulos I. TFBSPred: A functional transcription factor binding site prediction webtool for humans and mice. International Journal of Epigenetics 1: Article No. 9, 2021.


Tsoukalas D, Buga AM, Docea AO, Sarandi E, Mitrut R, Renieri E, SPANDIDOS DA, Rogoveanu I, Cercelaru L, Niculescu M, Tsatsakis A, Calina D. Reversal of brain aging by targeting telomerase: A nutraceutical approach. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 48: Article No. 199, 2021.


Tsatsakis A, Vakonaki E, Tzatzarakis M, Flamourakis M, Nikolouzakis TK, Poulas K, Papazoglou G, Hatzidaki E, Papanikolaou NC, Drakoulis N, Iliaki E, Goulielmos GN, Kallionakis M, Lazopoulos G, Kteniadakis S, Alegkakis A, Farsalinos K, SPANDIDOS DA. Immune response (IgG) following full inoculation with BNT162b2 COVID‑19 mRNA among healthcare professionals. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 48: Article No. 200, 2021.


Nasikas D, Zafiropoulos A, Symvoulakis EK, Bertsias A, Derdas S, SPANDIDOS DA, Sakorafas G, Sourvinos G. Parvovirus B19 detection analysis in thyroid tissue paired samples: an observational study from a tertiary surgical oncology department. Journal of BUON 26: 1016-1021, 2021.


Georgakopoulou VE, Avramopoulos P, Papalexis P, Bitsani A, Damaskos C, Garmpi A, Gkoufa A, Garmpis N, Mantzouranis K, Chlapoutakis S, Sklapani P, Trakas N and SPANDIDOS DA. Exacerbation of bronchiectasis by Pseudomonas putida complicating COVID‑19 disease: A case report. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22: Article No. 1452, 2021.


Georgakopoulou VE, Papalexis P, Sanos C, Bitsani A, Garmpi A, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Gkoufa A, Chlapoutakis S, Sklapani P, Mantzouranis K, Trakas N and SPANDIDOS DA. Asymptomatic SARS‑CoV‑2 infection in an unvaccinated 97‑year‑old woman: A case report. Biomedical Reports 15: Article No. 107, 2021.


Kostoff RN, Briggs MB, Kanduc D, Shores DR, Kovatsi L, Drakoulis N, Porter AL, Tsatsakis A and SPANDIDOS DA. Contributing factors common to COVID‑19 and gastrointestinal cancer. Oncology Reports 47: Article No. 16, 2022.


Papageorgiou L, Alkenaris H, Zervou MI, Vlachakis D, Matalliotakis I, SPANDIDOS DA, Bertsias G, Goulielmos GN and Eliopoulos E. Epione application: An integrated web‑toolkit of clinical genomics and personalized medicine in systemic lupus erythematosus. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 49: Article No. 8, 2022.


Papanikolopoulou A, Syrigos N, Vini L, Papasavva M, Lazopoulos G, Kteniadakis S, SPANDIDOS DA, Charpidou A and Drakoulis N. Use of oral glutamine in radiation‑induced adverse effects in patients with thoracic and upper aerodigestive malignancies: Results of a prospective observational study. Oncology Letters 23: Article No. 19, 2022.


Efstathiou V, Stefanou M-I, Siafakas N, Makris M, Tsivgoulis G, Zoumpourlis V, SPANDIDOS DA, Smyrnis N and Rizos E. Suicidality and COVID‑19: Suicidal ideation, suicidal behaviors and completed suicides amidst the COVID‑19 pandemic (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23: 107, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Zygouris E, Damaskos C, Pierrakou A, Papalexis P, Garmpis N, Aravantinou‑Fatorou A, Chlapoutakis S, Diamantis E, Nikokiris C, Gkoufa A, Sklapani P, Trakas N, Janinis J, SPANDIDOS DA and Dahabreh J. Prognostic value of the immunohistochemistry markers CD56, TTF‑1, synaptophysin, CEA, EMA and NSE in surgically resected lung carcinoid tumors. Molecular and Clinical Oncology 16: Article No. 31, 2022.


Katopodis P, Randeva HS, SPANDIDOS DA, Saravi S, Kyrou I and Karteris E. Host cell entry mediators implicated in the cellular tropism of SARS‑CoV‑2, the pathophysiology of COVID‑19 and the identification of microRNAs that can modulate the expression of these mediators (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 49: Article No. 20, 2022.


Papatheodoropoulou A, Mammas IN and SPANDIDOS DA. Founding paediatric intensive care in Greece: An interview with Dr John Papadatos, the first paediatric intensivist in Greece at the ‘P. & A. Kyriakou’ Children's Hospital. World Academy of Sciences Journal 4: Article No. 11, 2022.


Kerslake R, Randeva HS, Jonigk D, Werlein C, Robertus JL, Katopodis P, Jasker P, SPANDIDOS DA, Kyrou I and Karteris E. Protein expression of transmembrane protease serine 4 in the gastrointestinal tract and in healthy, cancer, and SARS‑CoV‑2 infected lungs. Molecular Medicine Reports 25: Article No. 138, 2022.


Siokas V, Aloizou A-M, Liampas I, Bakirtzis C, Nasios G, Paterakis K, Sgantzos M, Bogdanos DP, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Mitsias PD and Dardiotis E. Lack of an association between SCFD1 rs10139154 polymorphism and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Molecular Medicine Reports 25: Article No. 146, 2022.


Fragkiadaki P, Renieri E, Kalliantasi K, Kouvidi E, Apalaki E, Vakonaki E, Mamoulakis C, SPANDIDOS DA and Tsatsakis A. Τelomerase inhibitors and activators in aging and cancer: A systematic review. Molecular Medicine Reports 25: Article No. 158, 2022.


Mammas IN, Kramvis A, Papaevangelou V, Doukas SG, Naya SD, Doukas PG, Melikoki V, Bouros D, Thiagarajan P, Chrousos GP, Drysdale SB, Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A, Theodoridou M, Greenough A and SPANDIDOS DA. SARS‑CoV‑2 infection and children: Insights from the 6th Workshop on Paediatric Virology (Review). World Academy of Sciences Journal 4: Article No. 15, 2022.


Rovigatti U, Papaioannou G, Mammas IN, Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A, Theodoridou M and SPANDIDOS DA. Editorial. Neuroblastoma in childhood and its potential viral involvement: A webinar by the Paediatric Virology Study Group. World Academy of Sciences Journal 4: Article No. 16, 2022


Tentolouris A, Stafylidis C, Siafarikas C, Dimopoulou MN, Makrodimitri S, Bousi S, Papalexis P, Damaskos C, Trakas N, Sklapani P, SPANDIDOS DA and Georgakopoulou VE. Favorable outcomes of patients with sickle cell disease hospitalized due to COVID‑19: A report of three cases. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23: Article No. 338, 2022.


Dimitrakis E, Katsarou M‑S, Lagiou M, Papastefanopoulou V, Stanitsa E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Papageorgiou S, Moutsatsou P, Antoniou K, Kroupis C and Drakoulis N. Association of vitamin D receptor gene TaqI polymorphism with Alzheimer's disease in a Southeastern European Caucasian population. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23: Article No. 341, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Avramopoulos P, Papalexis P, Bitsani A, Damaskos C, Garmpi A, Venetikou MS, Paramythiotis D, Karlafti E, Sklapani P, Trakas N and SPANDIDOS DA. COVID‑19 induced hypoparathyroidism: A case report. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23: Article No. 346, 2022.


Efstathiou V, Stefanou M-I, Demetriou M, Siafakas N, Makris M, Tsivgoulis G, Zoumpourlis V, Kympouropoulos SP, Tsoporis JN, SPANDIDOS DA, Smyrnis N and Rizos E. Long COVID and neuropsychiatric manifestations (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23: Article No. 363, 2022.


Chlapoutakis S, Georgakopoulou VE, Trakas N, Kouvelos G, Papalexis P, Damaskos C, Sklapani P, Grivas A, Gouveris P, Tryfonopoulos D, Tzovaras A, Ardavanis-Loukeris G, Grouzi E, SPANDIDOS DA and Matsagkas M. Characteristics and outcomes of cancer patients who develop pulmonary embolism: A cross‑sectional study. Oncology Letters 23: Article No. 168, 2022.


Neonakis IK and SPANDIDOS DA. OPINION. Rapid identification of Gram‑negative pathogens from positive blood cultures using MALDI‑TOF MS following short‑term incubation on solid media. Biomedical Reports 16: Article No. 47, 2022.


Kadiyska T, Tourtourikov I, Dabchev K, Madzharova D, Tincheva S, SPANDIDOS DA and Zoumpourlis V. Role of testis‑specific serine kinase 1B in undiagnosed male infertility. Molecular Medicine Reports 25: Article No. 204, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Makrodimitri S, Triantafyllou M, Samara S, Voutsinas PM, Anastasopoulou A, Papageorgiou CV, SPANDIDOS DA, Gkoufa A, Papalexis P, Xenou E, Chelidonis G, Sklapani P, Trakas N and Sipsas NV. Immature granulocytes: Innovative biomarker for SARS‑CoV‑2 infection. Molecular Medicine Reports 26: Article No. 217, 2022.


Hoursalas A, Tsarouhas K, Tsitsimpikou C, Kolovou G, Vardavas A, Hoursalas I, SPANDIDOS DA, Milionis H, Elisaf M and Tsiara S. Moderately elevated lipoprotein (a) levels are associated with an earlier need for percutaneous coronary intervention in recurrent cardiovascular disease. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 444, 2022.


Mammas IN, Liston M, Koletsi P, Vitoratou D-I, Koutsaftiki C, Papatheodoropoulou A, Kornarou H, Theodoridou M, Kramvis A, Drysdale SB and SPANDIDOS DA. Insights in paediatric virology during the COVID‑19 era (Review). Medicine International 2: Article No. 17, 2022.


Siafarikas C, Stafylidis C, Tentolouris A, Samara S, Eliadi I, Makrodimitri S, SPANDIDOS DA, Mathioudakis N, Karamichalos P, Papalexis P, Chlapoutakis S, Sklapani P, Trakas N, Georgakopoulou VE. Radiologically suspected COVID‑19‑associated organizing pneumonia responding well to corticosteroids: A report of two cases and a review of the literature. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 453, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Gkoufa A, Damaskos C, Papalexis P, Pierrakou A, Makrodimitri S, Sypsa G, Apostolou A, Asimakopoulou S, Chlapoutakis S, Sklapani P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA. COVID‑19‑associated acute appendicitis in adults. A report of five cases and a review of the literature. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 482, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Zygouris E, Papalexis P, Gkoufa A, Damaskos C, Pierrakou A, Mantzouranis K, Chlapoutakis S, Aravantinou‑Fatorou A, Sklapani P, Trakas N, Janinis J, Dahabreh J, SPANDIDOS DA. Simultaneous pathological findings in biopsy specimens of patients with surgically resected lung carcinoids and their role in survival. Oncology Letters 24: Article No. 313, 2022.


Dimitrakis E, Katsarou M-S, Lagiou M, Papastefanopoulou V, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Papageorgiou S, Moutsatsou P, Antoniou K, Kroupis C, Drakoulis N. Association of vitamin D receptor gene haplotypes with late‑onset Alzheimer's disease in a Southeastern European Caucasian population. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 584, 2022.


Celebi D, Taghizadehghalehjoughi A, Baser S, Genc S, Yilmaz A, Yeni Y, Yesilyurt F, Yildirim S, Bolat I, Kordali S, Yilmaz F, Hacimuftuoglu A, Celebi O, Margina D, Nitulescu GM, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. Effects of boric acid and potassium metaborate on cytokine levels and redox stress parameters in a wound model infected with methicillin‑resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Molecular Medicine Reports 26: Article No. 294, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Tarantinos K, Papalexis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Damaskos C, Gkoufa A, Chlapoutakis S, Sklapani P, Trakas N, Mermigkis D. Role of pulmonary function testing in inflammatory bowel diseases (Review). Medicine International 2: Article No. 25, 2022.


Garmpi A, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Kaminiotis V-V, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Diamantis E, Patsouras A, Kyriakos G, Tarantinos K, Syllaios A, Marinos G, Kouraklis G, Dimitroulis D. Role of histone deacetylase inhibitors in diabetic cardiomyopathy in experimental models (Review). Medicine International 2: Article No. 26, 2022.


Lavoro A, Gattuso G, Grillo CM, SPANDIDOS DA, Salmeri M, Lombardo C, Candido S, Falzone L. Role of microRNAs as novel diagnostic biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for hearing disorders (Review). International Journal of Epigenetics 2: Aticle No. 3, 2022.


Mathioudakis N, Zachiotis M, Papadakos S, Triantafyllou M, Karapanou A, Samara S, Karamanakos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Damaskos C, Tarantinos K, Fotakopoulos G, Sklapani P, Trakas N, Sipsas NV, Georgakopoulou VE. Onodera's prognostic nutritional index: Comparison of its role in the severity and outcomes of patients with COVID‑19 during the periods of alpha, delta and omicron variant predominance. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 675, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Bali T, Adamantou M, Asimakopoulou S, Makrodimitri S, Samara S, Triantafyllou M, Voutsinas PM, Eliadi I, Karamanakos G, Basoulis D, Chatzipanagiotou O, Adamopoulou E, Alevizou A, Athanasiadis M, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Tarantinos K, Sipsas NV, Samarkos M, Cholongitas E. Acute hepatitis and liver injury in hospitalized patients with COVID‑19 infection. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 691, 2022.


Bitsani A, Garmpi A, Avramopoulos P, SPANDIDOS DA, Fotakopoulos G, Papalexis P, Tarantinos K, Chlapoutakis S, Sklapani P, Trakas N, Georgakopoulou VE. COVID-19-associated pneumonia in Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome: A case report. Medicine International 2: Article No. 28, 2022.


Kyriazis ID, Vassi E, Alvanou M, Angelakis C, Skaperda Z, Tekos F, Garikipati VNS, SPANDIDOS DA, Kouretas D. The impact of diet upon mitochondrial physiology (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 50: Article No. 135, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Basoulis D, Voutsinas PM, Papageorgiou CV, Eliadi I, Karamanakos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Mathioudakis N, Papalexis P, Papadakos S, Fotakopoulos G, Tarantinos K, Sipsas NV. Biomarkers predicting the 30‑day mortality of patients who underwent elective surgery and were infected with SARS‑CoV‑2 during the post‑operative period: A retrospective study. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 693, 2022.


Tsarouhas K, Tsitsimpikou C, Samaras A, Saravanis C, Kolovou G, Bacopoulou F, SPANDIDOS DA, Kouretas D. Cardiovascular adaptations and inflammation in marathon runners. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 699, 2022.


Kadiyska T, Tourtourikov I, Dabchev K, Cherneva R, Stoynev N, Hadjiolova R, Mitev V, SPANDIDOS DA, Adamaki M and Zoumpourlis V. Role of endothelial dysfunction in the severity of COVID‑19 infection (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 26: Article No. 351, 2022.


Efstathiou V, Stefanou M-I, Demetriou M, Siafakas N, Katsantoni E, Makris M, Tsivgoulis G, Zoumpourlis V, Kympouropoulos SP, Tsoporis JN, SPANDIDOS DA, Ferentinos P, Smyrnis N and Rizos E. New‑onset neuropsychiatric sequelae and ‘long‑COVID’ syndrome (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 705, 2022.


Diakou I, Papakonstantinou E, Papageorgiou L, Pierouli K, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Goulielmos GN, Eliopoulos E, Vlachakis D. Multiple sclerosis and computational biology (Review). Biomedical Reports 17: Article No. 96, 2022.


Georgakopoulou VE, Basoulis D, Voutsinas PM, Makrodimitri S, Samara S, Triantafyllou M, Eliadi I, Karamanakos G, Papageorgiou CV, Anastasopoulou A, Bitsani A, Kampouropoulou O, Eleftheriadou I, Gkoufa A, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Sipsas NV. Factors predicting poor outcomes of patients treated with tocilizumab for COVID‑19‑associated pneumonia: A retrospective study. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 24: Article No. 724, 2022.


Pierouli K, Papakonstantinou E, Papageorgiou L, Diakou I, Mitsis T, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Goulielmos GN, Eliopoulos E, Vlachakis D. Long non‑coding RNAs and microRNAs as regulators of stress in cancer (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 26: Article No. 361, 2022.


Diakou I, Papakonstantinou E, Papageorgiou L, Pierouli K, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Eliopoulos E, Vlachakis D. Novel computational pipelines in antiviral structure‑based drug design (Review). Biomedical Reports 17: Article No. 97, 2022


Papageorgiou L, Tzanou E, Papakonstantinou E, Diakou KI, Pierouli K, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Eliopoulos E, Vlachakis D. Structural models for the design of novel antiviral agents against Spondweni virus helicase. World Academy of Sciences Journal 4: Article No. 40, 2022./p>


Tsolaki V, Aravantinou-Fatorou A, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Mathioudakis N, Tarantinos K, Trakas N, Sklapani P, Fotakopoulos G. Early diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm associated with cerebral ischemia following subarachnoid hemorrhage: Evaluation of computed tomography perfusion and transcranial doppler as accurate methods. Medicine International 2: Article No. 34, 2022.


Pierouli K, Papageorgiou L, Mitsis T, Papakonstantinou E, Diakou I, Leptidis S, Sigala M, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Goulielmos GN, Eliopoulos E, Vlachakis D. Role of microRNAs and long non‑coding RNAs in glucocorticoid signaling (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 50: Article No. 147, 2022.


Fotakopoulos G, Tsolaki V, Aravantinou-Fatorou A, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Tarantinos K, Trakas N, Sklapani P, Mathioudakis N, Chlapoutakis S, Lavdas E. Uncommon and atypical meningiomas and imaging variants: A report of 7 cases. Medicine International 2: Article No. 35, 2022.


Aravantinou-Fatorou A, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Tarantinos K, Mathioudakis N, Chlapoutakis S, Trakas N, Sklapani P, Fotakopoulos G. Effects of music therapy accompanied by transcranial direct current stimulation on the recovery from aphasia following stroke: A single‑center retrospective cohort study. World Academy of Sciences Journal 4: Article No. 42, 2022.


Palaiogeorgou AM, Papakonstantinou E, Golfinopoulou R, Sigala M, Mitsis T, Papageorgiou L, Diakou I, Pierouli K, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Eliopoulos E and Vlachakis D. Recent approaches on Huntington's disease (Review). Biomedical Reports 18: 5, 2023.


Pierouli K, Papakonstantinou E, Papageorgiou L, Diakou I, Mitsis T, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Goulielmos GN, Eliopoulos E and Vlachakis D. Role of non‑coding RNAs as biomarkers and the application of omics technologies in Alzheimer's disease (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 51: 5, 2023


Panichev AM, Baranovskaya NV, Chekryzhov IY, Kalinkin YN, Kholodov AS, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A and Golokhvast KS. Kudurs (mineral licks) on ultrabasic rocks in the Altai Mountains, Russia. World Academy of Sciences Journal 5: 2, 2023.


Babaeimarzangou SS, Zaker H, Soleimannezhadbari E, Gamchi NS, Kazeminia M, Tarighi S, Seyedian H, Tsatsakis A, SPANDIDOS DAand Margina D. Vaccine development for zoonotic viral diseases caused by positive‑sense single‑stranded RNA viruses belonging to the Coronaviridae and Togaviridae families (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 25: 42, 2023


Sigala M, Mitsis T, Papageorgiou L, Papakonstantinou E, Diakou I, Pierouli K, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Eliopoulos E and Vlachakis D. A data mining and semantic analysis reveals novel insights into the genetic characteristics of the glucocorticoid receptor interactome. World Academy of Sciences 5: 3, 2023.


Malliari K, Papakonstantinou E, Mitsis T, Papageorgiou L, Pierouli K, Diakou I, Dragoumani K, SPANDIDOS DA, Bacopoulou F, Chrousos GP, Eliopoulos E and Vlachakis D. Dark DNA and stress (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 51: 8, 2023.


Panichev AM, Baranovskaya NV, Seryodkin IV, Chekryzhov IY, Vakh EA, Kalinkin YV, Lutsenko TN, Popov NY, Ruslan AV, Ostapenko DS, Еlovskiy EV, Vetoshkina AV, Patrusheva OV, Makarevich RA, Manakov YA, Kholodov AS, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Golokhvast KS. Excess of REE in plant foods as a cause of geophagy in animals in the Teletskoye Lake basin, Altai Republic, Russia. World Academy of Sciences Journal 5: Article No. 6, 2023..


Faropoulos K, Tsolaki V, Georgakopoulou VE, Trakas I, Tarantinos K, Papalexis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Aravantinou-Fatorou A, Mathioudakis N, Trakas N, Fotakopoulos G. Efficacy of combined intravenous plus intrathecal nimodipine administration in patients with severe cerebral vasospasm post‑aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A retrospective cohort study. Medicine International 3: Article No. 3, 2023..


Chatzidakis S, Anagiotos A, Fotakopoulos G, Georgakopoulou VE, Tarantinos K, Papalexis P, Aravantinou‑Fatorou A, Sklapani P, Mathioudakis N, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA, Faropoulos K. Comparison of the endoscopic endonasal to microscopic sublabial transsphenoidal approach in a case series of pituitary macroadenomas. Medicine International 3: Article No. 6, 2023.


Patouna A, Vardakas P, Skaperda Z, SPANDIDOS DA, Kouretas D. Evaluation of the antioxidant potency of Greek honey from the Taygetos and Pindos mountains using a combination of cellular and molecular methods. Molecular Medicine Reports 27: Article No. 54, 2023.


Fotakopoulos G, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Angelopoulou E, Aravantinou‑Fatorou A, Trakas N, Trakas I, Brotis AG. Role of miR‑200 family in brain metastases: A systematic review. Molecular and Clinical Oncology 18: Article No. 15, 2023.


Kyriakaki EDO, Detorakis ET, Bertsias AK, Markakis G, Tsakalis NG, Volkos P, SPANDIDOS DA, Symvoulakis EK. Ocular trauma, visual acuity related to time of referral and psychosocial determinants, during COVID‑19 pandemic: A prospective study. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 25: Article No. 130, 2023.


Vazgiourakis VM, Zervou MI, Papageorgiou L, Chaniotis D, SPANDIDOS DA, Vlachakis D, Eliopoulos E, Goulielmos GN. Association of endometriosis with cardiovascular disease: Genetic aspects (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 51: Article No. 29, 2023.


Zervou MI, Papageorgiou L, Vlachakis D, SPANDIDOS DA, Eliopoulos E, Goulielmos GN. Genetic factors involved in the co‑occurrence of endometriosis with ankylosing spondylitis (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 27: Article No. 96, 2023.


Faropoulos K, Tsolaki V, Georgakopoulou VE, Trakas I, Tarantinos K, Papalexis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Aravantinou‑Fatorou A, Mathioudakis N, Trakas N, Lavdas E, Fotakopoulos G. Value of sildenafil treatment for the prevention of vasospasm‑related delayed ischemic neurological deficits and delayed brain infarction following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Medicine International 3: Article No. 19, 2023.


Aschner M, Skalny AV, Gritsenko VA, Kartashova OL, Santamaria A, Rocha JBT, SPANDIDOS DA, Zaitseva IP, Tsatsakis A, Tinkov AA. Role of gut microbiota in the modulation of the health effects of advanced glycation end‑products (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 51: Article No. 44, 2023.


Bougea A, Georgakopoulou VE, Palkopoulou M, Efthymiopoulou E, Angelopoulou E, SPANDIDOS DA, Zikos P. New‑onset non‑motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease and post‑COVID‑19 syndrome: A prospective cross‑sectional study. Medicine International 3: Article No. 23, 2023.


Maher F, Mammas IN, SPANDIDOS DA. Comment. Challenges and perspectives of palliative medicine: A webinar by the Paediatric Virology Study Group. Medicine International 3: Article No. 24, 2023..


Celebi O, Taghizadehghalehjoughi A, Celebi D, Mesnage R, Golokhvast KS, Arsene AL, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. Effect of the combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus (probiotic) with vitamin K3 and vitamin E on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus: An in vitro pathogen model. Molecular Medicine Reports 27: Article No. 119, 2023.


Kadiyska T, Tourtourikov Ι, Dabchev Κ, Zlatarova A, Stoynev N, Hadjiolova R, SPANDIDOS DA, Adamaki M, Zoumpourlis V. Herbs and plants in immunomodulation (Review). International Journal of Functional Nutrition 4: Article No. 1, 2023.


Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Gkoufa A, Aravantinou‑Fatorou A, Angelopoulou E, Trakas I, Trakas N, Fotakopoulos G. Outcomes in meningitis‑ventriculitis treated with intravenous or intrathecal plus intravenous colistin: A meta‑analysis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 25: Article No. 293, 2023.


Gkoufa A, Saridaki M, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Cholongitas E. COVID‑19 vaccination in liver transplant recipients (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 25: Article No. 291, 2023..


Mammas IN, Drysdale SB, Theodoridou M, SPANDIDOS DA. Opinion. Exploring medical terminology inexpediencies: Tripledemic vs. triple epidemic. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 26: Article No. 334, 2023..


Tsatsakis A, Oikonomopoulou T, Nikolouzakis TK, Vakonaki E, Tzatzarakis M, Flamourakis M, Renieri E, Fragkiadaki P, Iliaki E, Bachlitzanaki M, Karzi V, Katsikantami I, Kakridonis F, Hatzidaki E, Tolia M, Svistunov AA, SPANDIDOS DA, Nikitovic D, Tsiaoussis J, Berdiaki A. Role of telomere length in human carcinogenesis (Review). International Journal of Oncology 63: Article No. 78, 2023.


Kramvis A, Mammas IN, SPANDIDOS DA. Exploring the optimal vaccination strategy against hepatitis B virus in childhood (Review). Biomedical Reports 19: Article No. 48, 2023.


Papadakis AA, Tsirigotakis I, Katranitsa S, Donousis C, Papalexis P, Keramydas D, Chaidoutis E, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Constantinidis TC. Assessing the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic health protocols on the hygiene status of swimming pools of hotel units. Medicine International 3: Article No. 32, 2023.


Anagnostopoulos I-S, Georgakopoulou VE, Trakas I, Papalexis P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA, Fotakopoulos G. Thrombectomy vs. medical management for large vessel occlusion strokes with minimal symptoms. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 26: Article No. 377, 2023.


Giannopoulou I, Georgiades S, Stefanou M-I, SPANDIDOS DA, Rizos E. Links between trauma and psychosis (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 26: Article No. 386, 2023.


Georgakopoulou VE, Gkoufa A, Tsakanikas A, Makrodimitri S, Karamanakos G, Basoulis D, Voutsinas PM, Eliadi I, Bougea A, SPANDIDOS DA, Angelopoulou E, Steiropoulos P, Sipsas NV. Predictors of COVID‑19‑associated mortality among hospitalized elderly patients with dementia. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 26: Article No. 395, 2023.


Georgakopoulou VE, Gkoufa A, Bougea A, Basoulis D, Tsakanikas A, Makrodimitri S, Karamanakos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Angelopoulou E, Sipsas NV. Characteristics and outcomes of elderly patients with Parkinson's disease hospitalized due to COVID‑19‑associated pneumonia. Medicine International 3: Article No. 34, 2023.


Mathioudakis N, Georgakopoulou VE, Paterakis K, Papalexis P, Sklapani P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA, Fotakopoulos G. Effect of circulating miR‑126 levels on intracranial aneurysms and their predictive value for the rupture of aneurysms: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 26: 411, 2023.


Georgakopoulou VE, Mathioudakis N, Papalexis P, Aravantinou-Fatorou A, Tarantinos K, Sklapani P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA, Fotakopoulos G. Factors related to morbidity and mortality of meningiomas resection‑associated venous thromboembolism (Review). Molecular and Clinical Oncology 19: Article No. 70, 2023.


Mammas IN, Drysdale SB, Charalampous C, Koletsi P, Papatheodoropoulou A, Koutsaftiki C, Sergentanis T, Merakou K, Kornarou H, Papaioannou G, Kramvis A, Greenough A, Theodoridou M, SPANDIDOS DA. Navigating paediatric virology through the COVID‑19 era (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 52: Article No. 83, 2023.


Aravantinou-Fatorou A, Georgakopoulou VE, Mathioudakis N, Papalexis P, Tarantinos K, Trakas I, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA, Fotakopoulos G. Comparison of the outcomes following bevacizumab and/or temozolamide/radiosurgery treatment in patients with glioblastoma. Molecular and Clinical Oncology 19: Article No. 73, 2023.


Georgakopoulou VE, Gkoufa A, Makrodimitri S, Basoulis D, Tsakanikas A, Karamanakos G, Mastrogianni E, Voutsinas PM, SPANDIDOS DA, Papageorgiou CV, Gamaletsou MN and Sipsas NV. Early 3‑day course of remdesivir for the prevention of the progression to severe COVID‑19 in the elderly: A single‑centre, real‑life cohort study. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 26: Article No. 462, 2023.


Gatos C, Fotakopoulos G, Chatzi M, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Makris D and Fountas KN. Investigation of risk factors for external ventricular drainage‑associated central nervous system infections in patients undergoing neurosurgery. Medicine International 3: Article No. 44, 2023.


Lempesis IG, Georgakopoulou VE, Papalexis P, Chrousos GP and SPANDIDOS DA. Role of stress in the pathogenesis of cancer (Review). International Journal of Oncology 63: Article No. 124, 2023.


. Kokkoris S, Kanavou A, Kremmydas P, Katsaros D, Karageorgiou S, Gkoufa A, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Giannopoulos C, Kardamitsi M and Routsi C. Temporal evolution of laboratory characteristics in patients critically ill with COVID‑19 admitted to the intensive care unit (Review). Medicine International 3: Article No. 52, 2023.


Falzone L, Gattuso G, Candido S, Tomaselli A, Fagone S, SPANDIDOS DA and Libra M. Vitamin D and microRNAs: Role in the pathogenesis and prognosis of breast cancer (Review). International Journal of Epigenetics 3: Article No. 5, 2023.


Fotakopoulos G, Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, Papalexis P, Sklapani P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA and Faropoulos K. Pathophysiology of cervical myelopathy (Review). Biomedical Reports 19: Article No. 84, 2023.


Faropoulos K, Gioti I, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Papalexis P, Lempesis IG, Trakas N, Trakas I, Anagiotos A, Fotakopoulos G. When age is not an obstacle: A case series of endoscopic transsphenoidal resection of pituitary macroadenomas in older patients. Biomedical Reports 19: Article No. 86, 2023..


Kakridonis F, Pneumatikos SG, Vakonaki E, Berdiaki A, Tzatzarakis MN, Fragkiadaki P, SPANDIDOS DA, Baliou S, Ioannou P, Hatzidaki E, Nikitovic D, Tsatsakis A, Vasiliadis E. Telomere length as a predictive biomarker in osteoporosis (Review). Biomedical Reports 19: Article No. 87, 2023.


Geronikolou S, Chrousos GP, SPANDIDOS DA, Diamantopoulos A. COMMENT. Diet and metabolism are back: The oldest known Islamic medical manuscript bridges the gap from ancient to modern gout management. Medicine International 3: Article No. 54, 2023.


Pavlou IA, SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V, Adamaki M. Nutrient insufficiencies and deficiencies involved in the pathogenesis of bruxism (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 26: Article No. 563, 2023..


Tsatsakis A, Renieri E, Tsoukalas D, Buga AM, Sarandi E, Vakonaki E, Fragkiadaki P, Alegakis A, Nikitovic D, Calina D, SPANDIDOS DA, Docea AO. A novel nutraceutical formulation increases telomere length and activates telomerase activity in middle‑aged rats. Molecular Medicine Reports 28: Article No. 232, 2023.


Georgakopoulou VE, Gkoufa A, Makrodimitri S, Tsakanikas A, Basoulis D, Voutsinas PM, Karamanakos G, Eliadi I, Samara S, Triantafyllou M, Eleftheriadou I, Kampouropoulou O, Papageorgiou CV, Anastasopoulou A, Papalexis P, Trakas I, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA, Steiropoulos P, Sipsas NV. Risk factors for the in‑hospital and 1‑year mortality of elderly patients hospitalized due to COVID‑19‑related pneumonia. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27: Article No. 22, 2024.


Kokkoris S, Kanavou A, Katsaros D, Karageorgiou S, Kremmydas P, Gkoufa A, Ntaidou T, Giannopoulos C, Kardamitsi M-A, Dimopoulou G, Theodorou E, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Orfanos S, Kotanidou A, Routsi C. Temporal trends in laboratory parameters in survivors and non‑survivors of critical COVID‑19 illness and the effect of dexamethasone treatment. Biomedical Reports 20: Article No. 12, 2024.


Skalny AV, Aschner M, Tsatsakis A, Rocha JBT, Santamaria A, SPANDIDOS DA, Martins AC, Lu R, Korobeinikova TV, Chen W, Chang J-S, Chao JCJ, Li C, Tinkov AA. Role of vitamins beyond vitamin D3 in bone health and osteoporosis (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 53: Article No. 9, 2024.


Zervou MI, Tarlatzis BC, Grimbizis GF, SPANDIDOS DA, Niewold TB, Goulielmos GN. Association of endo­metriosis with Sjögren's syndrome: Genetic insights (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 53: Article No. 20, 2024.


Fotakopoulos G, Gatos C, Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, SPANDIDOS DA, Trakas N, Sklapani P, Fountas KN. Role of decompressive craniectomy in the management of acute ischemic stroke (Review). Biomedical Reports 20: Article No. 33, 2024.


Genc S, Taghizadehghalehjoughi A, Naldan ME, Gülcü O, Caglayan C, Spanakis M, Nikolouzakis TK, Alegakis A, Docea AO, Drocas AI, Mitrut R, Hatzidaki E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. Evaluation of various blood biomarkers associated with the outcomes of patients with COVID‑19 treated in intensive care units. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27: Article No. 82, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Makrodimitri S, Gkoufa A, Apostolidi E, Provatas S, Papalexis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Lempesis IG, Gamaletsou MN, Sipsas NV. Lung function at three months after hospitalization due to COVID‑19 pneumonia: Comparison of alpha, delta and omicron variant predominance periods. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27: Article No. 83, 2024.


Yagolovich AV, Kuskov AN, Kulikov PP, Bagrov DV, Petrova PA, Kukovyakina EV, Isakova AA, Khan II, Pokrovsky VS, Nosyrev AE, Stamati PC, Markvicheva EA, Gasparian ME, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis AM. Assessment of the effects of amphiphilic poly (N‑vinylpyrrolidone) nanoparticles loaded with bortezomib on glioblastoma cell lines and zebrafish embryos. Biomedical Reports 20: Article No. 37, 2024.


Baltzi E, Papaloukas C, SPANDIDOS DA, Michalopoulos I. Genes encoding γ‑glutamyl‑transpeptidases in the allicin biosynthetic pathway in garlic (Allium sativum). Biomedical Reports 20: Article No. 45, 2024.


Lempesis IG, Georgakopoulou VE, Reiter RJ, SPANDIDOS DA. A mid‑pandemic night's dream: Melatonin, from harbinger of anti‑inflammation to mitochondrial savior in acute and long COVID‑19 (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 53: Article No. 28, 2024.


Bougea A, Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, Fotakopoulos G, Papalexis P, Sklapani P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA, Angelopoulou E. Role of microRNAs in cognitive decline related to COVID‑19 (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27: Article No. 139, 2024.


Pavlou IA, SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V, Papakosta VK. Neurobiology of bruxism: The impact of stress (Review). Biomedical Reports 20: Article No. 59, 2024.


Lempesis IG, Georgakopoulou VE, Chrousos GP, SPANDIDOS DA. Opinion. Bridging ancient wisdom and contemporary medical science: Contemplating on Hippocrates' Theory of Humours. World Academy of Sciences Journal 6: Article No. 18, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, SPANDIDOS DA. Opinion. The parallel lives of pandemics: COVID‑19 and obesity. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27: Article No. 184, 2024.


Fotakopoulos G, Georgakopoulou VE, Papalexis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Trakas N, Sklapani P, Fountas KN. Management of intracranial cavernous malformations using conservative vs. surgical and/or radiosurgical treatment: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27: Article No. 215, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, Sklapani P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA. Opinion. Precision medicine for respiratory diseases: A current viewpoint. Medicine International 4: Article No. 31, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, Sklapani P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA. Exploring the pathogenetic mechanisms of Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 28: Article No. 271, 2024.


Theleritis C, Stefanou M-I, Demetriou M, Alevyzakis E, Triantafyllou K, Smyrnis N, SPANDIDOS DA, Rizos E. Association of gut dysbiosis with first‑episode psychosis (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 30: Article No. 130, 2024.


Chatzidakis S, Bakiri ZM, Faropoulos K, Fotakopoulos G, Georgakopoulou VE, Trakas N, Sklapani P, SPANDIDOS DA, Yiallouris A, Papadopoulos D. Comparison of surgical techniques for the treatment of chronic subdural hematomas: A single‑center case series. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 28: Article No. 329, 2024.


Mammas IN, SPANDIDOS DA. Dr. George N. Papanicolaou (1883–1962) and the art of modern numismatics. Acta Cytologica 1-3, 2024 doi: 10.1159/000539906.


Georgakopoulou VE, Sklapani P, Trakas N, Reiter RJ, SPANDIDOS DA. Exploring the association between melatonin and nicotine dependence (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 54: Article No. 82, 2024.


Cini NT, Pennisi M, Genc S, SPANDIDOS DA, Falzone L, Mitsias PD, Tsatsakis A, Taghizadehghalehjoughi A. Glioma lateralization: Focus on the anatomical localization and the distribution of molecular alterations (Review). Oncology Reports 52: Article No. 139, 2024.


Fotakopoulos G, Christodoulidis G, Georgakopoulou VE, Trakas N, Skapani P, Panagiotopoulos K, SPANDIDOS DA, Foroglou N. Gastric cancer and brain metastasis: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Molecular and Clinical Oncology 21: Article No. 77, 2024.


Shirima CA, Bleotu C, SPANDIDOS DA, El‑Naggar AK, Pircalabioru GG, Michalopoulos I. Epithelial‑derived head and neck squamous tumourigenesis (Review). Oncology Reports 52: Article No. 141, 2024.


Papalexis P, Georgakopoulou VE, Drossos PV, Thymara E, Nonni A, Lazaris AC, Zografos GC, SPANDIDOS DA, Kavantzas N, Thomopoulou GE. Precision medicine in breast cancer (Review). Molecular and Clinical Oncology 21: Article No. 78, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, Tarantinos K, Sklapani P, Trakas N,SPANDIDOS DA. Atypical pneumonia (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 28: Article No. 424, 2024.


Diakou I, Iliopoulos E, Papakonstantinou E, Dragoumani K, Yapijakis C, Iliopoulos C, SPANDIDOS DA, Chrousos GP, Eliopoulos E, Vlachakis D. Multi‑label classification of biomedical data. Medicine International 4: Article No. 68, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Lempesis IG, Trakas N, Sklapani P, He Y, SPANDIDOS DA. Lung cancer and obesity: A contentious relationship (Review). Oncology Reports 52: Article No. 158, 2024.


Anyfantakis D, Tsoucalas G, Karelis A, Papazoglou N, SPANDIDOS DA, Krasagakis K, Symvoulakis E. Diapedesis leading to hematidrosis due to abrupt emotional suffering (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 28: Article No. 453, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Taskou C, SPANDIDOS DA, Diamanti A. Complex interplays: Asthma management and maternal‑fetal outcomes in pregnancy (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 28: Article No. 454, 2024.


Georgakopoulou VE, Taskou C, Diamanti A, Beka D, Papalexis P, Trakas N, SPANDIDOS DA. Saharan dust and respiratory health: Understanding the link between airborne particulate matter and chronic lung diseases (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 28: Article No. 460, 2024.


Reiter RJ, De Almeida Chuffa LG, Simão VA, Martín Giménez VM, De Las Heras N, SPANDIDOS DA, Manucha W. Melatonin and vitamin D as potential synergistic adjuvants for cancer therapy (Review). International Journal of Oncology 65: Article No. 114, 2024.


Vlahopoulos SA, Varisli L, Zoumpourlis P, SPANDIDOS DA, Zoumpourlis V. Investigating the biology of microRNA links to ALDH1A1 reveals candidates for preclinical testing in acute myeloid leukemia. International Journal of Oncology 65: Article No. 115, 2024.


SPANDIDOS DA. Molecular Medicine (Contributions to Eastern and Western medical civilizations). Science Pictorial (Chinese Academy) Nov 2024.


Fotakopoulos G, Gatos C, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Trakas N, Sklapani P, Fountas KN. Effectiveness of a single burr hole as a surgical technique for the management of chronic subdural hematoma: A clinical case series study. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 29: Article No. 19, 2025.


Georgakopoulou VE, Taskou C, SPANDIDOS DA, Sarantaki A. Long COVID‑19 and pregnancy: A systematic review. Biomedical Reports 22: Article No. 15, 2025.


Sevim Ç, Ozkaraca M, Kara M, Taghizadehghalehjoughi A, Genç S, Yeni Y, Mendil AS, Spanakis M, Ozcagli E, Kuzmin SV, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. Exploring the anti‑inflammatory activity of boron compounds through the miR‑21/PTEN/AKT pathway in cecal ligation and puncture‑induced sepsis. Molecular Medicine Reports 31: Article No. 52, 2025.


Baliou S, Ioannou P, Zoumpourlis V, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A. The impact of exercise on telomere length. Telomeres (Jenny Stanford Publishing) 269-290, 2025.


Savko S, Tsitsimpikou C, Papadakis E, SPANDIDOS DA, Tsatsakis A, Tsarouhas K. Cardiovascular diseases and telomeres. Telomeres (Jenny Stanford Publishing) 465-493, 2025.


Siafakas N, Anastassopoulou C, Pournaras S, Tsakris A, Alevizakis E, Kympouropoulos S, SPANDIDOS DA, Rizos E. Viruses and psychiatric disorders: We have not crossed the borderline from hypothesis to proof yet (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 31: Article No. 61, 2025.


Fotakopoulos G, Georgakopoulou VE, SPANDIDOS DA, Angelopoulou E, Menis A-A, Trakas N, Alexiou G, Voulgaris S. Prognostic factors for first recurrence following meningioma surgery. Medicine International 5: Article No. 14, 2025.


Zogopoulos VL, Tsotra I, SPANDIDOS DA, Iconomidou VA, Michalopoulos I. Single‑cell RNA sequencing data dimensionality reduction (Review). World Academy of Sciences Journal 7: Article No. 27, 2025.


Kalamara TV, Dodos K, Georgakopoulou VE, Fotakopoulos G, SPANDIDOS DA, Kapoukranidou D. Cognitive efficacy of omega‑3 fatty acids in Alzheimer's disease: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Biomedical Reports 22: Article No. 62, 2025.


Andreikos D, SPANDIDOS DA, Georgakopoulou VE. Telomeres and telomerase in mesothelioma: Pathophysiology, biomarkers and emerging therapeutic strategies (Review). International Journal of Oncology 66: Article No. 23, 2025.


Manta A, Georganta A, Roumpou A, Zoumpourlis V, SPANDIDOS DA, Rizos E, Peppa M. Metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia: Underlying mechanisms and therapeutic approaches (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports 31: Article No. 114, 2025.

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