Comparison of in vitro and in vivo phototoxicity tests with S‑(‑)‑10,11‑dihydroxyfarnesic acid methyl ester produced by Beauveria bassiana KACC46831

  • Authors:
    • Min‑A Kim
    • Hyeong‑U Son
    • Cheol‑Sik Yoon
    • Sung‑Hee Nam
    • Young‑Cheol Choi
    • Sang‑Han Lee
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 20, 2014
  • Pages: 659-663
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Beauveria bassiana is a fungi that is well‑known for demonstrating a resistance to environmental change. To confirm whether S‑(‑)‑10,11‑dihydroxyfarnesic acid methyl ester (DHFAME) produced by Beauveria bassiana KACC46831 causes phototoxicity when used for cosmetic purposes due to its anti-tyrosinase activity, we conducted in vitro and in vivo phototoxicity tests. There were no significant changes or damage observed in the compound‑treated group with regards to skin phototoxicity, while 8-methoxypsoralen, which served as a positive control, induced toxic effects. The in vitro 3T3 neutral red uptake assay, an alternative assessment, was used for further confirmation of the phototoxicity. The results showed that DHFAME did not exhibit phototoxicity at the designated concentrations, with or without UV irradiation in the 3T3 cells. These results indicated that the methyl ester produced by Beauveria bassiana KACC46831 does not induce phototoxicity in the skin. Therefore, the results of the present study indicate that DHFAME shows potential for use as a cosmetic ingredient that does not cause skin phototoxicity.
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September-October 2014
Volume 2 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 2049-9434
Online ISSN:2049-9442

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Spandidos Publications style
Kim MA, Son HU, Yoon CS, Nam SH, Choi YC and Lee SH: Comparison of in vitro and in vivo phototoxicity tests with S‑(‑)‑10,11‑dihydroxyfarnesic acid methyl ester produced by Beauveria bassiana KACC46831. Biomed Rep 2: 659-663, 2014.
Kim, M., Son, H., Yoon, C., Nam, S., Choi, Y., & Lee, S. (2014). Comparison of in vitro and in vivo phototoxicity tests with S‑(‑)‑10,11‑dihydroxyfarnesic acid methyl ester produced by Beauveria bassiana KACC46831. Biomedical Reports, 2, 659-663.
Kim, M., Son, H., Yoon, C., Nam, S., Choi, Y., Lee, S."Comparison of in vitro and in vivo phototoxicity tests with S‑(‑)‑10,11‑dihydroxyfarnesic acid methyl ester produced by Beauveria bassiana KACC46831". Biomedical Reports 2.5 (2014): 659-663.
Kim, M., Son, H., Yoon, C., Nam, S., Choi, Y., Lee, S."Comparison of in vitro and in vivo phototoxicity tests with S‑(‑)‑10,11‑dihydroxyfarnesic acid methyl ester produced by Beauveria bassiana KACC46831". Biomedical Reports 2, no. 5 (2014): 659-663.