A patient with MEN1 and end‑stage chronic kidney disease due to Alport syndrome: Decision making on the eligibility of transplantation

  • Authors:
    • Antonio Matrone
    • Alessandro Brancatella
    • Piero Marchetti
    • Enrico Vasile
    • Ugo Boggi
    • Rossella Elisei
    • Filomena Cetani
    • Claudio Marcocci
    • Paolo Vitti
    • Francesco Latrofa
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 29, 2017     https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2017.1542
  • Pages: 449-452
Metrics: Total Views: 7825 (Spandidos Publications: 7350 | PMC Statistics: 475 )
Total PDF Downloads: 2354 (Spandidos Publications: 2233 | PMC Statistics: 121 )


Absence of neoplastic disease in the organ‑recipient is required in order to allow organ transplantation. Due to its rarity, no data regarding management of patients with Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and end‑stage renal failure candidates for kidney transplantation are available. A 36 year‑old man was referred to the present hospital with MEN1, with a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor and primary hyperparathyroidism and associated Alport syndrome with end stage renal failure. The present study aimed to establish the eligibility of the patient for a kidney transplantation. The neuroendocrine tumor had been treated with duodenopancreatectomy two years earlier and hyperparathyroidism by parathyroidectomy. The review of the literature did not provide data regarding the eligibility for kidney transplantation of patients harboring a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor in the context of MEN1. Due to the end‑stage renal failure, neuroendocrine markers were unreliable and the investigation therefore relied on imaging studies, which were unremarkable. Young age, low‑grade tumor, low expression of Ki67, absence of metastatic lymph nodes, onset in the setting of a MEN1 were all positive prognostic factors of the neuroendocrine tumor. Normal serum calcium ruled out persistent primary hyperparathyroidism. Overall, hemodyalisis is known to significantly reduce life expectancy. Benefits of kidney transplantation overcome the risk of neuroendocrine tumor recurrence in a young patient bearing MEN1.
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Volume 8 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 2049-9450
Online ISSN:2049-9469

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Matrone A, Brancatella A, Marchetti P, Vasile E, Boggi U, Elisei R, Cetani F, Marcocci C, Vitti P, Latrofa F, Latrofa F, et al: A patient with MEN1 and end‑stage chronic kidney disease due to Alport syndrome: Decision making on the eligibility of transplantation. Mol Clin Oncol 8: 449-452, 2018.
Matrone, A., Brancatella, A., Marchetti, P., Vasile, E., Boggi, U., Elisei, R. ... Latrofa, F. (2018). A patient with MEN1 and end‑stage chronic kidney disease due to Alport syndrome: Decision making on the eligibility of transplantation. Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 8, 449-452. https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2017.1542
Matrone, A., Brancatella, A., Marchetti, P., Vasile, E., Boggi, U., Elisei, R., Cetani, F., Marcocci, C., Vitti, P., Latrofa, F."A patient with MEN1 and end‑stage chronic kidney disease due to Alport syndrome: Decision making on the eligibility of transplantation". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 8.3 (2018): 449-452.
Matrone, A., Brancatella, A., Marchetti, P., Vasile, E., Boggi, U., Elisei, R., Cetani, F., Marcocci, C., Vitti, P., Latrofa, F."A patient with MEN1 and end‑stage chronic kidney disease due to Alport syndrome: Decision making on the eligibility of transplantation". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 8, no. 3 (2018): 449-452. https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2017.1542