Epigenetic alterations and occupational exposure to benzene, fibers, and heavy metals associated with tumor development (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Rossella Salemi
    • Andrea Marconi
    • Valentina Di Salvatore
    • Sabrina Franco
    • Venerando Rapisarda
    • Massimo Libra
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: March 24, 2017     https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2017.6383
  • Pages: 3366-3371
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The chronic occupational exposure to contaminants and carcinogens leads to the development of cancer. Over the past decades, many carcinogens have been found in the occupational environment and their presence is often associated with an increased incidence of cancer. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the majority of carcinogens are classified as ‘probable’ and ‘possible’ human carcinogens, while, direct evidence of carcinogenicity is provided in epidemiological and experimental studies. Additionally, accumulating evidence suggests that epigenetic alterations may be early indicators of genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogen exposure. In the present review, the relationship between exposures to benzene, mineral fibers, metals and epigenetic alterations are discussed as the most important cancer risk factors during work activities.
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Volume 15 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1791-2997
Online ISSN:1791-3004

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Salemi R, Marconi A, Di Salvatore V, Franco S, Rapisarda V and Libra M: Epigenetic alterations and occupational exposure to benzene, fibers, and heavy metals associated with tumor development (Review). Mol Med Rep 15: 3366-3371, 2017.
Salemi, R., Marconi, A., Di Salvatore, V., Franco, S., Rapisarda, V., & Libra, M. (2017). Epigenetic alterations and occupational exposure to benzene, fibers, and heavy metals associated with tumor development (Review). Molecular Medicine Reports, 15, 3366-3371. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2017.6383
Salemi, R., Marconi, A., Di Salvatore, V., Franco, S., Rapisarda, V., Libra, M."Epigenetic alterations and occupational exposure to benzene, fibers, and heavy metals associated with tumor development (Review)". Molecular Medicine Reports 15.5 (2017): 3366-3371.
Salemi, R., Marconi, A., Di Salvatore, V., Franco, S., Rapisarda, V., Libra, M."Epigenetic alterations and occupational exposure to benzene, fibers, and heavy metals associated with tumor development (Review)". Molecular Medicine Reports 15, no. 5 (2017): 3366-3371. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2017.6383