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Reduction of LDL and total cholesterol levels with Kalamon table olive extract: A natural approach to dyslipidemia

  • Authors:
    • Annia Tsolakou
    • Natalia Papakonstantinou
    • Dimitrios Konstantinidis
    • Christos Papanikolaou
    • Panagiotis Diamantakos
    • Vasiliki Economou
    • Eleni Melliou
    • Costas P. Tsioufis
    • Prokopios Magiatis
    • Nikolaos Drakoulis
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: February 20, 2025
  • Article Number: 3
  • Copyright : © Tsolakou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License [CC BY 4.0].

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 The present study investigated the effects of a nutritional supplement derived from high‑phenolic Kalamon variety table olives on lipid parameters in individuals with mild dyslipidemia. The supplement, which corresponds to the consumption of five table olives daily, was produced through a process involving the removal of olive oil, the extraction of tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol and lactic acid, and the removal of water and salt. In a 30‑day clinical analysis, volunteers with mild dyslipidemia were enrolled and instructed to take two capsules daily, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet. The results revealed significant reductions in total cholesterol (4.16%) and low‑density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (5.67%) levels following supplementation. Although the triglyceride levels exhibited a modest reduction, the difference in these levels did not reach statistical significance. High‑density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were not affected throughout the study period. The individualized responses to supplementation were observed in all lipid parameters, with varying ranges in initial and final measurements among the participants. These findings suggest that the nutritional supplement may have beneficial effects on reducing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, highlighting the potential health benefits of the phenolic compounds found in table olives, particularly hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, related to cardiovascular well‑being and metabolic health. However, further research is required to confirm these results and investigate the underlying mechanisms.

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January-December 2025
Volume 6 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 2634-7989
Online ISSN:2634-7237

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Spandidos Publications style
Tsolakou A, Papakonstantinou N, Konstantinidis D, Papanikolaou C, Diamantakos P, Economou V, Melliou E, Tsioufis CP, Magiatis P, Drakoulis N, Drakoulis N, et al: Reduction of LDL and total cholesterol levels with Kalamon table olive extract: A natural approach to dyslipidemia. Int J Funct Nutr 6: 3, 2025.
Tsolakou, A., Papakonstantinou, N., Konstantinidis, D., Papanikolaou, C., Diamantakos, P., Economou, V. ... Drakoulis, N. (2025). Reduction of LDL and total cholesterol levels with Kalamon table olive extract: A natural approach to dyslipidemia. International Journal of Functional Nutrition, 6, 3.
Tsolakou, A., Papakonstantinou, N., Konstantinidis, D., Papanikolaou, C., Diamantakos, P., Economou, V., Melliou, E., Tsioufis, C. P., Magiatis, P., Drakoulis, N."Reduction of LDL and total cholesterol levels with Kalamon table olive extract: A natural approach to dyslipidemia". International Journal of Functional Nutrition 6.1 (2025): 3.
Tsolakou, A., Papakonstantinou, N., Konstantinidis, D., Papanikolaou, C., Diamantakos, P., Economou, V., Melliou, E., Tsioufis, C. P., Magiatis, P., Drakoulis, N."Reduction of LDL and total cholesterol levels with Kalamon table olive extract: A natural approach to dyslipidemia". International Journal of Functional Nutrition 6, no. 1 (2025): 3.