Journal Articles

The function of polyamines in plant growth promotion by natural biostimulant compounds

Lead Editor:
    Dr Ágnes Szepesi Department of Plant Biology, University of Szeged Hungary

Polyamines are essential hub molecules in all living organisms. Plants as crucial food origins could contain diverse polyamines not only affecting their own growth and development but also influence our diet as well. Changing climate conditions mean real threat to our food safety and food production, so it is important task to enhance the stress tolerance and growth of crop plants. Application of natural biostimulant compounds could be a sustainable manner to achieve these aims. These compounds possess diverse origin and effect, providing efficient and valuable source of biostimulants. In order to use these compounds without any side effects, the precise mechanisms and modes of actions are important to investigate by different analytical methods. Rare studies can be found about the effect of these stimulated plants on human diet. This special issue could increase our knowledge about the origin and effect of different natural biostimulant compounds and their related connections to polyamine metabolism. The results of field studies on application of these biostimulants are also welcome in this issue.

Submission deadline:


Print ISSN: 2634-7989
Online ISSN: 2634-7237

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